Monday, October 19, 2009

We Are All Creative!

Oh yes we are....EVERY single one of us!

Keep away from people
who try to belittle your ambitions.
Small people always do that,
but the really great make you feel
that you, too, can become great.

Mark Twain

I *love* Mark Twain quotations and this one reminds us to follow our bliss, despite others telling us otherwise.
I hear time and time again people say...'Oh your work is lovely, I 'wish' I was creative.... but I'm not', well have I got news for you, WE are ALL creative, each and every one of us. We are born creative. As children we play. We create pictures on paper and patterns in sand, we build things and make things. Only as adults we unlearn to create.
If you have an inbuilt desire to create (and I think there is more need for that today than ever before) then there is absolutely nothing standing in your way.
Our creativity is sparked by many things, it can be a simple walk in the park, a visit to an art gallery or craft show, some pretty colours contained in many things. You really have to leave behind your fear of being wrong, making a mess of something and get rid of that belief that you are not creative. Forget that past criticism that made you feel so useless at what you were trying to do.
My art teacher told my mother I would be better off taking another subject at 'O' level than art, for I had no talent, not even for Graphic Design...Well Mr Kettlewell (who happened to specialise in sign writing himself!) BAH ****-in humbug to you!!!! Ha Ha Ha!
And to a VERY well known top calligrapher (she who shall not be named and shamed here on my blog and in public) who told me I would be better off doing anything else than calligraphy... here's the two fingered salute to you too. Oh and I remember the poor timid ladies that came into my classes, cautiously telling me that they weren't sure whether they could learn calligraphy or not, because they were...LEFT HANDED!! Dread the thought....they said it like it was some catching disease...almost whispering it, you cannot imagine the look on their faces when I slowly learnt forward, with a pitiful look and said.....'So am I! It's great isn't it, we're one of only 10% of the population' *wink*
So, don't let ANYTHING or ANYONE stop you....the world needs us creatives and remember, if there were no creative people, nothing and I mean NOTHING would be developed and new things would just not happen.
For To Create,
Is To Touch The Spirit!

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