Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Denis Brown New Video

Denis Brown New Video.... well worth a watch!

At last we seem to have sorted out the comments section to the blog.....phew relief!

Anything new is always a challenge, and especially so at this time of the year. I've also added a new header for your questions and answers, eventually I hope to convert this to a message board/forum, which will give greater interaction with my friends, other creatives and my big happy family!  And in the meantime if you want to join me on FaceBook, I've added my link in the side bar. It's all go, go, go!

Enjoy the video!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Hand Made Greeting Cards added to website

Camera Download 238The GREETING CARDS section has been added to my shop!

Yule is fast a coming....What Is Love?

The studio has been busy. Building and designing the new website is a task unto itself. So many decisions to make and the overall look and end result have to be decided upon before you even start. There’s still a lot to add in the shop section and each item listed and categorised correctly to avoid confusion. It’s a steep learning curve.

I have made and finished my Yule Cards…….

 Yule Cards 2009

But the snow has fallen thick and fast; making walking on the icy paths treacherous and nigh on impossible, so whether they will actually reach the post box is another matter.

 Camera Download 234

Here is one of a number of canvas commissions I undertook…..

 Love Canvas.psd

The background is Acrylic Paint textured with cling film and the writing is done simply but effectively with silver pen. There is some multi coloured iridescent power on the top for added impact, this is subtle and only shows when it catches the light in a certain way. …ok back to the Website building. 

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Dance Like No-ome is Watching...

Work like you don't need the money,
Love like you've never been hurt and
Dance like no-one is watching

I love this quote and I have written it out countless times over the years. I think it resonates with the eccentric, Pixie, alter ego. Side of me. The one where in the right company I’m apt to do something out of the ‘norm’…. but I do have to be in the right company! Life is too short to be serious, embarrassed or shy.
The quotation was brought back to me during a post from The Daily OM, a website that I love for inspirational thinking and so often works in synchronicity with how I am feeling and what I am thinking of at the time. Regular readers of my blog, know how much I love inspiring or self development insights and so I would like to share the post with you….

November 19, 2009
Like No One Is Watching
Shake Your Tail Feathers

Most of us express our distinctiveness in many ways throughout our lives. Although, as we proudly share our offbeat traits and preferences with the world, we take great pains to downplay those eccentricities we ourselves deem odd. Instead of living lives coloured by these quirky impulses, we seek out socially acceptable outlets for our peculiarities. We may not realize that we are editing ourselves in this way because our individual societal awareness is unintentionally attuned to the attitudes of the people we encounter each day. Over time, we have learned to suppress some of the most fun aspects of individuality. To rediscover and embrace these buried traits, we need only ask ourselves what we would do if we knew for certain that no one would judge our choices.

Visualizing this day without judgment can help you better understand the idiosyncrasies that are an important part of who you are but seldom manifest themselves in your existence. Perhaps you secretly dream of replacing grown-up, conservative clothing in favour of a changing array of costumes. You may envision yourself painting your car electric-green, hugging the trees in a crowded local park, singing joyous songs as you skip through your community, or taking up an exciting hobby like fire spinning. Try not to be surprised, however, if your imagination takes you in unexpectedly simple directions. In your musings, you may see yourself doing things such as breaking out in dance or dying your hair a fun colour.

Regardless of the nature of your suppressed peculiarities, ask yourself what is really stopping you from making them a part of your life, and then resolve to incorporate at least one into your everyday existence. Life as we know it is so short. Making the most of years we are granted is a matter of being ourselves even though we know that we will inevitably encounter people who disapprove of our choices. When you shake your tail feathers like no one is watching, you will discover that there are many others who appreciate you because you are willing to let go of any inhibition. By doing this you help others know it is okay. No one else in the world is precisely like you and, each time you revel in this simple fact, you rededicate yourself to the celebration of individuality.

To find more inspiration...go to The Daily OM Website... and indulge yourself!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Quotation - Enjoy...

Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets,
so love the people who treat you right,
forget about the ones that don't,
and believe that everything happens for a reason.

If you get a chance, take it.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it

Monday, November 23, 2009

Update on last post

Hi everyone I just want to give you a quick update on THIS POST

I've had a text from Penny this morning and I'm afraid the news isn't good. Trev has cancer of the liver and stomach. She's booked a flight down to Southampton tomorrow, paid for on her mums credit card. Your welcome donations will help go towards paying that back, so thank you so much for those who have so freely given.
As you can imagine she is devastated. I'll know more when I call her tonight as she cannot speak right now.

Much love and bright blessings to those earth angels that made her flight possible. xxx

Monday, November 16, 2009

I Need your help

I belong to a very special bunch of people. They are an eclectic mix of Wise Women. They are Creative Spirits, who have a lot to offer. For probably years I've been thinking of writing a book, but over the last year or so I've been toying with the idea of a collaboration. This collaboration will involve many people who I have grown to know and love through their Blogs, on Facebook and other Creative Groups of which I have the pleasure of being a member of.

The book itself will comprise of Photographers, Writers, Poets and of course all this backed up with Calligraphers and Lettering Artists.

The title of the book is to be something like " Things I have learned so far.... " and I hope the content will reflect and impart words of wisdom and inspiration to uplift the spirit and guide them on their journey.

Full credit to the artists and creators will be given and I will include a list at the back of the contributors Websites or Blogs.

For those who do not consider themselves Artistic, send me a quotation or two. You can send one line or a paragraph, one photograph or a series of photographs.....So whether Writer, Artist, Calligrapher, Lettering Artist, Poet or Creator of any kind,contact me direct on this email: to register your interest and I will be in touch in due course. And please, feel free to pass this around to anyone who you think may be interested.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Special Friends - Healing Thoughts

It's hard to believe that a week has gone by when my wonderful friends Amber Moggie and Mr Mog came to visit. They planned to stay overnight but as other commitments took place they only managed a few hours on the afternoon and not nearly long enough for us to fit in all the things we needed to talk about...I do ring her on a regular basis, but it's always nice to catch up face to face. And as usual she came baring gifts....This wonderful nature inspired green shawl and Moebius Scarf in the more wonderful of Autumn colours.
A Moebius is a construction with only one side and only one boundary. The most intriguing structure and fascinating to all who look at it. It reminds me of the chant:

We are a circle, within a circle, with no beginning and never ending.

The gorgeous green bead laden shawl adds to my collection of 4 now (I love them!) and is long enough and think enough to use for when I am sat in my garden during the cooler weather.
Her knitting is made even more amazing when you actually know Amber (not her real name) and realises that for the most part she is in tremendous pain, when sitting or standing, from head to toe, but never do I hear her complain. In fact the opposite. She's a smiler and bringer of joy and inspiration to all who cross her way.
And I've added this picture...I arranged the items on the table and went to get the camera. Just before I took the shot, Blue rushed onto the shawl as she wanted to get herself in the picture and tell Amber that the Moggies in this house love her too.
I think her smiley eyes are saying it all....

Never one to complain about her own aches and pains, she makes these wonderful Elementals, usually to bring love and joy to others.

She is one of the most caring and generous people I have ever met. At the moment the pain is almost too much to bare for her, please I ask everyone who reads my blog to sent some healing light and thoughts to her, in the hope that her pain relief gets sorted out soon... for she is the last person who deserves to be in pain.

And talking of pain...pain comes in many ways....I am at the moment trying to comfort the husband of a dear friend of mine who died 8 weeks ago. He is not dealing with it very well at all. He is exhausted from the constant trips back and forward for the last 6 months of her life. Although she was oozing stomach acid through a hole in her abdomen, created to stop the infection and toxins getting into her blood stream, he never gave up hope that she would eventually come home.

Now he is lost. All the plans and dreams of what they would do when they retire all gone. They have no children and so he feels like life without her is futile. After watching Barbara in pain for so long, he is himself now in pain...of a different kind. Having been through this myself I am doing my best to reassure him and tell him that his pain will eventually heal.

And there's dear Laoi over at Solstice Breamer... who now feels that she shouldn't have spilled on this post about feeling so wretched... and there are other bloggers who are also in a lot of pain one way or another. Please do not feel bad about spilling, that's what we are here for, and why I created The Honest Blogger Award!

To all those and many others, known and unknown to us here on Blogger, I send warm loving light to everyone at present in pain, whether physical or emotional. For pain comes in many guises. Remember, the Sisterhood rocks. Sharing does not make us weak or less of a capable person, it makes us human.

PLEASE NOTE: Blue only stayed on the shawl for the duration of the photograph, then was given a swift foot up the...well gentle hand on the behind... I'm not in the habit of letting my precious shawls being used as a cat bed. FAR too valuable!

Friday, November 13, 2009

So.....Just "What is a Potboiler?"

Well....according to it says that it's work of a low or poor quality, I wouldn't go that far and I've blogged about it on my Inspired by Script Blog.
As I am without a website at the moment and another will take quite some time to redo, I've took to selling my work through my studio blog.

As most of my traffic comes through my Creative Spirit (hello you lovely people and followers xxx) I will inform via this blog when I please forgive the intrusion.

Below are some pictures of my 'Potboilers' for a closer look, do go and have a look at my other blog here

I know that a lot of Creative Folk who have a blog sell their work and are reluctant to blatantly offer their work through their I'm encouraging everyone who does to GO FOR IT! There is no need for embarrassed or feel you are being pushy, people have a choice. Who are you to deny them that right?

And here's a closer look....
I would rather spend my money on buying something hand crafted and unique and supporting a fellow artist, so if you do sell, please leave a comment with a link to your blog.
Unfortunately Etsy (although the sellers are worldwide) doesn't get the support and is not really well known in the UK.

Goddess Lovers....just go and have a look at this!

I've known Cari for longer than I care to remember.....12 years at least and possibly as long as 15! Doesn't time fly when you're having fun! We belonged to an amazing bunch of folk, worldwide and all Calligraphers or Lettering Artists and we belonged to a huge group... LONG before Social Network Sites came into being. We formed deep friendships and talked about not only our love of our craft, but our personal family issues too. Since Blogging and Facebook came onto the scene, we have forged even stronger bonds and we are getting closer and even more open about our individual spiritual paths.

For all you Goddess lovers out there (and even those who aren't) go and take a look at this post on Pagan Prayer Books the article is wonderful. What's even more wonderful is the link to The Giaian Tarot with it's gorgeous paintings of the cards, done in a rather unique way, and the descriptions are poetry in themselves and have a lot of inspiration.

Also on Facebook was a link to this book Earth Psalms where the writer Angela Magara rewrites the Psalms from a Goddess perspective. Angela also has a blog at Angela From The Center

Tomorrow I'm teaching at North East Scribes, and so looking forward to it. I hope the Lively Lettering and Contemporary Calligraphy goes down well. It's always inspiring in itself to get together with others and share so creative energy!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pot Boilers For Sale

So.....Just "What is a Potboiler?" it says....
Potboiler or pot-boiler is a term used to describe a poor quality novel, play, opera, or film, or other creative work that was created quickly to make money to pay for the creator's daily expenses (thus the imagery of "boil the pot" which means "to provide one's livelihood").
Authors who create potboiler novels or screenplays are sometimes called back writers. Novels deemed to be potboilers may also be called pulp fiction, and potboiler films may be called "popcorn movies" or, in film industry slang, "tentpoles" (large-budget films typically based on well-known characters or prior works, which, due to their immense popularity, support the studio economically, like tent poles hold up a tent).
Well, I wouldn't go as far as to say they are, "poor quality" but they are produced More quickly and perhaps not up to the usual standard of a regular commission where the price would be a lot higher. I produce Potboilers as interesting and affordable, unique pieces of original art to basically sell for a low profit and keep the wolves from the door and enable me to keep the studio going. They are fun to do and created from the heart.

I work on the principle that I would rather someone have the pleasure of looking at something on their wall than have it gathering dust in my gallery. Much art these days is overpriced and as artist we have to work on the principle of either sell a very expensive piece once or twice a year or sell lots of smaller things on a regular basis. Personally I would rather r do the latter.

So on that note...I offer the following.....

Your Vision will become clear,

only when you can look in your heart.


Size: 12.5 x 44.5 cm (8 1/2" x 17 1/2 ")

Materials: FW Acrylic Ink, Gold Pen on Canaletto
£14 including FREE P&P

BELIEVE in the power of your dreams

Size: 18cm x 41cm (7" x 16")

Materials: FW Acrylic Ink, Gold Pen on Canaletto
£10 including FREE P&P

The value of friendship,
cannot be measured,
only treasured.

Size: 21cm x 42cm (8 1/2" x 16 1/2")

Materials: FW Acrylic Ink, Gold pen on Canaletto
£12 including FREE P&P

Forget safety,
Live where you fear to live,
Destroy your reputation
BE notorious!


Size 23cm x 38cm (9" x 18")
Materials: Dr Martins Bleedproof white,, silver pen on Canson.
£15 including FREE P&P

Nothing can grow,
until the ground is turned over


Size: 20cm x 31cm (8" x 12")
Materials: Dr. Martins Bleedproof White and Silver Pen on Canson
£10 including FREE P&P

Do what you love,
the money will follow.
TRUST that as long as you work from the heart
all will be well

Size: 22cm x 50cm (8 3 /4" x 19 3/4")
Materials: Dr Martins Bleedproof White, Silver Pen on Canson Navy Blue Paper
£15 including FREE P&P
PAYMENT: I can take payment by Paypal, cheques or postal orders.
SHIPPING: All pieces come packed flat, are ready to frame and signed by the artist.
Any questions please do not hesitate to email me at;

NEW Inspirational Prints

These are a couple of Rumi Quotations I've just done. These will be converted to Prints and Greeting Cards as part of a series.
The first one reads.....
This is a simple truth, whatever you love, you are.
This second one (and I LOVE this quote)

I have lived on the tip of insanity,
waiting to know reasons, knocking on a door,
It opens....I've been knocking from the inside!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Art Techniques - Using Resists

I have so much to blog about I don't know where to start, but as Blogger is playing up and won't let me move my pictures where I want them by dragging and dropping I will have to blog in small parts, over a few separate posts. This first post is about using resists in your Art Work and I'm blogging about this simply because this is what I have been doing today as a way of experimenting.

Firstly there are many things you can use as a resist. Wax is probably the most common medium, but almost impossible to write over afterwards. FW Acrylic Ink is waterproof when dry. The black in particular is good to use if you want to write something then have the wash go over it in a specific way. I decided to try white FW to see what happens.

First write or draw your words.... you can't see is Waite on white however. Then paint over your wash.... Here I painted over FW acrylic As you can see the results are pretty awful.
Perhaps I'll try the above with Watercolour and see if that makes a difference.
Next was something that I KNOW is wonderful. Pebeo Drawing Gum (Masking Fluid to the uninitiated) In the past I've used W&N and found it not only difficult to flow from the pen but it awful for getting off afterwards, peeling the paper away with it if the paper has a slightly fuzzy feel, especially the softer papers. Pebeo however is wonderful. You can easily see it on the page as it dries to the most wonderful dark grey.

When dry paint over your wash. and let it dry again....

Rub off the gum (make sure it is absolutely dry as a bone first) we have it....perfect!

The paper stays it's original colour underneath and no rub off.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Lettering Art on Canvas - Rumi Quotation Let The Moving waters Calm Down

I've been working on a canvas today...... (Click on the pictures to enlarge)
Tomorrow (or should I say today - judging by the time!) I will be anxiously awaiting the arrival of two very good friends of mine Mrs Mog otherwise known as Amber Moggie or she who shall not be named (it;s all part of the mystery she tells me) and Mr Mog otherwise known as The Woodworker extraordinaire!

Now way way back in June Amber Moggie blogged about this shawl isn't it amazing and as I already have two shawls made by her, but neither of them Red, I just had to have it! That was the start of my 'Red' phase...and something that seems ongoing with me. Red is the colour of passion....hmmm not much happening in that department, but I seem to have an uncontrollable urge to buy RED stuff! Anyway, here is a sneak preview of the canvas I have done for her in return.
It's 16" x 20". Acrylic paint with silver pen and the lettering is done in FW Acrylic using a folded ruling pen and Brause nibs....specially flown in from the USA as I'm left handed and they have to be cut specially. No one supplied left handed Brause in the Uk and I find Wm. Mitchels terrible. I'm too heavy handed for them.

I've done a few Rumi Quotations lately and never even realised that this was one of his....just goes to show, you're never too old to learn something new!

Anyway, I just thought I'd share it with you before the presentation (*grin*)
I'm planning on doing a few stocking fillers both canvases and prints which will be sold as stocking fillers. As my website is down I'll post on here when I add them to my other 'Inspired by Script' blog and they're up for sale.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Website Problems

Hi folks, for almost a year my website Inspired by Script has had a virus attached to it and I've tried to no avail to got someone to sort it out. I'm not in communication with my ex who built it, spent so much time on it and did such a great job, Hopefully today my business advisor from Action For Blind People is coming over and deleting the lot to save further harm for any of my visitors and I'll be starting afresh. It's sad, but there is no other option and as people are prevented from going on it, i serves no purpose the way it is.

I post (but YES I'm miles behind) on my blog any recent work but this is not helping me sell my work and I need to sell to keep doing the work I love. I'll keep you posted as to the if II go quiet you'll know why.

I'm currently working on a book structure which will take me sometime. It's an important part of me and cannot be rushed. I'm considering ever stage before I put pen to paper...something I'm not used to. I'll put photos up of this as I go along.

Wish me luck as you wave me I go....cheerio....

Saturday, October 31, 2009

All Souls Night

Happy Samhain, Halloweem, All Souls night or however you celebrate....this is for you....

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Joy and Pleasure of Making Books

This is a book made entirely of wood. Each leaf is cut into the shape of the leaf and each leaf is made from the wood it represents. I didn't make it, but won it as part of a book swap...but would like to share it, other books and a story with you....

My passion for books started at a really early age…. probably about 3 years old. Been brought up by a bunch of teenagers had it’s advantages. Each week I could have either a Ladybird Book, or a Matchbox Car. I had over a 100 Ladybird Books and you can still buy them now!

My Calligraphy and Lettering path lead me to a workshop where I actually learnt to make my own! Totally different and a refreshing change from writing on paper and mounting or framing it, and the delivery of profound and sometimes moving words seemed more personal and intimate.

Over the years I took part in many on-line book swaps organised by fellow calligraphers. Our deep love and understanding of words gave is the perfect vehicle for sharing our inspirational creativity alongside the texts that moved us. We are a fortunate bunch of people who, on the whole, can actually ‘feel’ the words, then express them as marks on a page. These movements come from deep within, unlike handwriting and lettering for lettering's sake.

I was clearing out the studio the other day and on top of a filing cabinet are about 8 boxes. Each box is full of memories…. memories for which I cannot part with and no amount of money would buy what’s in those boxes.

The actual value of what’s inside monetary wise is very little, for they are nothing but bits of paper….but inside each box holds the spirit and essence of those creative hands that sent items mostly from abroad and their value on a spiritual level is….PRICELESS! The words, thoughts, sentiments and pure kindness cannot be bought or sold. Some of the items were done by complete beginners and others pieces by ‘masters’, each created piece is just as valuable as the next. The beginners did not wait to become experts and the experts weren’t so precious with their work that they refused to part with it. All this was sent as an act of love….the Love of sharing their life’s passion.

Friendships were formed and many of us are still firm friends almost 20 years later. We have not met each other….and yet we ‘know’ each other so well. We belonged to an on-line group who shared a common bond….and that group still exists today. Many of us now are on Facebook and other social networking site. We know about each others lives, kids, families. We have shared both joys and tragedies. We have supported and encouraged each other over the passage of time. We have known each other since our kids were little! We have shared stories and poems and pieces of wisdom and helpful guidance when it has been asked of us. We are not well paid for the hours we spend, doing what we love…..but the rewards are more precious than gold!

I’d like to share a few of my most treasured gifts……

Here;s a book by
Beth Lee who very kindly offered to host the swaps
You can see more of her books on HER BLOG HERE

The book was made using dark green paste paper and written in Gold....stunning!

And here is a real treasure from Bev Allen who I had the great fortune to meet when I had my studio in Darlington and she came over from Canada on a visit...

Were still good buddies on Facebook and via the blogging world. It's about time she got her own blog as the link above is one that she runs for her guild.

This is another wonderful book I received in a book swap at a local group called Quatro'.

And this is another amazingly Small concertina book. As you can see from the ruler it must have took some careful planning and expert calligraphy to do the copperplate in letters no higher than about 3mm!
And for all you book making buddies out there who make 'One Off' books or small print run might like to visit Vamps and Tramps it's worth a peek.
OK I'm on my last lap of decorating this weekend. The weather forecast is not good, gale force winds on Sunday and thanks to my mums help I have only the bedroom and the hall, stairs and landing to emulsion and the bedroom to gloss. With such crappy eyesight I was always terrified of going it alone, but this Pixie will not be beaten! Ra, ra, ra! I've been reading a book called The Power of TED* and I think it's gone to my head...well that and the Bach Flower Remedies!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What a joke! NOT lol

Well I 'usually' compose my blog posts in word then cut copy and paste into my blog, so that I can spell and grammar check and make sure all is well....well as much as it can be.
So, I've just spent the last 2 hours writing a post to catch up... and for some reason, either Internet Explorer 8 or blogger is playing up and I can't paste into this post.....oh technology....doncha just love it!

Never mind, the post will just have to wait for tonight. Although we squeezed an extra hour in at the weekend...I'm shattered! Damn those dark morning and early dark evening...I NEED the light!!!

Basically the post was to be about how wonderful the 'homestead' looks now that the glossing is done almost all the way through the house (thanks to my mums help xxx) only my bedroom to go! How lethargic and lack lustre I feel and creativity devoid of ideas at the moment...Yeah I know.... we all get 'em, and welcoming a new Honest Blogger to our ever growing clan of Wise Women the lovely Laura at Shine the Divine .....welcome hunny. Laura was recommended by my good friend and co worker Suzi at Creative Whispers.
I was also sending Rose at Living on the Witchy Side a great big hug as she is so poorly at the moment. I was also asking what's got into Amber Mog??? Femme Creator Extraordinaire! Yeah go for it really are on one....and I want some of what you're on! lol

Oh and there was probably more blather about how glad I was when the computer technician fixed my computer and got me back into the real was a close call girls....4 days without my computer and I was seriously thinking of getting a man! Luckily he saved the day, it cost me, but there again probably a lot less than having a man around would!

Anyway, it's probably best I couldn't post the word document...for I have condensed the whole thing down to a few paragraphs now....NOTE TO SELF: You GAS too much!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Absent Without Leave

Phew....BOTH home and work computer back up and running! 2 and half hours with a computer technician, a new part for my work computer and a complete re-install on my home one after suffering the blue screen of death! Purse £100 lighter....but the Pixie is happy again.... happy to be back, connected to the outside world!

Reminder to friends....BACK UP YOUR HARD DRIVE! for my well deserved tea....will catch up on your blogs later.
I have SO missed everyone

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Etsy Featured Seller of the Week!

Once again I have the greatest of joy in sharing with you the following link Etsy Art and Design. And on THIS LINK I'm honoured to be featured as the Etsy Featured Seller of the Week!

the lady who runs this blog is also a fellow Calligrapher and Lettering Artist and this blog features many interesting crafts people who sell on Etsy.

What's Etsy I hear the UK blog readers say....well if you make Art and Craft special items this is a wonderful way to showcase and sell your work. It's relatively new to the Uk and very slow to catch on, so we all should really do as much as we can to spread the word.

Selling on Etsy is cheap (VERY cheap) compared to other forms of selling, your listing lasts for 3 months or until it is sold and best of can get your very own shop ABSOLUTELY FREE!
there's a wonderful message board and creators of all kinds can get together and share their love of crafts and their hint, tips and techniques for selling online.

If you've been wanting to sell your work and wondering where to sell it or if you would like to purchase hand made quality items whether you are in the Uk or not......go to Your place to buy and sell anything handmade!

Cindy the Etsy Art and Design Owner also has an etsy shop which you can find HERE and also has a few other blogs too, including Calligraphy Art and Design, Calligraphy Art and Design News and Collected Truths Quotations and Words of Wisdom
Thank you Cindy for choosing me as your Etsy Seller of the Week!

And one last thing to share with you tonight, my very special friend, who I see only once a year, has now got her own blog to promote, share and hopefully sell her wonderfully scented, absolutely natural, soaps, creams, bath bombs, herbs and ohhh all sorts of delicious goodies! Anyway, go over the her blog at The Old Pit Potions and give her a warm welcome and a bit of encouragement will you all???? Please?
Ok....for tonight,,,, thank's all folks.

Monday, October 19, 2009

We Are All Creative!

Oh yes we are....EVERY single one of us!

Keep away from people
who try to belittle your ambitions.
Small people always do that,
but the really great make you feel
that you, too, can become great.

Mark Twain

I *love* Mark Twain quotations and this one reminds us to follow our bliss, despite others telling us otherwise.
I hear time and time again people say...'Oh your work is lovely, I 'wish' I was creative.... but I'm not', well have I got news for you, WE are ALL creative, each and every one of us. We are born creative. As children we play. We create pictures on paper and patterns in sand, we build things and make things. Only as adults we unlearn to create.
If you have an inbuilt desire to create (and I think there is more need for that today than ever before) then there is absolutely nothing standing in your way.
Our creativity is sparked by many things, it can be a simple walk in the park, a visit to an art gallery or craft show, some pretty colours contained in many things. You really have to leave behind your fear of being wrong, making a mess of something and get rid of that belief that you are not creative. Forget that past criticism that made you feel so useless at what you were trying to do.
My art teacher told my mother I would be better off taking another subject at 'O' level than art, for I had no talent, not even for Graphic Design...Well Mr Kettlewell (who happened to specialise in sign writing himself!) BAH ****-in humbug to you!!!! Ha Ha Ha!
And to a VERY well known top calligrapher (she who shall not be named and shamed here on my blog and in public) who told me I would be better off doing anything else than calligraphy... here's the two fingered salute to you too. Oh and I remember the poor timid ladies that came into my classes, cautiously telling me that they weren't sure whether they could learn calligraphy or not, because they were...LEFT HANDED!! Dread the thought....they said it like it was some catching disease...almost whispering it, you cannot imagine the look on their faces when I slowly learnt forward, with a pitiful look and said.....'So am I! It's great isn't it, we're one of only 10% of the population' *wink*
So, don't let ANYTHING or ANYONE stop you....the world needs us creatives and remember, if there were no creative people, nothing and I mean NOTHING would be developed and new things would just not happen.
For To Create,
Is To Touch The Spirit!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Inspired by Words... I certainly am!

Ok, ok, so the great Mrs. Fit who jumped up and down ladders yesterday, perhaps isn't as fit as she thought (now where's that yoga book!) anyway, the opportunity for a day out arose and feeling like I'd done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson, I jumped at the chance.
So, look where I've been today....
Can you tell where it is yet?

Although Ripon Cathedral is not my favourite Cathedral, Durham is,) I was there for a very special reason. And I was not disappointed. In fact I was overwhelmed, stunned, very proud and speechless....yes can you believe it.... me speechless! That's a first!

I was there to see an Exhibition by North Yorkshire Calligraphers, of whom I am the President. The group was formed way back in 1990, by myself and with the great help of 2 others. The work is fact I will go further than that and say that is some of the finest and inventive calligraphy and Lettering Art that has been seen for many years. Well, done everyone!

If you get the chance to go, please do! The exhibition is open daily until the end of the month.

Below are just 3 of the many pieces that took my breath away....

Ian Ditchburn (Chairman)

Anne Porritt
And again, another by Ian

The photos of the exhibition
show only a half of the exhibits.
Didn't they do well?

Excuses, Excuses…No More Excuses...Just Do It!

When you think you can't - YOU VERY OFTEN CAN!

This is a long get a cuppa, pull up a chair and read on...I may just strike a chord and gee you up a little into action...
For the lat 2 and a half years and the dreadful Saturn return (as a Virgo how she’s been afflicted – I mean affected!!) where I feel like sometimes I’ve been to hell and back and bounced off every wall I seem to have been near, a corner has been turned.
I knew I was in for a tough ride…I wasn’t quite prepared for just how tough it would get.

However…onto the reason for this post…
For the last week or so something inside me has changed and changed in a really big way! Like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel strong, empowered and full of hell (in a nice pixieish sort of way). I have turned a huge corner in my life and somehow think that life will never quite be the same again.

OK, so my visual impairment prevents me from doing a lot in life….or does it? I thought so, but now I realise that it doesn’t. The only thing holding me back is ME! Me, myself and I. So often I have used this as an excuse as to why something was not possible and OK so driving a car with these eyes would be pretty stupid! For the safety of others more than myself, but I have ridden a horse on the open road and also a motorbike in the last year or so, NOT on the road I hasten to add),

Let me describe my vision (or what is left of it) is pretty hard. Take a pair of glasses, in the middle of the lens stick a semi transparent grey disc in the centre, then walk about the house for a bit. Try standing on a chair and closing your eyes while jumping off. Get up close to someone, about 7” away, then you can see them a little more clearly, it feels like you are a bit cross eyed, but worse than that, watch them back away as you invade their personal space. Above all else, have a conversation with someone with your eyes shut, seeing personal expressions are not something I can see. You can’t see them smile or scowl, in fact all you can see is a silhouette. Crossing the road can be a bit of a drama…risk taking is paramount, if you don’t take a (calculated) risk you don’t get to cross….anyway….you get the picture.
Anyway, I’ve been mulling over the number of excuses I can come up with for not doing or believing that I can’t do something and basically give myself a good kick up the jacksy!

My living room has needed painting for 5 years that I can think of and I did set a target to paint the whole house this year…well there comes a time when needs must. And I’ve almost finished the living room. My mum’s coming over to gloss next Thursday (bless her). Now if I painted everything white there would have been no problems at all….but this Pixie does not do white….no, no, no…. I wanted it RED! It terrified me to think of how it would all look. The thought of touching even the slightest bit of white gloss with a teeny smudge of paint and the result would be VERY obvious! Still, this Pixies not for putting off.

It’s amazing that so many things we learn in the our younger days can be of so much use later on…
And I will add here, that in my younger days I was a gymnast and worked to county champion level. I’ve also done yoga, tramp lining, a little ballet, long and short distance running…oh yeah…YAWN….

Anyway…Today, I donned a pair of jeans, got out a ladder and jumped nimbly up and down….ok, ok, so there were a few false starts and some near misses, but I realised that while I was up there I needed to exercise my ability to stay on them while looking upward. It also gave me the chance to demonstrate to my menagerie that their mother can still do bar work along a painting platform, ok, I didn’t manage a triple pike but my ability to stay upright was superb and I could tell they were impressed. I stupidly saw a mark on the ceiling and got a damp cloth to wipe it off. Just a small patch about 4” square …arrrgghhhh….bug-rit! I’ve had to wash the whole ceiling! Either that or paint it!!! Now that I CAN’T DO! All 240 square foot of it! I now know my ceiling intimately. The only near hospital visit possibility was caused by Morag who took me a little by surprise when I’m sure she moved as I was standing up.

Anyway added to the decorating I have turfed out the house, getting into nooks and crannies and throwing away the clutter like there’s no tomorrow and the studio has been part tackled too. I no longer need ‘stuff’ around me, It clutters up my life and my head, making me feel like I’m hemmed in. My mind is freer, my life seems to be getting more organised, I am achieving more, but I am also getting sillier and my creative head…well it’s nothing short of madness.
I intend to start a Creativity Coaching Group, and teach sessions at the studio. My gallery bit has been organised so that I can fit 4 people in it and don’t have to move stuff around my workspace (in another room) which iis difficult if I’m in the middle of a job. I am jumping about, singing (badly, but who cares) along to 60’s songs while decorating and yeah dancing alone too. I’m sure the cats gave me a round of applause for my performance…I must have lost a stone in weight (alright, slight exaggeration here) due to the up and down of the ladder and having ants in my pants. Above all, I want to earn a living from the thing I love the most. I am loosing my feeling of GUILT that has over ridden my ability to charge for my play. This is WHAT I do. It’s how I managed to pay my bills and it is my living.

I tell you this story, friends, not for sympathy or pats on the back. It’s to share with you the many rather lame excuses I have tripped of my tongue in the last 10 or so years have to stop.

So, what excuses do you use? What holds you back and why? Are they real or lame reasons for not wanting to do something or not having the confidence to at least try? What have you got to loose?

Remember: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade…and when you say you can’t you usually CAN! Go out and JUST DO IT! Loose the fear of being wrong, or failing, for there is no such thing as failure. Just something that although didn’t happen, gives you the wisdom or knowledge to do it differently NEXT TIME
you try.

And I suppose if you’ve read this far….you will be still wondering….just who the hell is Morag????

Visitors to my home are well acquainted with her. She was a thirtieth birthday present from my husband…. And there goes another whole new story! And she hangs from my living room (yes VERY RED living room) ceiling and she’s flown there for almost the last 20 years (is it really THAT long). Oh just look at her, even she looks happier.

When you think you can't - YOU VERY OFTEN CAN!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Nursery Rhymes. - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Many years ago now I worked on a large broadsheet which contained a lot of Children's Nursery Rhymes. My original reason for this is that I wanted to turn it into a full sized, full colour printed poster. It was sent with a large amount of my work to be put in an exhibition and promote calligraphy around the North East area.
I was delayed in picking the work up and the centre change managers and despite their reassurance that everything was safe....the whole exhibition was lost. Much of it was my precious gold Leaf work.

While I have been working on and off with developing these letters over the last few months, I realised that the letters particularly lend themselves to Nursery Rhymes. This is my interpretation of Twinkle Twinkle....

I've used tiny caps (my favourite) as a contrast to the informal 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'. Perhaps you will see this better.

And this is a close up detail of the letters I've been working on....

Unfortunately I don't get much chance to do big pieces of work these days. as the vast majority of my work is either for commission or for sale. This one is for sale :o)


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