Saturday, October 31, 2009
All Souls Night
Friday, October 30, 2009
The Joy and Pleasure of Making Books

My Calligraphy and Lettering path lead me to a workshop where I actually learnt to make my own! Totally different and a refreshing change from writing on paper and mounting or framing it, and the delivery of profound and sometimes moving words seemed more personal and intimate.
Over the years I took part in many on-line book swaps organised by fellow calligraphers. Our deep love and understanding of words gave is the perfect vehicle for sharing our inspirational creativity alongside the texts that moved us. We are a fortunate bunch of people who, on the whole, can actually ‘feel’ the words, then express them as marks on a page. These movements come from deep within, unlike handwriting and lettering for lettering's sake.
I was clearing out the studio the other day and on top of a filing cabinet are about 8 boxes. Each box is full of memories…. memories for which I cannot part with and no amount of money would buy what’s in those boxes.
The actual value of what’s inside monetary wise is very little, for they are nothing but bits of paper….but inside each box holds the spirit and essence of those creative hands that sent items mostly from abroad and their value on a spiritual level is….PRICELESS! The words, thoughts, sentiments and pure kindness cannot be bought or sold. Some of the items were done by complete beginners and others pieces by ‘masters’, each created piece is just as valuable as the next. The beginners did not wait to become experts and the experts weren’t so precious with their work that they refused to part with it. All this was sent as an act of love….the Love of sharing their life’s passion.
Friendships were formed and many of us are still firm friends almost 20 years later. We have not met each other….and yet we ‘know’ each other so well. We belonged to an on-line group who shared a common bond….and that group still exists today. Many of us now are on Facebook and other social networking site. We know about each others lives, kids, families. We have shared both joys and tragedies. We have supported and encouraged each other over the passage of time. We have known each other since our kids were little! We have shared stories and poems and pieces of wisdom and helpful guidance when it has been asked of us. We are not well paid for the hours we spend, doing what we love…..but the rewards are more precious than gold!
I’d like to share a few of my most treasured gifts……
Here;s a book by Beth Lee who very kindly offered to host the swaps

And here is a real treasure from Bev Allen who I had the great fortune to meet when I had my studio in Darlington and she came over from Canada on a visit...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
What a joke! NOT lol
So, I've just spent the last 2 hours writing a post to catch up... and for some reason, either Internet Explorer 8 or blogger is playing up and I can't paste into this post.....oh technology....doncha just love it!
Never mind, the post will just have to wait for tonight. Although we squeezed an extra hour in at the weekend...I'm shattered! Damn those dark morning and early dark evening...I NEED the light!!!
Basically the post was to be about how wonderful the 'homestead' looks now that the glossing is done almost all the way through the house (thanks to my mums help xxx) only my bedroom to go! How lethargic and lack lustre I feel and creativity devoid of ideas at the moment...Yeah I know.... we all get 'em, and welcoming a new Honest Blogger to our ever growing clan of Wise Women the lovely Laura at Shine the Divine .....welcome hunny. Laura was recommended by my good friend and co worker Suzi at Creative Whispers.
I was also sending Rose at Living on the Witchy Side a great big hug as she is so poorly at the moment. I was also asking what's got into Amber Mog??? Femme Creator Extraordinaire! Yeah go for it really are on one....and I want some of what you're on! lol
Oh and there was probably more blather about how glad I was when the computer technician fixed my computer and got me back into the real was a close call girls....4 days without my computer and I was seriously thinking of getting a man! Luckily he saved the day, it cost me, but there again probably a lot less than having a man around would!
Anyway, it's probably best I couldn't post the word document...for I have condensed the whole thing down to a few paragraphs now....NOTE TO SELF: You GAS too much!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Absent Without Leave
Reminder to friends....BACK UP YOUR HARD DRIVE! for my well deserved tea....will catch up on your blogs later.
I have SO missed everyone
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Etsy Featured Seller of the Week!
the lady who runs this blog is also a fellow Calligrapher and Lettering Artist and this blog features many interesting crafts people who sell on Etsy.
What's Etsy I hear the UK blog readers say....well if you make Art and Craft special items this is a wonderful way to showcase and sell your work. It's relatively new to the Uk and very slow to catch on, so we all should really do as much as we can to spread the word.
Selling on Etsy is cheap (VERY cheap) compared to other forms of selling, your listing lasts for 3 months or until it is sold and best of can get your very own shop ABSOLUTELY FREE!
there's a wonderful message board and creators of all kinds can get together and share their love of crafts and their hint, tips and techniques for selling online.
If you've been wanting to sell your work and wondering where to sell it or if you would like to purchase hand made quality items whether you are in the Uk or not......go to Your place to buy and sell anything handmade!
Cindy the Etsy Art and Design Owner also has an etsy shop which you can find HERE and also has a few other blogs too, including Calligraphy Art and Design, Calligraphy Art and Design News and Collected Truths Quotations and Words of Wisdom
Thank you Cindy for choosing me as your Etsy Seller of the Week!
And one last thing to share with you tonight, my very special friend, who I see only once a year, has now got her own blog to promote, share and hopefully sell her wonderfully scented, absolutely natural, soaps, creams, bath bombs, herbs and ohhh all sorts of delicious goodies! Anyway, go over the her blog at The Old Pit Potions and give her a warm welcome and a bit of encouragement will you all???? Please?
Ok....for tonight,,,, thank's all folks.
Monday, October 19, 2009
We Are All Creative!

I *love* Mark Twain quotations and this one reminds us to follow our bliss, despite others telling us otherwise.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Inspired by Words... I certainly am!

If you get the chance to go, please do! The exhibition is open daily until the end of the month.
Below are just 3 of the many pieces that took my breath away....
Excuses, Excuses…No More Excuses...Just Do It!
This is a long get a cuppa, pull up a chair and read on...I may just strike a chord and gee you up a little into action...
I knew I was in for a tough ride…I wasn’t quite prepared for just how tough it would get.
However…onto the reason for this post…
For the last week or so something inside me has changed and changed in a really big way! Like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel strong, empowered and full of hell (in a nice pixieish sort of way). I have turned a huge corner in my life and somehow think that life will never quite be the same again.
OK, so my visual impairment prevents me from doing a lot in life….or does it? I thought so, but now I realise that it doesn’t. The only thing holding me back is ME! Me, myself and I. So often I have used this as an excuse as to why something was not possible and OK so driving a car with these eyes would be pretty stupid! For the safety of others more than myself, but I have ridden a horse on the open road and also a motorbike in the last year or so, NOT on the road I hasten to add),
Let me describe my vision (or what is left of it) is pretty hard. Take a pair of glasses, in the middle of the lens stick a semi transparent grey disc in the centre, then walk about the house for a bit. Try standing on a chair and closing your eyes while jumping off. Get up close to someone, about 7” away, then you can see them a little more clearly, it feels like you are a bit cross eyed, but worse than that, watch them back away as you invade their personal space. Above all else, have a conversation with someone with your eyes shut, seeing personal expressions are not something I can see. You can’t see them smile or scowl, in fact all you can see is a silhouette. Crossing the road can be a bit of a drama…risk taking is paramount, if you don’t take a (calculated) risk you don’t get to cross….anyway….you get the picture.
Anyway, I’ve been mulling over the number of excuses I can come up with for not doing or believing that I can’t do something and basically give myself a good kick up the jacksy!
My living room has needed painting for 5 years that I can think of and I did set a target to paint the whole house this year…well there comes a time when needs must. And I’ve almost finished the living room. My mum’s coming over to gloss next Thursday (bless her). Now if I painted everything white there would have been no problems at all….but this Pixie does not do white….no, no, no…. I wanted it RED! It terrified me to think of how it would all look. The thought of touching even the slightest bit of white gloss with a teeny smudge of paint and the result would be VERY obvious! Still, this Pixies not for putting off.
It’s amazing that so many things we learn in the our younger days can be of so much use later on…
And I will add here, that in my younger days I was a gymnast and worked to county champion level. I’ve also done yoga, tramp lining, a little ballet, long and short distance running…oh yeah…YAWN….
Anyway…Today, I donned a pair of jeans, got out a ladder and jumped nimbly up and down….ok, ok, so there were a few false starts and some near misses, but I realised that while I was up there I needed to exercise my ability to stay on them while looking upward. It also gave me the chance to demonstrate to my menagerie that their mother can still do bar work along a painting platform, ok, I didn’t manage a triple pike but my ability to stay upright was superb and I could tell they were impressed. I stupidly saw a mark on the ceiling and got a damp cloth to wipe it off. Just a small patch about 4” square …arrrgghhhh….bug-rit! I’ve had to wash the whole ceiling! Either that or paint it!!! Now that I CAN’T DO! All 240 square foot of it! I now know my ceiling intimately. The only near hospital visit possibility was caused by Morag who took me a little by surprise when I’m sure she moved as I was standing up.
Anyway added to the decorating I have turfed out the house, getting into nooks and crannies and throwing away the clutter like there’s no tomorrow and the studio has been part tackled too. I no longer need ‘stuff’ around me, It clutters up my life and my head, making me feel like I’m hemmed in. My mind is freer, my life seems to be getting more organised, I am achieving more, but I am also getting sillier and my creative head…well it’s nothing short of madness.
I intend to start a Creativity Coaching Group, and teach sessions at the studio. My gallery bit has been organised so that I can fit 4 people in it and don’t have to move stuff around my workspace (in another room) which iis difficult if I’m in the middle of a job. I am jumping about, singing (badly, but who cares) along to 60’s songs while decorating and yeah dancing alone too. I’m sure the cats gave me a round of applause for my performance…I must have lost a stone in weight (alright, slight exaggeration here) due to the up and down of the ladder and having ants in my pants. Above all, I want to earn a living from the thing I love the most. I am loosing my feeling of GUILT that has over ridden my ability to charge for my play. This is WHAT I do. It’s how I managed to pay my bills and it is my living.
I tell you this story, friends, not for sympathy or pats on the back. It’s to share with you the many rather lame excuses I have tripped of my tongue in the last 10 or so years have to stop.
So, what excuses do you use? What holds you back and why? Are they real or lame reasons for not wanting to do something or not having the confidence to at least try? What have you got to loose?
Remember: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade…and when you say you can’t you usually CAN! Go out and JUST DO IT! Loose the fear of being wrong, or failing, for there is no such thing as failure. Just something that although didn’t happen, gives you the wisdom or knowledge to do it differently NEXT TIME
you try.
And I suppose if you’ve read this far….you will be still wondering….just who the hell is Morag????

When you think you can't - YOU VERY OFTEN CAN!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Nursery Rhymes. - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
I was delayed in picking the work up and the centre change managers and despite their reassurance that everything was safe....the whole exhibition was lost. Much of it was my precious gold Leaf work.
While I have been working on and off with developing these letters over the last few months, I realised that the letters particularly lend themselves to Nursery Rhymes. This is my interpretation of Twinkle Twinkle....

Unfortunately I don't get much chance to do big pieces of work these days. as the vast majority of my work is either for commission or for sale. This one is for sale :o)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Baby Birth Idea - Astrological Concertina Card

The books open up into a star or stand upright by untying the two end ribbons. A wonderful idea for any new parents.
We are taking orders, and the charts can be for anyone, they don't have to be babies! so if you are interested, email me at for further details.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Calligraphy and Lively Lettering Art in Cumbria

On the way back we visited Rheged with it's food, exhibitions, events and the most wonderful array of fine craft shops. Definitely worth a visit if you are over there.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Are You An Innerpreneur?
Friday, October 09, 2009
Calligraphy Workshop in Cumbria
A powerful energy that can influence the mind.
In order to experience meditation and Samadhi
you need a certain quality of mind,
Those who practice meditation without preparing the mind,
Do not have the right kind of experience.
The sounds of specific mantras make the mind clean
of it’s impurities and impressions.
Hatha Yoga Pradipika Ch4 V113

I love teaching. It gives me the chance to pass on the knowledge, tip and techniques that I have learnt over the last 20 years and keeps the spirit of Lively Lettering alive and well in this desperate age of computers. People are so not used to picking up a pen these days never mind a broad edged nib. So many things are done on computer...even art! I'm sorry folks but theres nothing that can beat that wonderful urge to get down, get inky and get dirty. I'm staying over at the wonderful Alisons and Sunday gives me the chance to go and visit the wonderful Castle Rigg with it's stone circle and panoramic views. Wonderful! Hopefully the Pixie will be well rested and rejuvenated, ready to get my head around the stack of books I need to read over the coming weeks.
Have a great weekend.
Sue xxx
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Creative Artwork Ideas for Love
These searches always turn up one or two surprises...not least the one for 'creatively idea artwork for love' I haven't had any orders for canvases etc. so I can only suppose it's a guy wondering how to woo a lady...hmmmm.... try a bit of romance sunshine!
Anyway.... one of the searches threw up THIS SITE and I couldn't help sharing it with you. What a fantastic idea don't you think?
ECOBLE will definitely work it's way into my favourites.
And just in case the guy searches again and comes to this post...I can give you L*O*T*S of ideas for Inspiring Artwork for Love! What's your budget?
The Power of TED*
Ok...I'm off to beat with a stick, that Victim of circumstance demon!
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Personal Issues - Tackling the fear
I am having to look at, deal with and face up to something that has ruled my life. Something that makes me feel sick when I actually say the word never mind try to cope with it. I hate talking about it, yet it is a real worry for me and even more so since my husband died and I’m left supporting myself with no means of a backup or alternative plan. It’s all up to or down to me. Me, myself and I.
This particular thing also encroaches on other parts of my life, making it difficult to value myself and feel any self worth. Most of the time I’m in a state of ‘so what use am I?’ And the issue I have to tackle is?…. Money!
As regular readers of my blog will know, I am registered visually impaired and as such am virtually on the job scrap heap. Fine if you have a partner who earns money and you can be a stay at home mum/wife, but absolutely devastating if like me you are alone and even worse, the only thing you ever trained for was the passion in your life, that at best means the world to you and at worst is like a noose around your neck.

I still have to pay for birthdays, Christmas and everything else that comes my way. (Dread the thought that my cooker or washing machine breaks down!)
Added to that I have a studio. The reason I have it is that it gives me a sense of purpose, to get up and get dressed each day, otherwise to be honest I probably wouldn’t. Also when meeting clients it seems more professional to have a business address, trust me, clients think you should charge next to nothing if you work from home, I did it for 10 years! The studio comes at a price and added to the rent of the studio are business rates, telephone, yellow pages and the ever increasing electricity bill. Yes I am there by choice, but it may be a choice that will be taken out of my hands very soon, unless something changes dramatically!
Here’s an example…I did a piece of work, lettering around a mount for an (can you believe this) for an ex’s mother. She then prattled on to me about how much money she owed and how destitute she was….blah. blah, blah….can I say that it’s been almost 4 years since I went out with the nutter and have had no contact with him since. No reflection on his mother though. But anyway, when she collected it she asked how much…my reaction…oh no….just take it! The result, she came to the studio a couple of weeks ago and gave me a ‘collectable’ ornament. I don’t need any more ornaments, I HATE dusting! And can’t see ornaments once they are more than a foot away! I need the money to pay my bills and keep me there! (She screams)
Every hour of every day the studio notches up costs. Small jobs come in while on their own seem very small and barely worth pricing. Those small jobs usually take more time to do ironically! Even so 1 or 2 jobs a week for the odd £10 or! 15 are not going to keep me open.
I’ve had to tackle yet another vomitty problem lately and that is one of Marketing and the marketing issue is probably worse than the money issue. I cannot get my head around marketing my own work and the reason…I don’t value myself! The long and the short of it. Because I feel like this I can’t do it. My self esteem is at rock bottom and my self worth is going just about the same way. I tackle so many things by myself these day, but this I cannot. My husband took his own life because he could not charge what he was worth (and others will back me up on this one). He was too kind, The bills would go unpaid because a little old lady wanted some chair flats done and had brought in some old curtains for him to use or a friend needed a favour returned and in his words ‘so how could I charge for that?’.
Others took advantage of his good nature. They made friends with him and as such got ‘mates rates’. I can’t tell you how I felt at his funeral when all those people turned up a lot of them shame faced and guilty. Too late then. His kindness got him nowhere and others took great advantage of a guy who would never say no.
The point of this post?….I find myself identifying with him so much these days and in the same situation!
I like to tell people I am not materialistic (and I do believe I’m not), I consider myself generous and will do anything I can to help anyone but now I have to get tough with myself and be paid what I am worth….getting others to pay it is another matter! I would rather give something away than feel like I am ripping people off, but 20 years of my life has been dedicated to the thing I love and as such has a value. If it’s that easy and you are shocked at the price artists charge….have a go yourself, and then you will see what you are paying for. This Pixie has to get tough. At the end of the day, it may loose me ‘friends’, but without a turnover of money I will loose the business.
Times are hard for us all, but I feel that by trying to help myself I’m actually creating more stress than I need. Perhaps it’s time to call it a day, put those pens away once and for all and stick to housework….now where is that duster???
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Motivation, Inspiration and Uplifting Quotations
I was asked at the weekend where a good quotation site can be found, so I'll give you some links to great Motivational and Inspirational Websites.
My long tome calligraphy buddie Teri Martin bot only has a wonderful website, designs pages for scrap booker and offer a free Quote of the Day, but she also has a fantastic achieve of Quotations searchable by words.
Motivate Us Dot Com is another great site with a large range of categories.
Follow Your Dreams dot com is another great site but I must admit I haven't been there for a while. It's still active though cos i've just tried it.
Inspirational Quotes is wonderful for shorter quotations perhaps more suited to cards.
Best Spirituality dot com A large range of Quotations from a wide variety of spiritual teachers and philosophers
And I've just found All Spirit Blog definitely worth checking out.
Monday, October 05, 2009
Salutation To The Dawn from the Sanskrit
Look to this day
In its brief course lie all the verities
The bliss of growth,
For yesterday is but a dream
But today well spent
Look well therefore to this day.
Such is the salutation to the dawn.
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Exhibition Piece - Dreaming of Oneness by Jamie Sams
I was asked to submit a couple of pieces of work for the North Yorkshire Calligraphers Annual exhibition that is to be held at the prestigious Ripon Cathedral. The exhibition opened on Friday and will run for the month of October. Many of the pieces of work are for sale (including my own). 4 pieces actually sold as the exhibition was being hung!
As their founder and honorary President, I must admit I was feeling under pressure to 'produce the goods'. I felt really difficult knowing that many of the group are now up to my level!

September Musings
What a month September was! Just looking back and reflecting on the changes that seem to come hand in hand with the turning of the wheel and our journey into Autumn.
I had a wonderful son and his wife surprised me with this wonderful 'icecream' birthday cake, complete with glitter and sparkles and a special Happy Birthday to the Purple Pixie on it....Hmmmm delicious :o)

Ive done a couple of Christening posters...

Thursday, October 01, 2009
Honest Blogger Award - Because SHIfT HAPPENS!

Telling It Like It Is'
WE ARE Honest Blogger!
the Sisterhood of
As honest bloggers we:
(Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Add To...As You Wish)
* Speak our truth from the heart and tell it like it is.
* Share openly and honestly our true feelings without fear of judgement, Blame or shame.
* We write to share our achievements so others can also share our joy.
* We write about our bad times too, knowing that the love and support of others is around us and perhaps heal another’s pain in the process..
*We are human beings will real feelings and emotions and REFUSE to hide behind a mask.
* We dare to be different
* We are Free Spirits
* We realsie that by spilling out, we lighten our load.
* We acknowledge our strengths and weaknesses and don't see them in terms of success or failure.
* We laugh together and cry together
* We are all following our own journey in our own unique way
* Above all else, we may lie on the floor, screaming and kicking, or feel like life is collapsing around us once in a while….but at the end of the day, we drag ourselves up, dust ourselves off and rise to fight another day.
For we are Warrior Women and we write not to please others, stroke our own egos or be judged, we blog because we care!
Our blogs are our therapy, and through sharing SHIfT HAPPENS! This award was created in particular for the following Honest Bloggers for they have opened their hearts in public and gained many friends in return.... You are truly wonderful people! In no particular order, girls, ladies and goddesses all I present to you, the following Honest Bloggers....drum roll please...