Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Hand Made Books Added to my Etsy Shop
UK Sellers on Etsy are growing in numbers. etsy is far more geared up to Hand Made Goods. Their fees are low, so UK makers and shakers....open a shop...IT'S FREE! And the most important thing is it's totally interactive with chat rooms and like minded groups. What does need to happen though is more of the UK sellers to spread the word and let people know about it, by promoting it on as much material and by word of mouth as is humanly possible.
Anyway.... if you want to see my New Journals CLICK HERE
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Be Careful What you Wish For
One of the things I hate to hear is someone saying to another ‘Be Careful’. It contours up and says to the unconscious mind that they are not safe and something terrible is more likely than not going to happen to them. So when I say, Be Careful What You Wish for, I mean it as in be careful what you put out there, for what you wish for will come true, whether your wish is a prayer or a spell, and what you put out there comes back to you 3 fold, so when wishes come true make sure your really ready for whatever comes your way.

The Pixies market garden (well it certainly looks like one!) is well on it’s way and my original ‘Wish List’ created in January is well on it’s way to being completed, and that’s without even trying! I have planted for what feels like weeks and weeks and much to my amazement, things are starting to grow. I’ve planted, potatoes, carrots all colours and varieties, parsnips, courgettes, peppers, runner beans, French beans and broad beans, beetroot, spinach, aubergines (doing very nicely) and sweet corn (also doing very nicely). My salad stuff is starting to grow too, spring onions, radish, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce and other salad leafs, hopefully the Pixie will eat cheap this year. I’ve been vegetarian for 25 years now so eating rabbit food holds no fear lol.
I’m enjoying coming home at night and watering the plants, there’s something really wonderful about getting back to nature and compost up your nails. It did play havoc with the French manicure I had last week though.
Ah well, every blessing has it’s down sides.

’m looking forward to my friend Ambermoggie and Mr. Mog’s, coming to stay for a couple of days next week, a great surprise for Beltane and it will be so good to catch up. I met them both around…. Hmmm must be 7 or 8 years ago now. We were close the minute we met and have stayed in touch ever since. I’m so looking forward to seeing them again, so it will be a short week at the studio, ahhhh the joys of working for yourself!
I also wished for an exhibition and it seems to have plopped right down on my lap. It will be scheduled for October, plenty of time for advertising, press releases and marketing, hopefully with a preview evening. We’ve (Me and Spirit Whispers) have decided to call it ‘The Spirit of Nature' a subject close to both our hearts. We are holding a joint exhibition which lessons the burden and pressure of getting a stack load f work out. Although 5 months sounds a long time, it isn’t. We’ve already had 4 months of this year! And before we know it Summer Solstice will be here…. Yes folks it’s only 7 weeks away! So, it will be all hands on deck for the next few months. Funny how things work out, looks like the Pixie is going to be busy, busy, busy and so glad I only have myself to please and no one else to consider, cook for, clean for, wash for. Once your kids are all grown up, it’s the time when we women, finally find time for ourselves, and it looks like I better enjoy it while it lasts, for I had a dream that Grandkids will be on the way far sooner than I think! And I think my son Paul and Sarah will be a tad bit shocked as to how fast they come along too! Lol.
All photos are of Denis Brown’s Wishes Series
How Do You See Deity?
During the OBOD course one of the questions asked is ‘How Do You See Deity?’ a question that I find very hard to explain. I ‘know’ it inside and outside of me, but trying to put it into words to explain to anyone else becomes almost impossible. Then I read this wonderful article Pantheism by Elizabeth which is so well thought out and eloquently put, I wanted to share it with you . Further articles can be found at Alex’s Druid Grove of Bega site.
So click on the link here to read the article.
So how do you see Deity? Please either leave a comment and/or link to your post by adding you link to your comment.
Well, that said, it's another beautiful day, so I'm off into the garden to worship the sun god, and tend lovingly to my mother earth! Ain't life perfect, just the way it is. No matter what struggles we go through in life... the Wheel just turns naturally and without any intervention from man! Bliss!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Handmade Blank OOAK Dream Journal Notebook Diary
You can become it!

Quotation: If you can dream it, you can become it!
Cover:` Metallic Blue and Green decoration
Ribbon Colour: Lavender
Beads: Silver, lavender and metallic
Charm: Star

A blank book has the potential to be many things! A journal for your thoughts, poetry, sketches, photos or love letters. It can be used to record your dreams, special memories, hopes and desires. Use this journal to wake up your creative muse and inner artistic self, however you express it.
In fact the only limit Is your imagination.
Each book is designed around a similar format
Size: 21cm x 15cm (A5)
Pages: 200, Quality laid, smooth paper
Covers: Hand Decorated Paper with original calligraphy quotation or title
Complimentary ribbon ties and bookmark
And spine decoration with silver charm.
Friday, April 24, 2009
I Believe...... Wisdom for Life
A Death Certificate shows that we died
Pictures show that we lived!
Concertina Astrology Book

Special OOAK Hand Made Books and Journals
A blank journal has the potential to be many things….It can be used to record your thoughts, poetry, sketches, ideas, memoirs, hopes, dreams, desires, wishes, travels or journeys to name but a few.In fact, the only limit is your imagination!

For too long now I’ve had the idea of creating books that are a little more special than the run of the mill (and VERY repetitive) books that I make for the retail market. Retailers cut you down on price to the bare bones and so mass production with fast output becomes necessary. I hate repetitive working and it goes totally against my artistic ability and ethics, but unfortunately it’s a way of keeping the wolves from the door.However, I have produced a new line of journals. This new line are called ‘Spirit Journals’ and I will ONLY sell to private customers. Because I am selling direct I will be able to spend more time on the design and the customer will pay less than they would for the mass produced books I make, so we both win!
Below: the Lucky Charm Amulet
hangs from the spine...

I will blog these, one at a time and offer them for sale in my Etsy shop. If you are interested in ordering a special one, please email me at: inspiredbyscript@yahoo.co.uk
Hand Made Book - OOAK - Gratitude Journal

Special Hand Made Books - One of a kind GARDEN JOURNAL

Quotation: Sing to the tune of nature, blend with all there is around
Cover: Green Canson with printed hand scanned Ivy leaves and leaf rubber stamp decoration
Contains: 200 Quality Laid (but smooth) Cream Pages
Ribbon Colour: Spring Green
Beads: Gold, lime and leaf green
Charm: Dragonfly for the essence of the winds of change, the message of wisdom and enlightenment.

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Blind painter inspires disabled artists
Blind painter inspires disabled artists
As regular readers know I have been registered Partially Sighted since November 1999. It took less than 5 and half months from me bring fully sighted to being partially sighted and 2 years after the first diagnosis, I was registered disabled. Up until then I was fully sighted with only the need for glasses for distance and even then hardly noticeable. With the loss of any of our senses or abilities comes a great loss of confidence. Many times I didn’t want to go out alone. I no longer recognised people, even close friends, unless they were practically on top of me. Along with peoples embarrassment, grew my own embarrassment of my disability. The death of my husband , forced me into a situation which at first I found uncomfortable. I HAD to learn to shop alone, cross roads, go out alone and cook food for myself, I had to learn to cut grass (without running over the wire!) and do so many things that I found at the least, quite traumatic. It was (and still can be) a long and lonely road, where you just have to get on with it. I think my Ex. Was embarrassed that I was not ‘perfect’ and chose to ignore the fact there was anything wrong, would offer little or no help and quite honestly treated me most of the time like a fully sighted person. I don’t have a problem asking for help and one of the cruelest things he ever said was when I told him I couldn’t read a map that he was expecting me to navigate for him, When I came out with the, I’m sorry, I can’t see…. He replied “Oh that old one”.
It takes very little to shake someone’s already fragile emotions regarding their disability. I have met many amazing people, warrior men and women, who through their sheer strength of will, manage to become (like me) self employed and they are true fighters for their cause. Mostly we choose self employment as an alternative to being on the job scrap heap and on benefits the rest of our lives. Just the thought of that is enough to make your blood run cold and loose your self esteem! The positive side of all this though, is I am a stronger person, I may get frustrated sometimes, but I AM so much stronger, and I am far more brave in that I take more risks, every day than I ever did while I was sighted. Jeez, even crossing the road is a challenge! lol. I am committed to seeing people get the best for themselves, whether that means encouragement or just to raise their self esteem and self confidence, I will do all that I can for as long as it's needed. I do believe we can achieve anything in life, if only we put our minds to it and of course it very often involves taking a risk.
I don’t want a pat on the back for my achievements (we warrior spirits can do that for ourselves) but what I do want to do is to make people aware that no matter how perfect and able bodied we are today, it can all change in a flash. My fellow Glitter Sister Anna suffered a stroke not long after we all met in Thirsk and has battled with her condition since, it was shortly after her 40th birthday. Another friend told me last night of a friend of his who doesn’t drink, smoke, is not overweight and physically fit, suffered a stroke at the weekend. He is in ITU and it’s touch and go whether he will pull through. He was 32!
I’m flying the flag for those with disabilities. We are not dim, we are not stupid. Yes things are harder than you can ever believe when you have been able bodied and suddenly find yourself in this position, but 9 times out of 10, we will have a go. The other 1 time out of 10 we HAVE to ask for help and you have no idea how hard that is and what pride you need to swallow.
So a great big round of applause for The Blind Painter and her description of looking at the sun with Vaseline on your glasses is a good description, try it for a day, I DOUBLE DARE YOU!
If you are disabled and either have your own business or are thinking of setting up self employment go to Disability Means Business website for great, helpful support and advice.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Hand Made One Of A Kind Gratitude Journal -

The journal is 15cm x 21cm
With 200 pages of smooth, laid paper
The cover is a beautiful kingfisher blue, splashed with iridescent sea blue and green reflecting the water and representing the emotions. The contrast of Orange decoration brings optimism and hope. These colours are completely opposite on the colour wheel as a little reminder that no matter how dark the situation there is always a completely tangible opposite brighter side to hold out for.
The book has a wonderful sunshine orange ribbon tie and bookmark to remind you of the return of the warming sun. from the small gold beads that hang from the spine falls 3 glass beads and a silver charm engraved with a spiral of hope and the words: Follow Your Dream.

Shipping is available all over the world at cost price providing the buyer pays by paypal. For further info email me at inspiredbyscript@yahoo.co.uk
The Wedding and Gratitude
There was laughter, and tears, in fact almost everyone cried! People cried when they saw Sarah, they cried when they said their vows, they cried at my sons moving speech and when they got on the dance floor for the first dance the first dance to Richard Marx – Right Here Waiting For You. …EVERYONE cried again!
Even the most hardy of men cried, proving that there are real feelings in some of them (she says with a cynical grin). Perhaps the emotions were because these two have been together 8 years, neither of them materialistic, very simple living souls who deeply care for each other. They have never split up and had very few quarrels, they love and respect each other and have always had a very mature attitude to life. True soul mates, each one putting the other first.
Oh boy. There was lots of hugging, cuddling and kissing going on and that was only the guests! Both families gelled perfectly. Everyone happy, smiling, dancing and having a real good laugh, which shows what can happen when 2 child spirited families get together! …. What can I say. The energy of love abounded and you could physically feel it! Many people were involved in making the day really special, so many people gave their time freely and willingly. The Church is very small (they drafted in extra seats to fit all 80 people in!), people made the cakes, arranged flowers and decorated the Church, some made button holes, prepared food (even the night before!), then were there early morning to prepare some more, then serve it and pour wine, my brother was chauffeur for the day, their hotel was upgraded from basic to Bridle Suite, and Sarah’s Gran who is not well herself made sure that the whole day went well with military precision and took everything in her stride, even though she had only just buried her daughter 2 and half weeks before. There are so many people to thank and they are so really grateful and expected non of this.
Collectively, so many people, each doing even a tiny bit, made it a day to remember and I thought this was the perfect opportunity to introduce my NEW JOURNALS. I will do a separate post for Each journal which will make tagging so much easier!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
NEVER Judge A Book By It's Cover!
Synchronicity made me watch the video, first I was asked to search by Ceri in her comment on my last post and then today while musing with Iris (Daughter-In-Law to be's gran) about how easy people don't see past the bodies we stand up in and cannot for whatever reason see the goodness inside. When I came home after a hectic day I searched and found this
I implore you....no....I BEG YOU to watch it....please do it now!
Susan, youROCK! You are amazing, a gem, a true light that shines from within.
Simon Cowell: You arrogant, shallow, man! You should be ashamed of yourself! You couldn't even find it within yourself to APOLOGISE to this Goddess! You as much as anyone else needs to look inside YOURSELF first and foremost mate.... for until others judge you as perfect, you have no right to judge yourself as such.
Appearances can be changed oh so quickly, but to have a warm heart and such an amazingly humble personality is VERY rare these days. Your a gem!
Now please dear Blogging friends....if you haven't already....go and watch that video....the link is here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lp0IWv8QZY
Thank you all for your support. The Crone is much calmer now and back to her 'normal' happy self..... Oh what small things we worry about!
Beauty sleep beckons (although) I'm told they can do wonders with make up these days (they'll need to!) So I shall say goon night and will post about the Wedding (perhaps) sometime soon.
And if I'm this excited when my only child is getting married....what the hell am I going to be like when a grandchild comes along?!?!?!?!?!
Oooops, just re read my post....regarding my outburst to Simon Cowell.... Menopausal Moment! Oh to hell with it....no it had nowt to do with the menopause, I would vent the same EVEN if I just had PMT! lol :o)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Watch Out.... W*I*L*D Woman at Large
Anyway…. My post for what it’s worth……hope it brings more than a little smile to your lips……
Weight normal and haven’t put a pound on in 20 years! (mind y9u… seems like THAT could change… or so I’m told), blood pressure perfect…. PERFECT! Well I’m glad something about me is!, Results in 2 weeks, me having a big smile on my face (of mild amusement) and relieved that I had finally got round to the test and all being well, fingers crossed and much spell working, that’s it for another 4 years.
I thought that was the end of the story… Oh how often I open my big fat mouth then up pops my fairy God Mother or more to the point nasty little rickety witch from high to show me different…EVERY TIME!
The time has finally come. My son is getting married this weekend to his long term girlfriend Sarah (the daughter I never had). Everything seemed sorted, people had offered to help out left right and centre…. With only a week to go and over a Bank Holiday when no one can really do much about anything, ‘we’ (and I use this collective term for the close family’s involved) seemed to turn from calm, peaceful, go with the flow, laid back cos everything’s sorted, and in hand, to trying not to get stressed out but spanners in the works for one reason or another and the result of which I can only liken to a house of cards on a table and the table being hurled upwards at great speed towards the sky. Perhaps I exaggerate but it certainly felt like the walls of the temple were falling. As anyone who has ever been married knows, or even more to the point anyone who has ever had one of their kids marry….well, you will know what I mean. Resulting phone calls to stop my daughter in law being upset caused great offence, when they weren’t meant to, tempers flew freely and rapidly and we seemed to argue about the smallest of things… minor details really.
The result is, the wedding is now 3 days away, there is very little we can do about the things we have no effect on. I have had to date 3 ‘outbursts’ on the phone and one near miss, 3 sessions of sobbing into my hands and 2 VERY sleepless nights. Lol. All perhaps made worse by the fact I live alone and my don’t we blow things up out of all proportion when we live alone and have no one to bounce off or reassure us when we need it.
Still, in the scheme of things, the problems that occurred can be sorted, the ones that can’t will not worry us, we are determined to have a great day and we are so looking forward to it. Ironically, the very symptoms the doctor described as been typical of the menopause…. Everyone else seemed to have them too. Now either this is catching, people are coming out in sympathy or the emotional rollercoaster during ‘the change’ is a load of baloney and a perfectly natural reaction to stress! I still remain unconvinced…. Men have these symptoms too…well some of them! In men they call it MID LIFE CRISIS! Lol.
The wonderful thing about these reactions, no matter how justified you feel they are at the time, are the very ones that you think are funny and reflect on later on in life, generally with a big grin on your face. In the grand scheme of things there really is very little to loose the plot over and tonight we were all laughing about how ridiculously the smallest things get out of hand and feel like mountains.
Now just in case it IS the change and I have got it all wrong….please stand well back and give me a wide berth…. !”£…..breath in peace…..hold……breath out negativity…..Pffffffff (or words to that effect), use the technique as often as necessary. DO NOT stand close, assume a defensive pose and inflame the situation!!!!! Because it’s just possible (the Doctor told me so) that, this little pixie may just show a side of her that doesn’t come out to play very often :o)
Hmmmmm……I feel a quote coming on....
God/dess give me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference!
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Special OOAK Hand Made Journals
A blank journal has the potential to be many things….
It can be used to record your thoughts, poetry, sketches, ideas, memoirs, hopes, dreams, desires, wishes, travels or journeys to name but a few.
In fact, the only limit is your imagination!

However, I have produced a new line of journals. This new line are called ‘Spirit Journals’ and I will ONLY sell to private customers. Because I am selling direct I will be able to spend more time on the design and the customer will pay less than they would for the mass produced books I make, so we both win!

My hope when creating these books was that it inspires and speaks to someone for whom I believe was the intended recipient. Either by the colours used or the quotation on the outside. The cover is designed to be a jumping off point for the recipient to continue inside, the ideas that it sparks.

I can make books to order and the books in the posts to follow can be used as a gallery or starting point.
Each book measures: 150mm x 210mm
Contains 200, high quality laid paper pages (although smooth enough to draw on!). They have ribbon ties and bookmark and has a small dangling amulet of beads and a lucky charm on the spine. A truly unique and special book for either yourself or as a gift for that special person.
I will blog these, one at a time and offer them for sale in my Etsy shop. If you are interested in ordering a special one, please email me at: inspiredbyscript@yahoo.co.uk
Putting Your Selves Together

Integrating Our Many Selves
From the Daily OM Website
Human beings are multidimensional creatures. Our identity is made up of the sum total of our many traits and values and our character. Each of us possesses within us many different selves. There is the adult part of ourselves and the childlike spirit that resides in each one of us. There is our masculine side and our feminine side. There is the hard worker in us, the artist, the parent, and the caretaker. All of these selves combined form a well-rounded, complex person. Not all of these different aspects of who we are blend easily with each other, however, and some of them may even conflict with or oppose one another. When a person’s different parts clash, such as the self that is our childlike aspect and the self that is our responsible adult, we often end up compartmentalizing or suppressing one of these aspects to ease the conflict. While this may make us feel better in the short run, we would be better off finding a way for these two selves to coexist peacefully inside us!
Though some of our selves may be dominant while others rarely assert themselves, attempts to suppress one or more of these different aspects can leave us feeling that our identity has been splintered. Being able to successfully integrate our various selves can be as simple as accepting and embracing each one. It may also be necessary to reframe the way you see them. The immature self that you ridicule can become a valued and accepted part of you when redefined as your more playful aspect. Journaling can help you acknowledge and understand the different parts that make up your identity.
When your many selves blend together to form an integrated individual, you will feel changed. You will no longer feel pulled in multiple directions, and you will never again have to deny any part of yourself. You become a complete person—familiar and comfortable with the many selves that make up the person you are.
Monday, April 06, 2009
An Artist in the Making

I told her to draw what she wanted to paint on the canvas and ‘talked’ her step by step on how to paint it. I had no control over the colours, drawing or technique other than a verbal instruction – Paint the background, paint the flower heads, then the stems, now the vase, think of the pattern you want to put on it… etc. etc. etc.
Every stage was completed in super fast time and with controlled expertise. The whole thing was painted in acrylics and was finished in an hour and a half! After seeing my work in the gallery part, she even sprinkled glitter in the background. Hmmmm a glitter sister in the making me thinks! And she also signed it!
I think you’ll agree, we may have an item worthy of selling on ebay and for the record, her gran was really impressed by it.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Calligraphy Commissions
In this post I want to share a few commissions….
First off, not a commission, but a Mother’s Day Card for my mum. I was down in Glastonbury when it was mothers day so she missed out on me giving her this in person. Ironically it was mothers day for me too, so the missing out bit was 2 fold. This was done in a last minute rush as I had another big order to finish. Strange thing is, it worked out first time and I was probably more pleased with the finished result than I have been with anything for a long time.