New A3 Print for sale!

This print is a reworked piece that I did quite some time ago. Although the original is lovely and I’m really happy with it, I wanted to do it again (possibly to see how really bad my lettering is now my visual impairment is an issue). I love this quote and was happy with how it turned out. Quite a boost to the confidence to realise that it’s not as bad as I thought.
The Mark Twain quotation is a particular favourite of mine and teaches us to ‘Take risks and throw caution to the wind, that you have no time for regrets and you need to just go for it!.
it reads:
20 years from now
you will be more disappointed
by the things that you didn’t do
than by the ones you did,
So throw away the bowline,
Sail away from the safe harbour
Catch the trade winds in your sails,
Explore, Dream, Discover.
I do intend to list them in my Etsy Shop, but if you would like to buy one in the meantime, please email me at: They will be on sale for £7.50 including P&P to mainland UK. All other countries charged at cost and you can pay through Paypal.
you will be more disappointed
by the things that you didn’t do
than by the ones you did,
So throw away the bowline,
Sail away from the safe harbour
Catch the trade winds in your sails,
Explore, Dream, Discover.
I do intend to list them in my Etsy Shop, but if you would like to buy one in the meantime, please email me at: They will be on sale for £7.50 including P&P to mainland UK. All other countries charged at cost and you can pay through Paypal.
Below is an idea I am working on.

No wonder we artists are known for starving!!!! Lol.Anyway, I’ll see what happens on this one and will let you know if this idea goes any further

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