I have decided to add these images which are to illustrate the last lost, as editing in Blogger is a real pain in the arrrr..... So I hope these make sense to anyone looking at them. They are all in some way connected to Spiritual Based Calligraphic Art, and my musings on why most Western Calligraphers don't connect the Spiritual Side of ourselves with our writing, when they are more likely to (even today) in the East. Mine is not to reason why....
Firstly: Zen Calligraphy
The Circle here representing The Whole,
Oneness, Sacredness due to it's simplicity.
I was fascinated by Islamic Manuscripts, Arabic,
and their intricate decoration and attention to detail.
The beauty of the stunning turquoise blue, dark blue and gold leaf
This is carried through to even their buildings
The analysing of these manuscripts and subsequent study of them, was certainly a great inspiration when I created this.And what of Marriage Master...of course it's Kahlil Gibran!
Here you can see a variety of Gold and Silver leaf. As much of an experiment than anything else.
I used Silver, Aluminium, 23 1/2 carat Gold, White Gold Left and loose leaf, to see how they would react with time.
Silver tarnishes VERY quickly and really should not be used. White Gold however has developed into the most gorgeous tones of blues, reds and golds, the patina has varied over time and I love it!

Here's an amazing worksheet by Ann Hechle
on 'The Golden Section'.

And just look at the size of this and the amazing attention to detail!