I live pretty close to Catterick, a well known Army Base in north Yorkshire. Often I get work to do which among other things involves the inscriptions and pages in their Visitors book. This time it was for Princess Alexandra and the time before that Her Royal Highness, The Queen.
Sadly, the book has been started in and continues to be written in Gothic...not my favourite or best hand these day and definitely one that is seldom used due to it's unreadability factor.
Roll on the new book, where I will insist it is written in Italic.
In these circumstances and unfortunately, the Calligrapher or Scribe get very little or know recognition, which, looking at these letters is probably a blessing.
the book is an honor. not many may know you did it, but you know and now I know. (-:
Wow we are going to Glastonbury with VIPs:)
Well.....yes we're off to Glastonbury....but I would tell everyone about the NIP status....the Glastonbury Rumour Mill will have a wild old time of it! lol xxx
Ooh I love that Gothic script Sue! Hope you had a lovely time in Glasters. Just to let you know we found a house and it has a view of the Tor, how cool is that!
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