Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hand Made Wedding Stationery & Calligraphy Service

Nichola Close up

It’s that time of the year again, when Christmas is over and the New Year has begun and Brides start planning their Weddings. Almost always, the Invitations are first on their list.

My first Wedding Order has been completed and safely delivered to the awaiting bride.

daytime Invites

TThis Invitation is a simple design, clearly understated and printed in soft Grey on a hammered background.

Above is the Wedding Invitation and below is the Evening Invitation

Evening Invites

You can see more about previous Wedding Commissions, including Cards, Albums and Seating Plans by clicking on the link to Weddings on the left or BY CLICKING HERE

To order Wedding Stationery or discuss your requirements please ring us on 01609 776 866 or 07816 537 275 Mon-Fri 10am – 4pm or alternatively email me at:  

You can see many more examples of our Wedding Stationery on our sister site North Yorkshire Weddings

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Say No To Peace - Framed Original Calligraphy

Anyone with an ounce of compassion in their bodies cannot fail to be disturbed and uncomfortable with the suffering of children right now. The war in Iraq, Afghanistan and now the Earthquake in Haiti. Children are innocent and should not be subjected to the terrible attocities that seem to befall them right now. Often forced to grow up before their time and have to fight for survival.

Say No To Peace Detail

These thoughts  have played heavily on my mind and I remembered a piece of work I did some years ago…It touched me then as it does now. I still feel the same about the world and how ‘Change’ is nessesary.

The piece itself is 3D. The Dark letters on the Light background are hidden by Light Letters on a Dark background and imprissoned by thin gold threads, somehow representing the fragile strands that make Peace not a thing to be ‘Wished For’ but something that could be so easily remedied if we all stand together.

Say No To Peace.psd

Say no to peace,

If what they mean by peace

Is the quiet misery of hunger,

The frozen stillness of fear,

The silence of broken spirits

The unborn hopes of the repressed,

 Tell them that peace
Is the shouting of children
The thunder of dancing feet,
And the babble of tongues set free
And a fathers voice singing 

Materials: Cotton Rag, Fabriano 5, Gouache and Gold Thread

Sorry this item is not for sale, but commisions are welcome.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Are You Following Your Bliss?

Most artists, writers and creative people share a common bond. A high proportion of creators people are spiritual and connect to something higher or outside of themselves. Some choose to call it deity, some call it their inner soul, others their sprit. Whatever or however you call it, is of no importance, natural creatives ‘know; and share that connection. I’ve pondered over this for a long time and tried to put my finger on how best to describe that ‘inner intuition’ to others. I’ve made a great many contacts, teachers, gurus and co-workers who have put their own slant on it. I’ve found that most of us, meditate, have a close connection with nature and a deep understanding of our ‘selves’ the inner aspects of our personalities that makes us both connect while staying truly unique and individual human beings.

As everyone who is a follower and reader of my blog will be aware, I follow the Turning of the Wheel, the celebration of the ever changing cycles and as the wheel turns so do we, not in a circle as you may think, but in a spiral. And with each turn we have learnt more, developed more and evolved more. Each year comes and goes and hopefully with reflection we can see not only where we have been, but where we are going.

I intend to write a series of articles to help other ‘Natural Creatives’ on their journey and avoid the pitfalls that I have undertaken during my 10 years in business. Feel free to comment, add to or ask questions.. I’ll answer them if I can and find out if I can’t. I’ll recommend books and sites that have been so helpful to me over the past few months. Lets share the journey together. Hopefully I’ll set up a forum sometime soon and we can all get together and network.

Although I celebrate the turning of the Wheel, I find this endless snow and cold tests my faith to the limits and is wearing a bit thin! But the advantage of that is I’ve been able to read more, learn more and understand more the rises and falls of being a Creative Entrepreneur and I’ve made a great many contacts along the way, who happily show and share their techniques and teachings with me and with their permission I in turn will share them with you. I will pull together all many of the beliefs that hold us back from making money from the thing we love to do most. My inspiration will be taken from the many books I have read over the years, from Self Awareness, Positive Thinking, Self Improvement, along with Marketing and Networking ideas and goals.

This is about following your bliss, being true to yourself and daring to dance the dream. Anyone up for this?

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Being Authentic

"With courage you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate, and the wisdom to be humble. Courage is the foundation of integrity." Keshavan Nair

Identity is an elusive concept. We feel we must define ourselves using a relatively small selection of roles and conscious character traits, even if none accurately represents our notion of “self.” The confusion surrounding our true natures is further compounded by the fact that society regularly asks us to suppress so much of our emotional, intellectual, and spiritual vibrancy. Yet we are, in truth, beings of light—pure energy inhabiting physical bodies, striving for enlightenment while living earthly lives. Our true selves exist whether we acknowledge them or not, often buried under fears and learned behaviour. When we recognize our power, our luminosity, and our divinity, we cannot help but live authentic lives of appreciation, potential, fulfilment, and grace.

At birth and throughout your childhood, your thoughts and feelings were more than likely expressions of your true self. Though you may have learned quickly that to speak and act in a certain fashion would win others’ approval, you understood innately that you were no ordinary being. There are many ways you can recapture the authenticity you once articulated so freely. Meditation can liberate you from the bonds of those earthly customs that compel you to downplay your uniqueness. Also, communing with nature can remind you of the special role you were meant to play in this lifetime. In order to realize your purpose, you must embrace your true self by letting your light shine forth, no matter the consequences.

Rediscovering who you are apart from your roles and traits takes time and also courage. If, like many, you have denied your authenticity for a long while, you may find it difficult to separate your true identity from the identity you have created to cope with the world around you. Once you do find this authentic self, however, you will be overcome by a wonderful sense of wholeness as you reconcile your spiritual aspect and your physical aspect, as well as your inner- and outer-world personas. As you gradually adjust to this developing unity, your role as a being of light will reveal itself to you, and you will discover that you have a marvellous destiny to fulfil.

Have the courage to be yourself. Leave behind the fear that you will be judged, you may be, but those who love you, will love you for 'Who you really are, not who you portray yourself to be'.

Affirmation: I step forward, into the light calm and confident in 'who' I am.

I look in the mirror and like what I see!

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Grow Your Own Veg!

It’s so much easier in many ways to receive and share information on face Book. Quite often I get links to items I plan to share on my blog, but then feel like I will combine them as part of a post…. Then forget all about it. So, if you have a Face Book account, come and join me and a lot more other ‘like minded folk’ and if you haven’t go and create one.

I saw this and just had to share. I heard about a scheme to take over unused land over a year and a half ago and I must admit I thought the idea was a bit….errrrmmm… unlikely. I mean, no one gives you land and lets you use it for free right? And ironically a plot of land to grow enough food to feed a family is quite simply mad. The area/person ratio…. BUT communally (and my views on communal living are that this is the only way forward for the future – as a collective I mean) yes communally this is doable. I have a group of friend who do this and have done for the past 2 years. Those who can dig, dig… those who can plant, plant… those who can weed, weed….etc. The older one of the group is virtually unable to do much at all, so he has the job of looking after the kids (I did say ‘kiddy entertainer then but it sounded NOT QUITE RIGHT!).

Anyway….for Eco Warriors, who give a toss what they are eating, where it comes from and how it is grown…take a look at this:  I think you will find it interesting!

Art Video

I saw this and just HAd to share it...It's B*E*A*U*T*I*F*U*L!

Ahhhh the joy of things to come!

I know it seems like my blogging has been a little bit more than hit and moss at the moment…but I AM working hard behind the scenes, trying to master the art of Wordpress as opposed to that wonderful friendly place Blogspot.

The quotation: “Change is inevitable, struggle is an option” holds no comfort at present and if anyone tried to say this to me I would probably strangle them at the moment J

I have added things, taken them away, moved things and deleted them…almost without knowing why, if and how it happened. My poor long suffering business advisor rings me at night and in his own time to try and sort it out. When I had to email him today to tell him I had somehow deleted (or misplaced) the WHOLE list of shop Categories that took me forever to list…his reply was What the $%&”£*& have you done!  I meekly whimpered… and the Warrior woman sprung to life and I told him that Wordpress could send me over the edge… Why do people laugh when I tell them I’m loosing the will to live? Does no one take me seriously any more?

OK… My hair is purple, my socks are stripy and don’t match, I blow bubbles, order LED Poi (despite almost making myself brain dead with the ones I already have!) I wear bright clothes and twirly skirts, dance when I am alone….dance in public sometimes! And today even demonstrated Yoga in the snow… I was helping someone with a bad back, right? I didn’t do it for laughs….why can’t people take me seriously.

My friends are constantly asked if I’ve lost the plot…the smile (or is it a smirk) and reassure me I’m sane….but would I know? That is the question. People are so kind J

Tonight I fell on the ice, got up, fell again, got up…. And stayed up, with nothing more than a crushed box of cat biscuits. Far from being the graceful ice skater and Dancing on Ice…to be fair I felt a bit of a prat….but sadly I laughed… no that’s not true… the comment should be HAPPILY I laughed!

All this fooling aside… I have blogs to share, wisdom to write and inspiration to give….all in the pipeline. Thankfully my followers from The Creative Spirit are now being redirected… and in time I WILL find out how to put in my Blog Roll and add you once again… I miss you guys….Wordpress is so sterile compared to Blogger, but I need to change for the sake of my business.

I am however Adam Ant that the blog will continue to be an eclectic mixture of fun, wild spirits and seriousness and be the Honest Blog on which I based my award.

By the way, I see Haley at Iridescent Dark has been awarded the Honest Blogger… well done sweetie you so deserve it! And your maturity and Wise Woman ways are far in advance of your age! Brightest Blessings, to you xxx

To be honest... it's been hard leaving Blogger behind, even though all my posts were transferred over to Wordpress, there's a sense of mourning and a feeling like I've left and old comfortable blanket behind.... as with the sun, the warmth and light's just hard at the moment when I see my business name up there on the banner instead of the Pixie Spirited - Creative Spirit one... 'One feels one has to be far more formal and serious, and behave in a more Professional manner somewhat;.... Hmmmm not really me is it? You can change your clothes and dress how you want....but your soul speaks from the inside... you true authentic self.

And added later: There are things missing! Like where's the bl@@dy spellcheck? And how do I make my text larger? And how can I change the Font to Ariel instead of that awful (should be banned!) Times new Roman??? So many questions, so little time....rambling now to will press the Publish button!... oh yes AFTER I have selected the 25.000 options that I do and don't want to have on this post... ARRRGGHHH wheres the bridge I'm gonna throw myself off!

Monday, January 04, 2010

Just for Today

As many of us are going back to work today, I give you this quote that came from my friend Teri this morning... thanks hun xxx
Whatever you want in life, start today.
Not tomorrow - today. Let it be a small beginning - a tiny beginning.
Your happiness depends on starting today - every day.

Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Friday, January 01, 2010

Lilies are FATAL to cats!

I have just recieved a message and warning from a freind and couldn't believe it... till I read the following Lillies are FATAL to cats!  I ask that if you are a cat owner, you read the link. There is a lot of information on google if you care to research it.

In the hour of Advirsity, Be not without hope,

In the hour of adversity,

Be not without hope,

For crystal rain falls

From dark clouds

I Know I’m not the only one who will breath a huge sigh of relief at seeing the back end of 2009. There’s always a sense of relief and a strange fearful optimism that comes with ever New Year.  Oddly I can never reflect on the old year until I have entered the new. I lost many people last year, mostly people who were too young to die and more than one would think of as being a reasonable quantity in anyone’s book, but a friend put it in perspective when she said, ‘Well you shouldn’t know so many people’, and I suppose proportionally I lost no more than the average man. Ironically, each passing caused me to reflect on the vast amount of friendships I have formed both here and abroad through firstly my Calligraphy and Lettering Art and secondly my Spiritual beliefs. Almost all the connections and friendships made are from one or the other of these parts of me that I feel so hard to separate from the ‘Me’ within, the ‘Self’. When you hold your spiritual practices close to your heart it often challenging to ‘Believe’ that whatever happens, all is working out for the higher good.

Looking inward for a time helps us re-evaluate our goals and dreams. It gives us time to shake off that which is no longer working and reach for that which we truly desire. It’s when things seem at their very worst that we grow the most…. Often in leaps and bounds and looking at what there is to be grateful for can help us push away the negativity that can cripple even the strongest person.

Non of us can go through life without being battered around and punched in the gut now and again, for if we suffer no pain, we don’t know the joy of love. If we do not suffer loss, we don’t recognise and appreciate the gains. All in all, what we need to do during the bad times is hold on tight for the ride and reach out for that glimmer of light in the far distance and watch it grow ever so slowly larger,. Eventually the darkness fades and the light returns anew.

Lets make this year, a year of creativity. One where we fill the world with colour. Make art, make love, make new friends. Loose the fear of your art not being ‘good enough’, the act of creating is enough in itself. Create for the sheer pleasure of making something. Learn a new hobby, walk more in nature, play more and connect with your inner child. Build sandcastles on the beach, blow bubbles in the air, sing, dance and laugh more, loose that fear and above all else, fight adulthood at all costs!

I hope you have made your ‘Wish List’ for the year ahead. Fellow friends and bloggers, leave a comment and link if you publish your list. For those without a blog…. Is it not time to create one?

Bright Blessings,

Sue xxx


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