Friday, May 22, 2009

What Has Calligraphy Got To do With Music?

I’ve always had a love of music. Perhaps it was one of the benefits of being brought up by a young mum and her siblings. Perhaps it’s because I was born a child of the 60’s, flower power, The Beatles, The Bachelors, Mick J, The Twist….. heavier, rock and rolling, dancing, more optimistic music than people had been used to. At 2 ½ I would go next door to Bobby and (now what was her name) anyway, Mr and Mrs Wilsons and be fully capable of stacking records and dancing to a variety of music, even singing ‘I Wanna Be Bobby’s Girl’ to Bobby Wilson, whilst doing the twist.

Dance , music and rhythm played an important part in my life, in fact right throughout my life. From Gymnastics and Ballet, to discos and musical instrument playing. I love my Djembe’s, more importantly I love playing with others. Something really special happens when you drum in a circle. Something that cannot be described even by those who experience it. The Druids would probably call it Awen. It’s a connection to something far above and outside of ourselves. Something perhaps more of the spiritual realm. Many different cultures, religions and belief systems use sound and in particular drums, in their practices.
The beat of the drum, the beat of your heart, the beat of Mother Earth…all are connected. They say if you have a heartbeat, you can drum.
Ironically, that beat and rhythm is also evident in Calligraphy. Each line of text has it’s own feeling, heartbeat and rhythm. It’s hard to explain this to a non calligrapher. During my many years of training, the similarities between Calligraphy and music was mentioned. It’s no surprise then, that the time I feel more connected to my work is when I work with song lyrics.

I still remember the first time the ‘Awen’ happened for me. I was asked to put words into an exhibition in Durham Cathedral. At the time I had discovered Enya and the song ‘How Can I Keep From Singing’ conjured up pictures, images and colours in my head. This experience was new to me and at the time I was still a relative beginner in calligraphy. The words inspired me, the melody hauntingly beautiful. I still remember the piece. A variety of blues and gold leaf. And the whole thing was done in a circle, cut into quarters by the gold leaf. The piece sold the first day it went on exhibition…. In fact I was the only one who sold anything in that exhibition. I had priced it not to sell. Many calligraphers will tell you that a newly created piece is like a baby and we get VERY attached to some things. The piece becomes like a new born child and needs to be looked at, admired, smiled at and somehow these pieces become very close to your heart. There is a gestation and incubation period which needs to be got over, before we can loose our attachment and let it go. I know all this sounds very strange, but it’s true. The connection to the spirit that went into the creating of the piece is very strong. Sometimes we feel like we had no real consciousness in creating the piece, almost as if guided by something outside ourselves.
After that I went on to create more music pieces. Some were done for commissions, others were done for myself, but always that ‘spirit/Awen/outside myself thing happened. I wonder if it’s because it’s a large piece and you do end up going into a sort of meditative trance on large pieces. It’s happened also when I wrote The Charge Of The Goddess out as a gift. I did really well on this one, I gave it away straight away…despite my inner child shouting NO NO, GIVE IT BACK, ME WANTS IT!

I love the band Runrig and have done many pieces of work with their lyrics. Both for them and fans. Unfortunately most of these were done to commission so you are never given free reign that you would otherwise have.

I was honoured to do a piece called The Fox and commissioned for Kelly Groucutt from ELO. I received a tape of a song that he wrote and performed, but was never released on the open market. The song was called The Fox. I have a photo of him with the piece but have only a black scan of the piece itself. I would have loved to have this done as a colour print, but as most of these pieces are huge, the financial costs would be unrealistic. Kelly sadly died on 19th February this year.

Kelly Groucutt always enjoyed touring and was just as happy playing with a local, little known band called Session 60 as he was doing a one-man performance in a pub. Most of all, he loved playing with Orchestra. I was fortunate to go and see him in the band play a return convert in 2006.

The last two pieces are The Fox Piece, all others are runrig. Appologies for poor quality of the photos, but they are taken from scans of 'real' photos. Thank god those days are over!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Affirmations - What they are and how to use them

I really feel like I could write a book about this, so this post will probably be much longer than I intend….. nothing new there then lol.

First off……..

For anyone who’s a cynic about these things, you really have to be committed and try them ad hopefully it will prove to you that WORDS HAVE POWER! More importantly, what you say to yourself magnifies, whether it’s negative or positive. We have all been guilty at one time or another of pulling ourselves down. It’s east to think the worst of ourselves. Usually the words we choose to use to ourselves are designed to chip away at our self esteem and confidence to such a degree in severe cases it can lead to depression and a general feeling of unworthiness. Very often these negative self beliefs have been sown by someone else. A comment made in jest can so easily play on your mind. Other times you can create them all by yourself.

If you practice Affirmations I will practically guarantee that you will see an improvement. I say practically guarantee, because you really have to WANT to change and some degree of responsibility for that lies on your shoulders.

Long before the book The Secret came out (a book I absolutely abhor by the way, as it equates money and possessions as affirmations) where was I (jumps off soap box!) yes long before The Secret and The Laws of Attraction came out, a lot of us were already practicing Affirmations.


Put simply an Affirmation is ‘The 3 P’s’
It’s PERSONAL to you
And It’s PRESENT… ie you speak it as if it’s already happened.

If you think about it logically, a lot of negative self talk can bring you down to rock bottom. Feeding the sub conscious with thoughts that you probably wouldn’t even say to your worst enemy….
I’m so fat!
I’m so thin!
I’m so stupid!
I hate myself!
I’m just an idiot!
I’ll never have any money!
I’m always so skint!
Everyone hates me!
Everyone takes me for granted!
Etc. etc. etc….BLAH BLAH BLAH

Now if you can talk yourself into believing these things about yourself, it stands to reason that doing the opposite will make you believe the good things about yourself, and in turn attract those things to happen and right before your eyes.

So an affirmation about say….
I NEVER have enough money
Should be changed to
I ALWAYS have enough to get by on.

I am so fed up
Should be changed to
I am happy

I feel ill
Needs to be changed to
I am healthy

I actually sell Affirmation cards, but would like to do a giveaway for anyone who these cards will be of use. The idea is that you pick one card out a day and say it repeatedly to yourself. I used to write them on post it notes and leave them all over the house…on doors, fridges, mirrors…anywhere I would look frequently over the day.
How To Get Your FREE Pack…
1) Leave a comment on my blog
2) Email me direct at so I can email you a PDF which you can them print out, cut up and use.
3) Place the word AFFIRMATION in the subject line to save it getting lost into all the spam!
4) Please note, you MUST been signed into Blogger Anonymous comments will not be accepted and you MUST be able to read PDF Format.
5) Offer ends this Sunday (24th May) and your files will be sent early next week. This will save me missing anyone out and also save time too!

Simply open the PDF and Print onto card!

After that....if you want a set you'll have to pay for them like everyone else lol.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Books That Could Change Your Life....FOREVER!

There aren’t many of us that reach adulthood, unscathed, well balanced and well adjusted human beings. Virtually all of us at one time or another, will have events that make us sit up, take stock and look really hard and deeply at our lives. We can choose to hide away in the hopes that if we ignore it, it will go away. It doesn’t! It may take many years to rear it’s ugly head and the world feels like it’s crashing down around you. Those who bury their inner most pains, fears, sadness, anger, resentments and many other negative feelings can suffer terribly with anxiety, depression or even worse a complete and absolute nervous breakdown.

On my blog I try and be as open and honest as I can. Hopefully connecting to others and hopefully identifying ways of thinking, feeling and changing our beliefs about ourselves and life in general. We are after all, human beings with many, many emotions, some good, some bad….but at the end of the day, whatever we go through can lead to one of two things, either you’re a survivor or a victim. Be assured though, whatever your weaknesses either now or in the past, you are not alone. I hope by wearing my heart on my sleeve you may find help, inspiration, comfort and support.

We all have challenging situations in life, all through our lives. We all have to face up to our inner selves at some point in order to grow. Some of the most painful and frightening situations in our lives are the greatest teachers. With this in mind, I want to share with you, the 5 most important books that changed my life, my way of thinking and probably set me on a wonderful path of self discovery that I share with others on a regular basis. I hope that this particular blog entry comes just at the right time to help even just one person….for if it does, it will be time well spent. I hope to blog more about this over the next few weeks and for far too long, it’s where I’ve wanted my blog to go. To motivate, to heal, to inspire. I could post these on a separate blog, but feel that my main blog is where people will find it most readily. Anyway….on with the post……

At 23 I was diagnosed with pre cancerous cells of the cervix. Pretty terrifying at any age, but with a 4 year old son….even more frightening. For 3 years I was told that there was nothing to worry about, and the cells could change back just as quickly. Then after repeated smears and regular check ups, they decided, well actually, we were probably wrong and you need a hysterectomy. Yeah right! Like hell I thought!
The book
You Can Heal Your Life was a particularly hard one for me to read, but I found it fascinating as to how our thoughts, beliefs, fears, anxieties and anger etc. can actually lead to a physical condition, basically that I caused this on myself! Some of the book I was ready to accept, some not, some I accept now later in years, some I will never accept (and that’s my choice). However, probably the most valuable thing I learnt from the book was the power of Affirmation. Something I am still really big on today (more about this coming soon).
(read some of the book here) By the way.... just for the record...I was clear of cancer after 1 year of diagnosis with minimal treatment and have been clear ever since. While I do not advise anyone to try this route, in my case it was an option and one that I decided to take. Fortunately it worked for me.

Just after reading this book I came across another called
You Can’t Afford The Luxury of a Negative Thought. With the subheading of: For People With Life Threatening Illnesses, including life itself! I learnt many things from this book and it’s an easy one to dip in and out of. It’s been well used over the years (as have all these books I recommend!) But one of the most important things I learnt, is that if you have an illness, and one person has survived, there is no reason why you should not be the second. If no one has survived, then there’s no reason you should not be the first. This philosophy was to be proved with my long term pen friend, who had such a severe form of cancer, he should basically have been dead before he saw the consultant! As the longest anyone had survived this cancer was 6 months. I talked to him, sent him a copy of the book and kept in regular contact. He went down in the Lancet Magazine as the longest survivor of Oats cancer, living a further 8 years and dying at the grand old age of 88!

Then a chance meeting with a friend who called round for coffee, showed me the book
Living Magically by Gill Edwards. A book based on metaphysics and self awareness which was to open many avenues and doors for me, and enabled me to once again look at the bigger picture and tackle the demons within. It was probably the beginning of my spiritual journey as I know it today and lead to many, many paths of self discovery. It’s not fluffy or super spiritual hocus pocus nonsense, just a good all round starting point for anyone wanting to see past the world we live in and explore new ways of thinking.
(You can browse some of the book by clicking here)

Along side all these books on self awareness, taking responsibility for my mental, emotional and physical health and well being came the deep need to learn to meditate. I had tried so many times to meditate but found it so hard to quieten the mind, still those thoughts and cut out the outside world. After reading and trying just one of the exercises (the pink bubble technique) I found that at last I could meditate and visualise to the extent that where I ended up, I didn’t want to come back from! Lol. The Book
Creative Visualisation worked well with the other self help/self awareness books I was reading and more and more I was committing myself to take charge of myself and my own health. Some of the tools I still use today and get others to practice too, if you want to see more (read some of the book here)

FEEL THE FEAR....And do it anyway!
Feel The Fear….and do it anyway is another book I advocate. It’s a fantastic motivator which helps you move through your fears whether money, relationship, you job or other situations which hold you back in life. The aim of the book is to offer readers a path of re-learning, by means of which they can get rid of faulty thinking, feel the fear and push through it to turn anger into love and indecision into action.

I suffered severely with S.A. D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and Winters were a nightmare. Every year was the same. Once the light started to fail and the weather grew colder, my moods became so low I was probably borderline suicidal. Only sufferers of this disorder can identify with the absolute disperse that this condition brings and the abject misery that it inflicts not only on ourselves, but those around us.
I didn’t read a book by Jack Canfield, but listened relentlessly to an audio set of about 8 tapes. I listened to them back to back day in and day out while I worked. The audio book was called ‘Self Esteem and Peak Performance’. It was primarily as a sales and marketing tool but very bound up with the Self Esteem side of things. His audio books are now available to the wider public (
click here for a list). Jack Canfield is now recognised as one of Americas leading motivational and life coaches. One of the ‘old school’ who probably inspired most of today’s self healing and self awareness coaches all over the world. Jack has also written or co written Chicken Soup FOR The Soul, which many of you will be more familiar.

So I share with you these books in the hope that they help someone somewhere. You are not alone. Learning about self awareness, self improvement and self help techniques to get you through is not a sign of weakness, on the contrary, it’s a sign of strength. I’m not saying that by learning and reading these books will prevent you from ever suffering again. We cannot avoid crisis’s happening. Crisis is not dependant on how rich you are, how healthy you are or how good and or clean you live your life. The just happen…to everyone at some time of other. What you will gain however are methods and tools to help guide you through, tackle those unwanted thoughts and behaviour patterns that hold you back and give you the chance to live your life in joy, happiness and wisdom.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hints from the Gods .... and the animal kingdom!

Ok…. I admit to refusing the offer from my weekend visitor to cut the grass for me before he left (note to self – really MUST stop this independent female role!). And he telling me that men were good for some things…. Hmmmm he said with a smile on his face. Well I left it open, still needing to be convinced somewhere there, and I don’t need any shelves putting up just yet, lol.
Anyway yesterday I cut the grass. As per usual almost broke my back. I have back problems anyway, probably due to bending over with magnifiers most of my life and rounding my shoulders in the process. It’s a bit of a pain that you have to get so close to everything to see it properly….anyway bear this in mind as I tell you the rest…..

I decided while tea was cooking to go and trim the edges of the lawn with scissors. I have to use scissors because I cannot see the bottom of the edge shears as they’re too far away, rendering them useless. There I was happily snipping away around my blessing tree (a Twisted hazel) and removing the cut grass to one side. Dodger (the Chav cat from hell) sped past me at the rate of knots burping and calling as he went. Nothing unusual there either. I’ve introduced this cat to you many times. I’ve also blogged about my great fear of mice, rats, frogs, spiders and such like, in fact anything that hops, skips, jumps or runs. Now why is it that at the moment anything I say with great affirmation, seems to come back and bite me on the asse? I was bragging to said Beltane Man that my cats were pretty good and didn’t seem to catch anything….well if you discount the poor from that was got 3 times last year! I turned to my right and there it was!

Paralysed with what can only be described as mortal fear!

I quickly covered it with grass…. Although what good that would do I’ve no idea. But needed to think of a way to remove said body from lawn…. YAK YAK YAK!

I had to go in, make a cuppa and decide on my next plan of action. I avoided a stiff drink as I thought I was shaking enough. I texted said Beltane Man, expecting sympathy? A knight in shining armour (OK so he would have come but is not exactly round the corner) probably hoping for advice at the very least….result….. he laughed and said….awwww poor you, I’m sure you will deal with it….followed by, see there’s another use for me Hmph! OK OK OK! I’m starting to get the picture and more than a little synchronicity going on here!

Something then occurred….was it a mouse or a baby rat! How do I tell the difference.
Went outside, complete with gardening gloves (well you never can be too sure – could have still been alive) uncovered said furry thing took picture, covered back over and with my eyes tightly shut and on a wing and a prayer deposited it in carrier bag, then in wheelie bin.

Texted said Beltane Man again to ask the difference. (Hmmmm seems he’s becoming more useful that I thought/wanted/needed!) Beltane man tells me rats have bigger heads and I was sure it was dead wasn’t I? Because they have a great habit of playing dead! Hmmmm never looked that close and wasn’t getting it out of bin to have a look.

Now on downloading the picture and trying to look closer I’m not sure what it is. I took 3 photos all blurred. Not out of focus honest, it was my hands shaking! Now wondering of it’s a baby bird with it’s wings chewed off! And of course, Dodger is getting the blame. Blue was the only one out there at the same time and she’s far too sweet and innocent (NOT!), but I do put my money on Dodger!
If you don’t know about him here’s a mini profile…
He’s a bit of a lad. Thinks he’s my husband/God/ Partner/child…. Amongst other things and does a pretty good job of snubbing people who come into the house….ESPECIALLY MEN! It’s took Sue 6 months to even get anywhere near stroking him and this is at arms length and without eye contact. He’s a great protector of my house, providing the trouble is outside, he charges at the window growling like a lion….providing they are OUTSIDE! Anyone coming in and he’s off like a shot. He really doesn’t care for men and they know that in his eyes HE is number one and they just have to accept that, where I’m concerned, he is the main geezer. I came downstairs at the weekend to see the said husband, curled contentedly on said Beltane Mans lap!!!! For God’s sake whats happening round here! This cat accepts no one, let alone a potential male threat!
And added to that Blue thinks said Beltane mans God's gift and he's pretty stuck on her too....but there again she is a bit of a man magnet and will go to anything in trousers. Sugar, el dinosaur lady also won't leave him alone and I feel like I'm running out of support round here!

Oh yeah...some pictures of Dodge...... Here he is ruining a whole bin of woodbased cat litter! The bin is used to store the litter prior to use, but swells immensely once used, rendering it useless....
Not me, not doing anything.... just sat in here watching flies....honest!

Whos the Daddy! Extreme running is my favourite hobby....well along with abseiling!

This is me, heavily disguised as the settee throw.....
Oh yeah and me camouflaging myself as her slippers.....

And when all else fails....wrap yourself up as a christmas never fails!

Joking aside, I must admit that out of all the cats I've ever had or fostered, it's a bit unnerving at times as to how human he is! Most other cats are happy being cats, but I'm not sure he knows he is one! He's a real character and I often think of this poem when referring to him.....

Macavity - The Mystery Cata poem by T S Eliot

Macavity's a Mystery Cat:
he's called the Hidden Paw--
For he's the master criminal
who can defy the Law.
He's the bafflement of Scotland Yard,
the Flying Squad's despair
:For when they reach the scene of crime--
Macavity's not there!
To read the rest of the poem CLICK HERE

Hand Made Birthday Card

As everyone who works in Blogger knows, it's a real pain if you save posts to edit later before posting. Even if I uploaded this tomorrow or even next week it would have todays date on it, so it's east for things to get lost. Before I hopefully blog my next post....I will show you this.....

A concertina card for my baby sisters birthday. The background is a watercolour, cling film wash of soft, muted, sea blues and greens

The writing is white and blue gouache and Dr. Martins Bleedproof white.....
Tied with a baby blue ribbon.
The pictures are not very clear but may just enlarge if you click on them.

Hand Made Wedding Favours

Quite by surprise I ended up doing the Wedding Favours for Paul and Sarahs Wedding. Luckily she had bought organza bags in Hot Pink, 'just in case'. Becasue of the tight time scale we had no time to really think , it had to be something simple. Mini concertinas.....

Backed with decortated squares,
a white square on top and pink heart on top of that. Hot pink ribbon to tie them together
and popped into the organza bag with a couple of Lintz chocolates...

Thanks to Suzi (see Spirit Whispers) I managed to get them done in time

Something for the weekend?

Well, best laid plans and all that! I did intend to post over the weekend, but somehow my time was filled and I never got round to it. So I’ve downloaded photos for 3 posts and all ready to upload once the writing is done.

Over the weekend a new bath panel prompted me to redecorate the bathroom, which is the first step to redecorating the whole house. And now I know that decorating and sight loss is no barrier to painting walls, there’s no stopping me! Glossing the doors will be OK but the skirting and door frames will have to be done by someone else and probably paid for. Never mind, needs must.

Had a visitor all weekend (yes, ok folks - said Beltane man! I am trying to put him off....honest! ! lol) Despite telling him I really don't want or need a man in my life right now (or for the foreseeable future come to that) he seems to be persistent, cocks his head to one side and smiles....Hmmm now getting to wonder who's kidding who! lol. Seems the defences are lowering bit by bit her.

I didn't see the full moon, but we did go out to have a look...I will admit to seeing the most gorgeous sunrise though. Time flies when you're having fun. Anyway, once he had left I swept and scraped up yet more gravel from the back garden….don’t know where THAT came from. Something in the pond moved and caught my eye…

Then closer…….

Simba! My female ginger cat! SAT IN THE POND! Now I always think she’s a sandwich short of a picnic but sat IN the pond! I'm now thinking she should be renamed Simple Simba!

Then later I found her hiding again….
In an old scratching post hovel. Probably not very unusual you may think, but the darn things never used it to hide in when it was in the house!

My veg are growing well, almost everything seems to be sprouting as it should and it’s keeping me busy watering and tending my little organic garden.

I’ve finally decided on the gravel for the back garden, so once I’ve sorted out the liner and laid that I’ll get the stones ordered. The Beltane energy certainly seems to be around!

Ceri: regarding protection for your home....have you tried a broomstick? Better still a very large baseball bat! lol. Only kidding, hunny, I know how scary it can feel living on your own and feeling vulnerable. I'm almost sure your problem was caused by the wind, it can look like theres been a tornado in my garden at times.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Let Us Be Brateful Quotation

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy;
they are the charming gardeners
who make our souls blossom.

Marcel Proust

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Coming Clean....

Well, on my blog I’ve always tried to be as open and honest as I can be. What you see is what you get scenario. I have nothing to hide, I’m human with all the joys and sorrows, ups and downs that we all experience throughout our lives. So because of that I post the following…..putting Ceri (see comment on last post) and others out of their misery hehehehe

Ok…. Time to come clean….
I consciously decided at the beginning of December when my 2 ½ year relationship (the last year and ½ shrouded in uncertainty) That I wanted to spend a full year and turn of the wheel alone. I wanted to experience the full connection to the spirit and energy of the seasons without the added complication of someone who didn’t see things as I was seeing them and I was unable to share. These what I can only call insights gave me a better understanding of my connection to the Gods and Goddesses and to myself. So I wanted to run with it. Originally I thought that T and I would learn from each other and collectively we would complete two parts of the whole, the Yin and Yang if you like, the Male and Female energies that a good relationship brings to the table and each others strengths and weaknesses complementing each other with no ego involved. Sadly this was not to be and our paths were taking very different paths. His headed straight for another woman! Lol.

Anyways, the ironic thing is, since I took this decision I have been pursued by a number of possible suitors, much to the delight of my friends who I was convinced were having a hand in this…and all of who burn candles. Lol. Despite repeatedly telling the Gods and Goddesses I don’t want or need a relationship right now, it seems they had other plans.
Finally I succumbed to going on a date over Beltane and very nice he was to, but my decision stands firm. I really have to go this year alone. I am not oppose to dating, but to be honest it is unfair on any man to enter my life as a potential partner right now…. Well that’s how I feel at the moment.
I think The Lord of Misrule is playing tricks at the moment, which is so common during the Beltane period… So I’ll just let him have his fun. I must admit it’s made my friends just as amused as to why the sudden interest in a 47 year old crone, sitting quietly, minding her own business, and I find it pretty funny too.
The previous post was of course all tongue in cheek and a bit of a laugh for my friends. As I believe in the laws of attraction (as in the Secret and Affirmations etc) I certainly was NOT putting the vibes out there for a man…God or no God1 (as in the male species).
For now, I am working on my life’s purpose (everyone has one), keeping doors open to new possibilities, writing (sometimes great essays!) creating and growing things, as well as having great fun exploring my fullest potential at this moment in time and I believe that it’s not over yet. There are many months to go before that ends.
Possibly after the year is over (but who knows it very well may be before if the last 5 months is to go by!) someone special may just enter my life and bring to a relationship what I truly need.
Ok, that’s it, me as usual wearing my heart on my sleeve. Doing all this in good humour…. And just letting the powers that be play their little games, keeping me well amused and keeping up my sense of humour. On my own, whatever I choose to do and wherever I choose to go, with whoever I choose is mine decision and mine alone, opening up endless possibilities. For I am now back to being a Free Spirit, and Warrior Woman, and it’s a very empowering thing.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Happy Beltane and Sharing With Friends

Happy Beltane to all my Pagan buddies out there in Blogland Happy May Day to the rest. Can you feel the spirit of Beltane all around? Ironically this was sent this morning from a non pagan quotation site as their quote of the day….

Everything is in motion.
Everything flows.
Everything is vibrating.Dr. Wayne Dyer

Beltane is a time for the Male and the Female to get together, joining, celebrating and errrmmm, well procreate. Men and women, animals, birds, beasts and plants all seem to be full of energy. The sun god has returned and everything is starting to blossom out, a time of quickening and the air is buzzing. Oh yes, Summer is on it’s way. After the long slow days of winter and the land lying fallow, it’s probably just as well that the energy is rising, we will need it to keep on top of our ever increasing workload on the land and in the garden. The days are longer, and we need less sleep. Creativity abounds in many forms. Ideas come thick and fast and love is in the air!

Well I’ve just had the most wonderful time with Ambermoggy and Mr Mog. A time that was over far too soon, but we plan to make it longer next time.The cats were exhausted! Any visitor to the Pixies house unfortunately has to listen to the many stories of woe that Blue in particular has to tell. Strangely they have done nothing but sleep ever since...I think they are exhausted with all the extra attention!

Blue can be really vocal and can tell a good tale when she wants to!, added to that she is a terrible flirt with men! and wouldn't leave Mr Mog (who is a cat magnet himself) alone.

Simba has decided to try the strong silent treatment to try and get attention these days. Preferring to sit on knees and stretch her arms out if the stroking stops, tapping you on the leg or the arm, until it resumes.

Sugar (Dinosaur Lady aged 22) is very sweet, very quiet and very passive. Her motor goes at a moments notice and is so gentle it’s hard to be awful to her….even when she covers you in cat hairs and I mean covers you! Bless her, she moults for England and I think it’s got worse since she started with her thyroid.

Dodger the chav cat did his usual trick of avoiding everyone like the plague until he has seen you for at least 6 months! Although he did come creeping out for a sly stroke off Ambermoggy...well as long as you don't give him eye contact. Personally I think he was sick of missing out of all the attention the others were getting!
Mr and Mrs Mogs turned up bearing gifts for the Pixie…Some wonderful home made bread (sadly all gone now, so could only photograph the crumbs which wouldn’t have been very interesting), some absolutely gorgeous incense sticks from
Greater Goods. So many incense sticks smell chemically these days and I’ve really stopped buying it. This however is wonderful and I will be purchasing a whole lot more!
Mr Mog made me this wonderful Pledge Stick. With my name on one side and my tree on the other. He works with wood and the Ogham. I did get a separate sheet with the meanings, and I must admit it turned out to be VERY revealing! But my lips are sealed for the time being. Hehehehe

And then I was given this Elemental that Ambermoggy had made, and she is just so right for me. All in my favourite colours of aqua green and blue and violets and purples, complete with glitter in her dress and in her hair more glitter and sparkle. She’s holding a cat in her hand and those gorgeous turquoise boots! Aren’t they fantastic? Shes called Spirit, which is also apt for me at the moment.

My Beltaine Altar is done. Well semi done as I add to them for the whole of the 6 weeks. You can make an altar anywhere in your house, a mantle piece, shelf or table top. The colours are warm yellows and oranges. It’s a Fire Festival and you can place things to represent couple and love and growth and celebration on it. Things in two’s are good. I’ve even sprinkled some sequined hearts on mine.

Also on my Altar is this wonderful
Moon Gazing Hare which I bought from
The Goddess and Green Man in Glastonbury. I absolutely adore her. She represents the Triple Goddess in all her forms….
and if I'm not en, I think she just has an extra twinkle in her eye! Hmmmm wonder if she knows something I don’t I've wanted a Moon Gazing Hare for years but wouldn’t buy just any one. I saw this and just HAD to have her. I particularly love her triple spiral on her botty.

Whiles the Mogs were there we had a visit from
Spirit Whispers who also came bearing gifts…these lovely Blossom, Hawthorne and pear for my altar and some for Amber Moggy too. It’s great when mutual friends and bloggers meet, adding to our extended family. It’s Sue’s Birthday today….HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUZI! So please if you have time, drop by her blog, say hi and wish her all the best.

And I can't hep bit have some humour on my Altar, I've placed my goddess and God Elemental on the Hazel heart. Just had to smile at myself when I noticed them looking quite happily sat together in the heart as if they're playing on a swing or love seat. (Sorry Pixie humour only those who know me will understand)

And a perfect sunset, to round off a very special couple of Beltaine days. Shared and celebrated with friends and the ones we love the most.
Amber Moggy is not in the best of health and never complains. Was really lovely to see them both and I'm so looking forward to them coming back very soon. Mr Mogs hasn't been in the best of health either so it was good for them both to have a rest. Mr. Mogs loves reading and he found plenty to occupy himself with on my bookshelf lol. Sorry a bit of Pixie Spirited humour in there.


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