Saturday, October 22, 2011

Some hand made books

As most of you know, making books is a great passion of mine. Before I leave for the weekend I thought I would share a couple of the books I’ve made in the past….so here they are.

Above - The first page of a book before the calligraphy which will read 'Two hearts connected by one thread
The front page has a pastel heart wit little triangle windows cut out of the corners.

Page 2 of the same book has a cut out heart. Page 3 and 4 also have cut out hearts and a gold thread is sewn from page 1 to 4 making sense of the quotation.

And an Egg Box Book....Very simple and effective

A close up of the book

Squares of paper folded into 4 and then folded the opposite way to form a type of cup that are then glued back to back and concertina up when they are closed.

This post is from waaaaay back and I found it in my Drafts box when I was having a good clear out of the last 5 years of my posts.
I will, sometimes soon give full details and instructions on making thus book, Stay tuned and happy creating :o)

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