Now, he's just had a similar email.... from Flickr! And if he doesn't comply he will be removed forthwith.! He's even been supplied with a case number!
What is this heinous crime you may ask?
Were we selling porn or taking naughty photos of ourselves to share to the outside world?
(Yes, I know all about readers wives, but have very little ... or should I say NO interest in taking part in any of that!)...
No the crime is seems is much more serious than that....
We actually made reference to..........
OUR WEB SITES! ... Good grief, the world will surely end won't it, if some poor so and so is directed to our website!
Thankfully Blogger is much more forgiving!
It made me remember, when I had my very first computer.... running on DOS!
I was considered a techie head for installing the Internet... either that or it was 'assumed' that I wanted to look at dodgy sites..... sadly no, the only thing I wanted it for was to connect with other Calligraphers around the world... which I did! and we are still friends now...
However I digress!
Yes I reminisced with Steve about the first time I received an email warning me that I had performed an 'Illeagal operation!'
terrified the net police (I had heard about them) would come knocking and criminalise an otherwise innocent person... I replied and apologised from the bottom of my heart...saying I was only new to this and no-one else knew how to use it.
I was fraught when the email bounced back as undeliverable!
Fortunately I never heard from the 'Net Police', no-one came knocking and my 'illegal opperations' became fewer and fewer.
Question: Whatever happened to that white cross in the red circle that used to often flash with a loud BUMP on the screen?
Y'know, Poppie, I just knew when I met you all those years ago that your middle name was trouble. :-D
Just realized, calli-graphy and porno-graphy have the same ending! People just want to look (-;
Hahahaha C...... Trouble by name and trouble by nature my Dad used to say lol. As for the porn.... I'll give that a miss! lolxxx
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