Well after professing to never have another man ever again enter my life....one did....one so special and suited to me he was hard to refuse. Just shows you how wrong you can be sometimes....especially when you least expect it. And I am happy to say.... he feels just the same and we spend as much time together as we can.....So almost everything below has been done either with him or as a result of being with him.
Steve's also an artist, so he feeds me on an inspirational level as well as a creative level, both mentally and spiritually. Oh yes, and he's got his own blog, so go and take a look, say hi and follow him at Steve Smiths Art
Finally we got the garden finished and it more than I could have wished for. I have 3 gardens, but the back one is an awkward shape and I wanted a peace garden....so almost a year to the day after I started it....it's finally finished. Just a Japanese Acer to buy when I find the right one......

Then we spent a day at Yorkshire Sculpture Park.... where I had the chance to sit on the knee of the Bronze Cast naked man.....I covered his bits for dignity!

I did however have to stop him using this one as a slide......VERY TACTILE!
And of course there have been the commissions.... A guest book....
A concertina Card......
And I've made a couple of books, codex bound. One for me with plain pages in for quotations.....
And a plain covered one for Steve, hoping he will paint the front himself. It's a mixture of plain pages for note making and watercolour pages for little paintings. Both are about 6" square
And I've been planning for my first Wedding Fair to be held locally in September.
We that just about covers it. Except I'm sure I will have forgotten something. Regular readers of My Facebook will know there has been a lot more going on and when time is so precious it's far easier to post on there than write reams and reams on my Blog.

So, thats it for the time being. We're having a lot of fun, we're both loved up and things just couldn't be better. Hopefully, those who are not on Facebook will have a brief overview of the last 6 weeks and at least you know that I'm still breathing.
Bright Lammas Blessings to my Pagan Friends. Autumn Equinox will be upon us before we know it ;o)
Oh yes..... and did I mention that my kitchen has been transformed and on Wednesday I get a new bathroom and shower......
How lovely to get all your news Sue. I am very impressed at your peaceful garden, it looks wonderful. I am after some inspiration for my jungle LOL Nice to see you looking happy and contented. Blessings, Kath
That garden is GORGEOUS. I love it :)
It's been a while since I read your blog ~ I used to call myself Willow and had a blog over at eas-dannsair.blogspot.com
Nowadays I'm over at wingsofflight.wordpress.com and use my middle name of Rose in all things bloggy. I thought i'd say hi and re-connect. Hope you're well.
Ahhhh Willow my sweet pea...hows it going??? And you have just friended me on FB! Great to reconnect! Hope all is going well for you hun
Love, light and blessings, xxx
And Kath....You have moved! Great news...Good luck in your new home! I just know you will LOVE it! I may even see you walking the streets of Glastonbury very soon. Hope to be there for my birthday on the 19th Septamber ;o) xxx
hooray to hear all of this news!
i have not been blogging much and its taking me ages to catch up with everyone here :)
Sue, I've not been by in so long...good to catch up. I do read your comments on facebook though. Life is so incredibly full for all of us.
gentle steps on this day and every day,
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