After a few days on monitoring, mainly because my daughter-in-laws blood pressure was high and the baby’s heart kept going dangerously low, baby Daisy Simpson decided to make her grand entrance almost 5 weeks early. It was not only a shock to us but also the doctors and midwife monitoring Sarahs progress as she had just checked on her and had to be shouted back. Chaos reigned and she was whisked off to the labour ward almost giving birth in the corridor! Baby Daisy was born last Tuesday weighing 5lb 4oz and has been in the Special Care Baby Unit since then. All seems to be well….her first picture shows her black eyes caused by the doctor wielding his set of forceps. Daisy has a habit of pulling in ropes. First in the womb, causing the heart stoppages (apparently it’s common!) and now constantly pulling her feeding tube out and removing the plaster too…now she looks like a red Indian with striped either side of her cheeks

Sadly, nowadays, so many family members live a fair distance away and our families are no exception. After designing the new Wedding Cards with the fold over flap, I thought it would be a good idea to also offer these in my shop, so families far and wide could at least meet the new arrival. The design is simple but effective and ordering is made easy. Send us the details of the parents, the name, weight, date and time of birth and a .jpg picture attachment to email….we’ll do the rest. Then is all you need do is peel off the cover of the self adhesive double sided tape, stick down, address, add a stamp and send through the post. A card and an envelope all in one. Sent with a book of stamps, this would make a fuss free gift that will be appreciated by new busy mums and dads. They are already for sale in the shop
And this is my beautiful Granddaughter now…. A few days on and looking more like she’s ready for the world. Still a sleepy head and despite prodding and poking from Grandma refuses to walk up… the picture was taken by her dad… Grandma can’t wait to tell her about Grandmas Magic Tepee and all the adventures we are going to have!