Happy Beltane to all my Pagan buddies out there in Blogland Happy May Day to the rest. Can you feel the spirit of Beltane all around?
Ironically this was sent this morning from a non pagan quotation site as their quote of the day….
Everything is in motion.
Everything flows.
Everything is vibrating.Dr. Wayne Dyer
Beltane is a time for the Male and the Female to get together, joining, celebrating and errrmmm, well procreate. Men and women, animals, birds, beasts and plants all seem to be full of energy. The sun god has returned and everything is starting to blossom out, a time of quickening and the air is buzzing. Oh yes, Summer is on it’s way. After the long slow days of winter and the land lying fallow, it’s probably just as well that the energy is rising, we will need it to keep on top of our ever increasing workload on the land and in the garden. The days are longer, and we need less sleep. Creativity abounds in many forms. Ideas come thick and fast and love is in the air!
Well I’ve just had the most wonderful time with Ambermoggy and Mr Mog. A time that was over far too soon, but we plan to make it longer next time.The cats were exhausted! Any visitor to the Pixies house unfortunately has to listen to the many stories of woe that Blue in particular has to tell. Strangely they have done nothing but sleep ever since...I think they are exhausted with all the extra attention! Blue can be really vocal and can tell a good tale when she wants to!, added to that she is a terrible flirt with men! and wouldn't leave Mr Mog (who is a cat magnet himself) alone.
Simba has decided to try the strong silent treatment to try and get attention these days. Preferring to sit on knees and stretch her arms out if the stroking stops, tapping you on the leg or the arm, until it resumes.
Sugar (Dinosaur Lady aged 22) is very sweet, very quiet and very passive. Her motor goes at a moments notice and is so gentle it’s hard to be awful to her….even when she covers you in cat hairs and I mean covers you! Bless her, she moults for England and I think it’s got worse since she started with her thyroid.
Dodger the chav cat did his usual trick of avoiding everyone like the plague until he has seen you for at least 6 months! Although he did come creeping out for a sly stroke off Ambermoggy...well as long as you don't give him eye contact. Personally I think he was sick of missing out of all the attention the others were getting!
Mr and Mrs Mogs turned up bearing gifts for the Pixie…Some wonderful home made bread (sadly all gone now, so could only photograph the crumbs which wouldn’t have been very interesting), some absolutely gorgeous incense sticks from Greater Goods. So many incense sticks smell chemically these days and I’ve really stopped buying it. This however is wonderful and I will be purchasing a whole lot more!
Mr Mog made me this wonderful Pledge Stick. With my name on one side and my tree on the other. He works with wood and the Ogham. I did get a separate sheet with the meanings, and I must admit it turned out to be VERY revealing! But my lips are sealed for the time being. Hehehehe
And then I was given this Elemental that Ambermoggy had made, and she is just so right for me. All in my favourite colours of aqua green and blue and violets and purples, complete with glitter in her dress and in her hair more glitter and sparkle. She’s holding a cat in her hand and those gorgeous turquoise boots! Aren’t they fantastic? Shes called Spirit, which is also apt for me at the moment.
My Beltaine Altar is done. Well semi done as I add to them for the whole of the 6 weeks. You can make an altar anywhere in your house, a mantle piece, shelf or table top. The colours are warm yellows and oranges. It’s a Fire Festival and you can place things to represent couple and love and growth and celebration on it. Things in two’s are good. I’ve even sprinkled some sequined hearts on mine.
Also on my Altar is this wonderful
Moon Gazing Hare which I bought from The Goddess and Green Man in Glastonbury. I absolutely adore her. She represents the Triple Goddess in all her forms….
and if I'm not en, I think she just has an extra twinkle in her eye! Hmmmm wonder if she knows something I don’t I've wanted a Moon Gazing Hare for years but wouldn’t buy just any one. I saw this and just HAD to have her.
I particularly love her triple spiral on her botty.
Whiles the Mogs were there we had a visit from Spirit Whispers who also came bearing gifts…these lovely Blossom, Hawthorne and pear for my altar and some for Amber Moggy too. It’s great when mutual friends and bloggers meet, adding to our extended family. It’s Sue’s Birthday today….HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUZI! So please if you have time, drop by her blog, say hi and wish her all the best.
And I can't hep bit have some humour on my Altar, I've placed my goddess and God Elemental on the Hazel heart. Just had to smile at myself when I noticed them looking quite happily sat together in the heart as if they're playing on a swing or love seat. (Sorry Pixie humour only those who know me will understand)
And a perfect sunset, to round off a very special couple of Beltaine days. Shared and celebrated with friends and the ones we love the most.
Amber Moggy is not in the best of health and never complains. Was really lovely to see them both and I'm so looking forward to them coming back very soon. Mr Mogs hasn't been in the best of health either so it was good for them both to have a rest. Mr. Mogs loves reading and he found plenty to occupy himself with on my bookshelf lol. Sorry a bit of Pixie Spirited humour in there.
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