I am inspired by Autumn. The leaves gently turning from the lush green of the Summer to the variety of greens, gold’s, yellows and reds. Surely Autumn is one of the most colourful seasons of the year.I have blogged about this before, but whenever the muse seems far away I paint backgrounds, it gets the creative juices flowing and stimulates creativity.

I have a repertoire of paint techniques that need no skill, are very effective and make excellent backgrounds useful for both my calligraphy or as use in my bookbinding. I don’t have to think and the pieces virtually dictate themselves. I’m not an artist, I’m a creator so if I can do it anyone can.
I mainly use Acrylic or Watercolour Paint for my background, but this time I decided to use pigment inks which were in powder form and diluted with water to see how they would react.
The first idea is simple and one which I use often.
You will need Paint, watercolour paper or something substantial that will take a lot of water, decent large round brush (Size 10) and some cling film.
1. Mix your paint to a loose consistency.
2. Throw the colours on in a hap hazard way.
3. Crumple some cling film, open out and lay on the wash
4. leave to dry
5. remove cling film
6. and voila! Instant background!
WARNING: This technique is addictive so prepare lots of pre-cut paper before hand!
I decided to try this technique with metallic Acrylic Paints… WOW!

And this one's on black paper! Stunning!
Then I used resists. I tried PVA
Liquid Wax
And Pebeo Masking Gum. This is so much more preferable that W7N Masking Fluid as it doesn’t tend to take the paper with it when removed.

Ahhhh happy bunny!