Monday, April 20, 2009

The Wedding and Gratitude

Not a fantastic photo but the only one I have at the moment….

the little minxes have gone on honeymoon

and should be arriving VERY shortly in Florida!

Well, the Wedding was perfect. My cheeks hurt with smiling, my belly ached with laughing, my feet hurt with dancing and my legs hurt with….. being on heels for once in my life! Lol. But hey, even pixies more used to dressing for dancing around in a field scrub up well when they have too. With hair cut and dyed (purple of course), nails manicured and French polished, eye brows waxed and a professional make-up artist to do my face, who wouldn’t look like a Goddess? And I wouldn’t say I looked too different in a slim fit floaty pixie dress and make up but some of my friends walked past me and had to do a double take! Oh my, a girl could get used to being pampered! The only ‘real’ drawback is that my teeny weenie, impractical sized clutch bag, obviously designed by a man, wasn’t big enough to hold more than a lipstick! I removed my magnifier and a few tissues too many and the resulting struggle to close the clasp enabled me to activate my camera phone and took a wonderful picture of the inside of my handbag! And a few more before the day was over.
There was laughter, and tears, in fact almost everyone cried! People cried when they saw Sarah, they cried when they said their vows, they cried at my sons moving speech and when they got on the dance floor for the first dance the first dance to
Richard Marx – Right Here Waiting For You. …EVERYONE cried again!
Even the most hardy of men cried, proving that there are real feelings in some of them (she says with a cynical grin). Perhaps the emotions were because these two have been together 8 years, neither of them materialistic, very simple living souls who deeply care for each other. They have never split up and had very few quarrels, they love and respect each other and have always had a very mature attitude to life. True soul mates, each one putting the other first.
Oh boy. There was lots of hugging, cuddling and kissing going on and that was only the guests! Both families gelled perfectly. Everyone happy, smiling, dancing and having a real good laugh, which shows what can happen when 2 child spirited families get together! …. What can I say. The energy of love abounded and you could physically feel it! Many people were involved in making the day really special, so many people gave their time freely and willingly. The Church is very small (they drafted in extra seats to fit all 80 people in!), people made the cakes, arranged flowers and decorated the Church, some made button holes, prepared food (even the night before!), then were there early morning to prepare some more, then serve it and pour wine, my brother was chauffeur for the day, their hotel was upgraded from basic to Bridle Suite, and Sarah’s Gran who is not well herself made sure that the whole day went well with military precision and took everything in her stride, even though she had only just buried her daughter 2 and half weeks before. There are so many people to thank and they are so really grateful and expected non of this.
Collectively, so many people, each doing even a tiny bit, made it a day to remember and I thought this was the perfect opportunity to introduce my
NEW JOURNALS. I will do a separate post for Each journal which will make tagging so much easier!

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