Hi Tribe,
well it's been a mix bag of emotions kinda week, which is becoming the norm rather than the exception.
The makeshift counter has once again moved from right in front of the door to the side.
The Government guidelines are still rather sketchy on how we operate face to face contact in a small consulting area which changes on an almost daily basis.
I can't really criticize as we all seem to be winging it.
My original idea of putting the counter slap bang in front of the door felt a bit too intrusive, especially as the area is so small and coming out of the work/shop meant that I would be within 2 metres of them when they walked through the door.
I have to admit I wasn't keen on customers having their hands all over my stock, but when it's your main USP I am reluctant to give this up.... more deep thinking!
It's a really odd situation. We have to be prepared for customers to return, but we have no idea when and I have no intentions of opening until I decide when I feel it's safer for me to do so. At the moment I don't! And I know I'm not alone.
I thankfully have the website set up already, so it's possible for people to buy on-line and use video calling on Messenger, so this may be an avenue to explore.... Virtual consultations.
The good news is everything is clean and fresh and Steve's done a sterling job of repainting all the outside and making the sanitising station. I really don't know how I would have got through this without him!

In other news.... THE CHARITY KITS launched!
And they are all ready to go. I really do hope that these take off! I make no money on this what-so-ever. Only the postage is covered in the price.
I don't think I was prepared for the amount of time it takes to make up kits and write the instructions, but we'll see how we go.
I'm currently debating on which of these 2 cards to put in the JULY kit.
I love the idea of the pop-up box card, but writing the instructions is a bit complicated and I don't want people to struggle to make them.
The concept is easy when you get the hang of them, but whether that converts to explaining it on paper may be another thing altogether.
I may make kits with these z fold cards. I'm currently at the R&D stage of things....so a blank card is all I have to show you!
I swear it was my neighbours' young daughter who made me do this! Especially when she said 'Sue....your hair has gone all grey!' I have to admit, it shocked me too! I looked like a cross between my mam and BoJo.
Something had to give! Now, I'm one of those people that think if something worth doing you may as well go for it... life it too short.... I'm right aren't I?
What the hell.....you only live once!.... so this happened!
My hair is thick and dry, but even the hairdresser leaves my colour on for an hour....otherwise it simply washes out.
The instructions advised 3-15mins.... and so I bottled out at 15...I should have just gone for it and left it on for half an hour! Anyhow....this was the result!
After almost a month of beautiful sunshine, the weather had to go and spoil things. However, I was glad that the garden didn't need watering for a few days.
I was shocked at the hailstone though... now that I wasn't prepared for!
If there's one thing I am truly grateful for during this lockdown, it's the chance to really notice and appreciate the garden.
I've seen flowers open that normally I only get to see in a brief moment during the year, usually when I finish work and before tea. After the rain came the water irises, always a joy to see how well they grow and with the pond always filled with water they take no looking after!
The fish have long since gone from the pond and the flowers have all but spread over the whole pond. Water buttercups with their sunshine yellow and Water irises the colour of summer skies. Natures natural beauty.
I've loved watching the bees all over the flowers of my white Hebe. In Autumn and winter, it just looks like any other evergreen shrub. Come Spring the flowers burst into life and it's covered. Perfect for bees!
Well, that's my not very eventful weekly catch up. Strange how the weeks are starting to fly by. At the start of lockdown, a day felt like a week!
I hope whatever you are doing, you are keeping safe and well. Please leave a comment and let me know you've visited the blog. It's great to see the old familiar names and faces connecting once again and new readers joining in too!
Until next time, Love and bright blessings, Sue xox
If you want one of our CHARITY KITS we still have a few left
CLICK HERE the buy button is at the bottom of the post.
If you want one of our CHARITY KITS we still have a few left
CLICK HERE the buy button is at the bottom of the post.
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