I tried so very hard to leave the Creative Spirit behind....well The Creative Spirit Blog that is. My finger hovered over the 'Delete this blog' button so many times and it's not the first time I've thought about this. I started this blog way back in September 2006, and a lot has happened since then. I had to remember why I started this blog in the first place. As a child I asked and received every year a diary and would start with great enthusiasm, only to find the entries dried up and then ceased altogether around March time.
Discovering and enjoying the wonderful world of Blogs, after joining a message board, I thought that this was an ideal way of keeping track of my life and my art and something to look back on with fond memories.
I had met what I thought was a long term partner (how stupid we can be sometimes lol) and the resulting breakup was aired publicly, as had my many, prior to that, special days together. I changed tact and tried to keep it less personal....I wanted to erase that memory forever....but after all this was an account of my life, my interests, my musings and my work. I wanted to delete all the posts with reference to that particular relationship as his pictures were there as a constant reminder to how stupid I was to waste my time on him....and especially more so now I HAVE met my life partner and what I have now is far greater than anything I have had in the past....but then I reminded myself of this.....The Honest Blogger Award. Created for Honest Bloggers Everywhere.
I now realise that I have nothing to hide, I am too honest for that even, I wear my heart on my Steve (That was a typo....but I have left it in as it was so funny! Of course I meant SLEEVE!) and through 'The Creative Spirit' I have made and met many friends. Since my first blog post on September 14th 2006. I have followers by email, Twitter, facebook, Networked Blogs and Linkedin and have had over 32,000 visitors, so either this is a fluke or I must be writing something worth reading.
I tried to introduce some personality into my business blog at Inspired by Script but it didn't look and feel right so I have deleted the post.
So...I am back! This blog will be used as my running journal, for my readers, you are welcome...if you are offended or upset in any way, I am sorry for this....but this is my running journal, my thoughts, my pet peeves, my funny take on my visual impairment and living with a disability....my animals, my grand-daughter, my work, my garden, my Paganism, my camps and most of all, my love for a wonderfully creative man that entered my life and showed me what true love is all about.
If I blog on Inspired by Script or North Yorkshire Weddings I will make reference to these, but only as it saves me cross posting and Blogger has changed it's cut, copy and paste facility I no longer have the time to type everything 3 fold.
A large part of this blog will of course feature Steve as we share a great deal of our time together and he also shares the studio space I work in....Oh and did I mention, I love him very much? So if you are likely to get bored with this.....run away now, it's not too late!
So, my wonderful Bloggy Friends and Creative Spirits, I have missed you to bits and I am glad I stayed. Life is full of challenges and trials, half the fun is getting through them and leaning lessons on the way.
I promise you....what you see is what you get and I thank you for all the emails and messages of support. To know I have been missed is very moving.
With love and bright blessings,
Sue xxx AKA -Pixie Sue, The Purple Pixie and Poppie....talk about an identity crisis....any way you like, I am one and the same :o)