Something that didn’t seem to suffer as much was this one…..

It’s Dinosaur Lady, aka as Sugar. Who after I had washed Deefers Lambs wool bed quickly took up residence and has rarely moved ever since, except to eat and s….. Well I’m sure you know what. Well, I suppose at 22 you can do what the hell you like and an old lady is entitled to some comforts.
Now this is all OK but the is one ever so slight problem here that I tried to show on my first picture….the cat is white, the rug is white(ish) at least to my eyes, and she is very heavily camouflaged, to the point that on Saturday I pulled the rug rather fast across the floor to hoover underneath it, to find she was still on top! As you can imagine she wasn’t impressed.
Remember I put in my blog last week…If the Goddess whats me to have a dog, then one will come my way? You know, I really will have to be careful as to what I put out there!!!! And sometimes I don’t think they are listening at all or having some big laugh amongst themselves. I’m not a small dog lover, I’m not a terrier lover, and I’m not really a Jack Russel lover… I don’t not like them, just wouldn’t like one myself . My preference is for Spaniels.
OK… now fast forward to Saturday night. Picture this…friend over for the night, takeaway ordered, music playing, glass of wine in hand, knock at the door…. Thinking it was the takeaway I answered, conversation…..
Sue, (it was my next door neighbour) my nephew has just brought this dog to me, it nearly got run over by a taxi on Bullamoor Road, no collar, no ID and shaking like a leaf.
Hmmmm and?
Well we knew that you would know what to do…
Well the don’t care about it cos it wouldn’t have got out otherwise, and Deefers dead so perhaps you can have it
The dog was shaking like a leaf and clearly distressed… Oh yeah…. And gave me the sad puppy dog eyes that said pity me pity me you sucker!
Oh for godsake bring it in! Right Vicky find the Rescue Remedy in this box.
Eventually she found it, good squirt in the mouth and the dog stopped shaking almost within seconds. My friend who was staying the night looked on bemused or was it a smirk on his face that I had denied I was a witch! Oh for gawwwwddd sake it’s bloody Bach Flower Remedies and you can buy them at Lewis and Coopers its not rocket science!
Ok the dogs ok now, you can take it home Vicky.
Well I don’t want it, I already have 2 dogs and a baby… can’t you just keep it for the night Sue? What with 4 cats! You have to be kidding me! Well it doesn’t seem bothered by them. We put the dog on the floor and it ran straight up to Dinosaur Lady and licked her ear furiously! SHE PURRED!!!!
Oh for Gods sake leave the b***dy thing here! But its Not staying! More smirks from my guest….Yeah, ok, ok, ok victim magnet, muggins, sucker, springs to mind, whatever! But don't bl**dy smirk like that! lol
And here she is……

Blue, couldn’t care less…she owned this house anyway and just gracefully walked passed.
Sugar enjoyed having her ears licked
And Simba, sat and stared and couldn’t really get her head around how a dog could still call itself a dog and be that small.
Dodger….well he did his usual thing of going upstairs and sulking.

The moral of the story is: Never judge a book by the cover and sometimes what you think you want is very different from what you need.
Hmmmm perhaps there’s a bigger message in there for me too.
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