Sunday, July 20, 2008

We ALL make mistakes!

The importance of being human….ah yes…. We’ve all done it…some of us more than others…. Making big boo boo’s in life, one way or another…

I visited my sister this afternoon and we were looking of photos from when we were kids. We looked, we commented and we laughed… out of embarrassment I think! There were quite a few pictures there of my late husband and my son when he was really small. Now we must have been somewhere really special like a wedding or something, because he had, had his haircut, and he was the type of guy that was always going to get it cut ‘this weekend’ and the weeks dragged on. We took out a photo of my son stood next to his dad in practically matching shorts! I think they were called Bermuda shorts… but I could be wrong. Now there’s probably nothing really wrong with this (although there didn’t seem to be at the time!) but looking back you have to wonder…was my son ultra trendy at 6 years or did my husband think he was a trendy adult kid? He was after all 22 when Paul was born! Lol. Poor Ken, it’s ok laughing when someone’s not there to defend themselves. He did have a good sense of humour though and I’m sure he’ll be laughing too. Then I looked at my niece… she also likes purple hippy, dancing, floaty kind of dresses, with tie dye, ribbon and lace, she also wears stripy socks! AND I’m not just 22 years her senior! Hmmm… I wonder if I should start wearing slacks and crimplene. So can’t really take the Mickey out of my late husband really can I!

My brother had the most amazing hairdo, something like Duran Duran (very new romantics) lol. Quite bouffant if I say so myself.(SORRY LITTLE BRO' TO MOCK THE AFFLICTED IN HIS ABSENCE) I did try and persuade my lovely sister to lend me the photo so I could put it on my blog… knowing he reads it sometimes…. But she point blank refused. Well, it’s a good job there’s one decent, moralistic sibling out of the lots of us! Lol.
What was even more embarrassing was MY hair!
I have for years always kept it short, because of it’s texture and refusal to lie down, no matter how much gel and other sticky stuff I have clagged (Stokesley slang for slapped on – especially when referring to sticky stuff). Now I have always been under the impression that my style hasn’t changed, but something really stupid must have happened in the 80’s. I must have thought (in my higher wisdom) that I could get away with a brushed over from one side kind of look! … DEFINITELY NOT a good idea! I'm not sure WHO I was trying to be.... but it definitely DID NOT WORK! a lesson learnt me thinks!
Thank god she hasn’t got a blog! That’s all I can say. Funny thing is me and my friend Rachel were reminiscing only yesterday and

I'd like to think it was just me and a few of my older friends that were getting all nostalgic about the 80's but my son does too! Not sure what that's about!

Over on
Philip Carr-Gomm’s Weblog I noticed that more than I can make a boo boo and this particular post will send you to a link I think you will enjoy.

Brightest Blessings,
Sue – The Purple Pixie who refuses to dress her age… no matter how much she looks it!

And a few faux pas that I have spotted over the last few weeks
This one was on a wall in Glastonbury
And this worried me a bit…being a pixie and all that! I only read it AFTER I had been the loo… good job I held on tight!

And this one…. You will either get it or not.

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