Sometimes I wonder why I blog. Whose benefit am I doing this for? Then I look back over the last 2 and ½ years I’ve used it and it takes me back to my memories of childhood where I actually kept a diary. I’ve always liked writing….. and I suppose not being ‘Arty’ calligraphy and lettering was a way to express my creativity without feeling useless. I can’t draw….. well not to any great degree and certainly even less so now I have no centre vision. Through the words I commit to paper I am expressing a part of me, part of my inner most core. Words of hope, joy, aspirations…..
I know through past experience that if I was to start and actual ‘diary’ I probably would have given up after a couple of months, then left it so long that after a couple more months of non entry it would have seemed like a waste of time.
I try to be honest in my Blog…sometimes too honest. We leave ourselves wide open for judgement, criticism and sometimes don’t think before we post. Yet there’s something quite special about Blogging. Through out writing, we are sharing our souls…. Our joys and our sorrows, our excitement and pain. We’re not really sure whether anyone is going to read it, but it matters not a jot. In some ways it relives us of our inner voice, whether that voice is telling us something we want to know or not. It’s comforting when people comment because they find something funny and humorous or just that you have touched something within themselves that they can identify with. Somehow it feels safe… like telling stuff to your closest friend…. But most of these friends we will never meet. However, they still pop by to see how you are and show their support and that they care. They comfort you and tell you….no you’re not going mad because of your crazy thoughts….but then add but there again if you are, well that makes to of us!
I Blog about my work, my spirituality, my pets, my love life (ok not in any great detail but something’s are best left to the imagination – lol) I talk about my fears and my travels….oh yeah and mundane stuff like my new kitchen (you’d think I was the first to get one!). Overall I blog to share, to inspire people to create, to touch another human being, to share information and interesting links of something that’s caught my eye or even just to get something off my chest. Blogs build up a network of like minded people that would otherwise never have met.
I ramble on and wonder why people can even be bothered to read some of the crap I write, but still they return. I have had almost 9,000 visitors now….9,000! Can you believe that I write anything that is really that important as to attract people to read my stuff…. Sheesh! It blows me away!
Anyway, I have another night on my own. I’ve had a bust few weeks, so I’ll be blogging like mad tonight probably just to catch up….if for no other reason than to record my life….. for myself and anyone else who’s bored enough to read it. Lol.
With love, light and bright blessings,
Sue xxx

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