I hope they bring a smile to your face….
The 10 Commandments Purple Pixie Style!
1)Thou shalt not take in any more animals without asking yourself 3 times… is there any one else I can palm them off on to….even at the cost of friends dreading your call!
2)Thou shalt not worry about your hair going grey, the white ones look ‘really’ purple when dyed anyway.
3)Thou shalt not lie on the floor, with your arms and legs in the air, screaming and kicking, when laughter is an option. When all else fails an exception can be made to this commandment.
4)Thou shalt not listen to Glastonbury Radio 24/7
5)Thou shalt not be afraid of anything smaller than you, unless there is no antidote!
6)Thou shalt not complain that the heating bill is too heavy in winter, then spend all summer trying to cool the house down complaining that it’s too hot.
7)Thou shalt not sacrifice a good long soak in a hot LUSH bath for anything…. Even good food – Hey a girl has her standards!
8)Thou shalt not buy new clothes in preference to Art Materials
9)Thou shalt not eat anything with 4 legs, or 2 for that matter! even when someone cooks bacon sandwiches and you start dribbling all over the floor
10) Thou shalt not obsessively count down the days until your next camp