I’ve talked about this before but want to write about it again. It has for a long time been a constant source of amusement when synchronicity happens in my life.
Synchronicity can’t be explained as mere coincidences. Very often the things we have read or things that we have been musing about come back to us in a variety of messages, sometimes when we happen to be watching TV something will happen to be mentioned, or someone will just spontaneously bring something into a conversation, or we will read about it…all quite out of the blue.
I suppose it depends whether we are open or closed to these messages as to whether or not we accept them as coincidences or acts of synchronicity.
If we want to know whether something is right or wrong… put it out there and ask the universe to give you a sign or clues as to whether or not it’s a good idea and in your highest interest. Usually within a very short time you will be given the answer…sometimes subtly, sometimes like a bolt out of the blue.
For quite some time now I have been increasingly frustrated at the disposable, consumer led society we live in these days.(See my post here) In North Yorkshire the local council has just started its recycling programme….and not before time either! In neighbouring counties they have been doing this for a few years!
I think that it’s because of this recycling that we are now forced to look at how much waste we are producing. It now becomes visible instead of just hiding it in your garbage bin in an out of sight out of mind sort of way.
While throwing out the rubbish and sorting everything for recycling I’ve often wondered who is running the show. We no longer live in a society that replaces things that are broken but seduced and encouraged by all the ads. We are bombarded daily with the latest detergents that get your clothes not just clean BUT REALLY clean, (DUH!) we have stuff to make even the dirtiest houses at least smell like mountain air, (like we are all to stupid to open windows and would prefer to buy it in a can), household cleaners that bleach, ultra clean and disinfects every conceivable nook and cranny….phew the list is endless and it makes you really wonder what on earth we all did without them.
More importantly while on the one hand the government is hammering home recycling and more eco friendly by making us ever more aware that we should walk or bike rather than drive to prevent damage to the environment….but on the other hand do absolutely NOTHING about advertising and promoting products that make us believe that our lives will be richer and more fulfilled in some way.
We are encouraged to go out and buy the latest phones, computers, washing machines, microwave, TV’s, DVD;s, tumble dryers, dishwashers, gadgets and EVEN cars! NOT because the ones we have are broken…but because….THERE is a better and later version!
So the very fact that some of us are brainwashed into thinking that we NEED these things we are in turn adding to the problem of too much waste, therefore by buying something just because it’s more up to date and before the last one is broken we are actually destroying our planet and adding to our global downfall.
All this brings me to a video I found quite by accident….it’s 20 minutes long, but please take time out to watch it. It will make you think and perhaps next time you are manipulated and convinced by advertising that you really DO need something, a little light may just make you turn away and think that the best thing you can possibly do is leave it right where it is…on the shelf. Only then will the manufacturers and the government have to sit up and take notice.
Advertising works by convincing you that you need this product. Everything should come with a government health warning…. WARNING, BUYING THIS PRODUCT CAN SERIOUSLY AFFECT THE PLANET…..and if you don’t believe me click on THIS LINK I almost guarantee that it will at the very least give you something to think about and at the most it will encourage you to act more responsibly and stop you contributing to the distruction of our beautiful planet.
Synchronicity can’t be explained as mere coincidences. Very often the things we have read or things that we have been musing about come back to us in a variety of messages, sometimes when we happen to be watching TV something will happen to be mentioned, or someone will just spontaneously bring something into a conversation, or we will read about it…all quite out of the blue.
I suppose it depends whether we are open or closed to these messages as to whether or not we accept them as coincidences or acts of synchronicity.
If we want to know whether something is right or wrong… put it out there and ask the universe to give you a sign or clues as to whether or not it’s a good idea and in your highest interest. Usually within a very short time you will be given the answer…sometimes subtly, sometimes like a bolt out of the blue.
For quite some time now I have been increasingly frustrated at the disposable, consumer led society we live in these days.(See my post here) In North Yorkshire the local council has just started its recycling programme….and not before time either! In neighbouring counties they have been doing this for a few years!
I think that it’s because of this recycling that we are now forced to look at how much waste we are producing. It now becomes visible instead of just hiding it in your garbage bin in an out of sight out of mind sort of way.
While throwing out the rubbish and sorting everything for recycling I’ve often wondered who is running the show. We no longer live in a society that replaces things that are broken but seduced and encouraged by all the ads. We are bombarded daily with the latest detergents that get your clothes not just clean BUT REALLY clean, (DUH!) we have stuff to make even the dirtiest houses at least smell like mountain air, (like we are all to stupid to open windows and would prefer to buy it in a can), household cleaners that bleach, ultra clean and disinfects every conceivable nook and cranny….phew the list is endless and it makes you really wonder what on earth we all did without them.
More importantly while on the one hand the government is hammering home recycling and more eco friendly by making us ever more aware that we should walk or bike rather than drive to prevent damage to the environment….but on the other hand do absolutely NOTHING about advertising and promoting products that make us believe that our lives will be richer and more fulfilled in some way.
We are encouraged to go out and buy the latest phones, computers, washing machines, microwave, TV’s, DVD;s, tumble dryers, dishwashers, gadgets and EVEN cars! NOT because the ones we have are broken…but because….THERE is a better and later version!
So the very fact that some of us are brainwashed into thinking that we NEED these things we are in turn adding to the problem of too much waste, therefore by buying something just because it’s more up to date and before the last one is broken we are actually destroying our planet and adding to our global downfall.
All this brings me to a video I found quite by accident….it’s 20 minutes long, but please take time out to watch it. It will make you think and perhaps next time you are manipulated and convinced by advertising that you really DO need something, a little light may just make you turn away and think that the best thing you can possibly do is leave it right where it is…on the shelf. Only then will the manufacturers and the government have to sit up and take notice.
Advertising works by convincing you that you need this product. Everything should come with a government health warning…. WARNING, BUYING THIS PRODUCT CAN SERIOUSLY AFFECT THE PLANET…..and if you don’t believe me click on THIS LINK I almost guarantee that it will at the very least give you something to think about and at the most it will encourage you to act more responsibly and stop you contributing to the distruction of our beautiful planet.
And I've had to come bacj and re-edit this post as I have found that this lady has a blog - The Story of Stuff - http://www.storyofstuff.com/blog/
Mainly aimed at the American Market, but with lots of hints and tips and things we can all gain something from. Say NO to stuff!
Action is the foundational key to all success. - Pablo Picasso
I am strongly drawn to the simple life. - Albert Einstein