The pictures above show some examples of the types of letters the students had to learn. Click on the photos for a larger image.
Well.....what a fantastic weekend. Only 9 out of the 12 members managed to make the meeting, but the enthusiasm of the group made up for it.
There were severe weather warnings on the net office website, but we went anyway. Well they did say that travel ONLY if you have to and we HAD to!
It was raining as we set off but only light and not too bad, but as we got to Scotch Corner roundabout neither myself or Tony could believe our eyes…the place was a white out! What a difference, but never the less VERY beautiful. All icing sugar white unspoilt but human intervention and not a soul on the road. Then at the end of the A66 back to green grass and fields. Weird.
The day went surprisingly well. The students embraced a totally new (for them anyway) style of writing. No x-height to worry about, no ruled lines and no boundaries. I hope a truly liberating experience for them.
There was a new starter Liz who had very little experience of calligraphy who seemed to do better than those who have for years struggled with the formality of calligraphy….which proved to me a little knowledge is sometimes a good thing.
My only regret is that we didn’t have longer to produce a finished piece of work and see the letters learnt in there entirety. Hopefully the students took away with them a new and fresh way to use these experimental letters as an exciting alternative and in conjunction with their more formal lettering.
Thank you to all at Eden Valley Scribes for their warm reception and constant cups of tea throughout the day. I had a wonderful time.
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