I won't be the only one to be happily saying goodbye to 2012. For many, and as mentioned in my last post it's been quite a difficult year for so many people. No matter how positive we try to be we just can't help but get affected by it.
Every year I seem to say the same think "Time is going by so fast.... where did that year go and what in the hell happened!".
These days I don't keep a journal or diary... although I know I should. This year in particular I have had so many things happen around me that I found it too personal to write them all up on the Creative Spirit...... which is a bit ironic when you think of not so long ago I created the Honest Blogger Award and planned to spill out the good, the bad and the ugly.
Some things of course were things that my friends and family were going through, and it wasn't my place to air publicly the problems and losses they were having to deal with.
Actually, looking at my stats for 2012 I posted 62 blog posts.... which is better than 2010 when I posted just 32.... so perhaps this year has been better than I give it credit for!
Apart from the business taking off, probably one of the best things to happen in 2012 is the birth of our second Grand-child, Mylo, back in February.
Of course, remembering the BIG THINGS is always far easier, than the small ones and this year I'm planning on a new strategy and I'm encouraging you all to do this too.
The ideas is simple. A jar which you fill with Memories. You can call your jar:
The Memory Jar - For the little things that happen
Blessing Jar - Counting your blessings
Gratitude Jar - Things to be grateful for
Wishing Jar - Your wishes and your dreams
However it works best for you.
I'm writing mine on Rainbow coloured paper,
so I can look at it on those down days and remember that through the dark and the rain... bright rainbows appear.
Start in January and on New Years Eve 2013,
it will be a great reminder that the year just past,
has not all been bad and will bring back memories of those all important little things :-)
Regular readers of my blog, know that I don't make New Years Resolutions... I'm not perfect enough and would break them too easily.... which would be a FAIL in my eyes! Instead I write a *WISH*LIST*. I do this on New Years Eve and it's a ritual I have done for many years. I don't really think of this list all year through, but always amazed at how much of it came true without me even trying!
Oh and of course.... at the start of a new year a word comes to me. This year the word was Opportunity. I'm quite shocked looking back at how much opportunity has presented itself this year!
As yet.... my word for 2013 has not come to me.
But I know it will.... and I will share it with you when it does.
So..... as I post my last post for 2012,
I wish you all the very best for the coming year,
With love and the brightest of blessings,
Pixie Sue xoxox