Sunday, February 19, 2012's photostream

Full Collection of Wedding Stationery copyRight hand side 2 copyWedding Favours 2 copyWedding Stationery3 copyGreeting cards and ephemera copyGifts for baby copy
Revamped Concertina Cards copyConcertina Cards, Wedding Albums Guest BooksThe Wedding SideWedding Favours copyLeft Side Photo copyWedding gifts, stationery and accessories copy
Prints, Original Lettering Art and Greeting Cards copyWedding Stationery 1 copyWedding Stationery 2 copySteve Smiths Jewellery copyLove and Steve Smiths Jewellery copyRevamps LOVE copy
Revamped BABY and GIFYSEwvamped WEDDING STUFFWEDDING SECTION copyLOVE copyThe Wedding Section copyBaby Sectiom

The studio has been undergoing a makeover! It's all about Brides, Babies and Love!!!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012


I'm so sorry but I am so stretched for time at the moment folk and I apologise for this rather short post, but after my post on Please help! Urgent Appeal and the news I got last night I couldn't wait to share this news with you.

Hereby follows the UPDATES as they appeared on Facebook, by Chris (Jennifer's Dad) Dave (who has been supporting Chris every step of the way) and Liz (Dave's wife and fellow Dagda). I think you will understand why this week, I think I have cried a bucket full of tears. Tears of sadness and great tears of joy. Both painful, but the one thing that has kept me going is the knowledge that SO MANY PEOPLE joined in with the mass healing and realised more than ever why, no matter what happens in the world, human kindness can move mountains and we are all connected!

A GREAT BIG thank you for everyone who came on board....and as we said on Thursday night....Same time next week???? :o)

Can I just say here, before you read this, that a week yesterday, Jennifer had, had, 2 cardiac arrests, had to be 'bagged' all the way to a second hospital 30 miles away as there were no dialysis machines at the hospital she was first admitted to, had multiple organ failure and 80% blisters over her body. Her mum and dad Chris and Lucy were told to expect the worst as the classed her as the sickest baby in the UK!!!!

My reply to the last update is below the diary of events and is pretty self explanatory I think :o)

Here follows a diary of updates:

Monday 13th, afternoon, Chris Freeman UPDATE: Right, the dialysis machine has just broken, BUT they have decided to keep her off it as it is what they intended to do a little later on. Again, she is responding very well so thank you very much for everyone's healing thoughts, prayers and everything else. Jennifer has people as far as Australia, America and most other countries looking over her and it really makes you proud to be alive when people from all over the world, some of which we don't even know, are doing their up for one little girl, so thank you all so so much.

Tuesday 14th, afternoon, Chris: (Jennifer's Dad) UPDATE : Not a lot has happened today so she is just getting better and better the plastic surgeons to give advice about skin care for the nurses and have taken pictures of her skin to look how to move forward's so will keep you all up dated 1's again thank you very much for all your support it is so much appreciated and is working very well so thank you thank you very much big love jennifer chris and lucy xxxx

Tuesday 14th, afternoon, Dave: Jennifer has been using her own kidneys since the machine broke yesterday, and after this mornings doctors meeting it was decided to remove the tubes to reconnect it to jennifer. This is good news as they obviously feel that her kidneys are currently up to doing their thing. She is still rated as "critical but stable" but at least for now , her kidneys may not be as damaged as the doctors first thought. Thank you everyone for you kind thoughts , please pass on the address to this page on any forums you may have posted on so that we can get everyone reading the updates on one page as it makes keeping you all focused. much love to you all BB Dangerous

Wednesday 15th, evening, Dave: Ok. Details of today. Please forgive me if this post is a little "rambling" but I haven’t really come down yet from all of the twitter news etc. (Got to say that twitter has made me feel old today... just cant get my head around it) One of the drugs that Jennifer is on is something to paralyse her. This is to stop her moving around too much. The problem with this drug is that it removes the ability for the doctors to see if Jennifer reacts to any stimuli. During the course of her treatment the doctors will lower the dose of this particular medicine to allow them to see if she reacts. Another reason for reducing this particular medicine in Jennifer s case is to allow her muscles to expand and contract (if only by minute amounts) which should allow more blood into them and more oxygen. This is designed to allow her body to flush itself of the septicaemia that is still there and hopefully reduce the amount of plastic surgery or skin grafts that will follow her recovery. Needless to say , today they reduced the medication just a bit and like the little dagda that she is, she has reacted. This is good news , but Chris and Lucy are both aware that she still has a long way to go and are not taking this situation for granted. Jennifer has opened her eyes, just a little bit, and other signs of her reacting to stimulus are that when Lucy kisses her, her blood pressure goes up EVERY TIME. I, when I went in to see her tonight also noticed some slight movement in her limbs & when I talked to her and explained that there were MANY people sending her love and strength her blood pressure went up. This happened several times, each time the monitor started beeping..... Disconcerting to me , but I was assured that it was OK. Again I must point out that this is just temporary , and she will be put back on the paralysis medicine soon now that the doctors are pleased with her progress so far. All that we can say is that the doctors are very pleased with her progress so far, her kidneys are so far working without the dialysis machine and she still has a very long way to go to recovery. However , when I left the hospital tonight both Chris and Lucy had smiles on their faces.

Thursday 16th, afternoon, Chris
UPDATE: Jennifer is going to be taken off the current breathing machine and is going to be placed on a normal respiratory. She is slowly coming to as the paralysis drugs wear off properly. Jennifer is now aware of people being there and can recognise our voices. Thank you again all so much for everything that you have been doing from every corner of the world.

UPDATE: They have taken Jennifer off the ventilator, and removed the tube from her throat.. 15 mins after this had been done, Baby Jennifer was trying to kiss mum and dad(chris and lucy) she has also been trying to speak, but is a little hard, as her throat is sore from the tubes....

My instant responce was
OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG!!!!!!! Latest update about BABY JENNIFER! And I don't know whether to LAUGH, CRY, SCREAM or I think I'll do them all!!!!! Thank You from the bottom of my heart for all the 38 million people who joined in with the MASS HEALING for Jennifer! This is truly awesome and beyond any one's wildest dreams! Rock on little DAGDA Princess! You have been well and truly loved to ...pieces! Bloody amazing is what I say! Now that's what I call MAGIC! xxx

And lastly And a personal note from the guy who just wanted to contact a few friends:
one week ago today i had a message that jennifer had been taken into hospital so like anybody would my first thought was what can i do to help i'm not a healer but i know a lot of people who are so i started to get in touch with every one i knew who was ( maybe 10-15 people) and started posting on FB after a day or so i started this group to try to centralise all the posting and information we ...had from the initial 20 people i invited ( the FB limit) over 700 more have joined with one goal - sending healing to jennifer and the response has been - well i just dont have the words to describe how i feel the poems, the pics, the rituals, the solo workings done by people of every path is truly humbling and i would like to thank each and every one of you for every thing you have done while we are not out of the woods yet i think its looking good ( juice ! )i said at the start that i would count any help as a personal favour so feel free to call on me if you need a favour returning its my turn to be there for you thank you all aus

Now.....will you take a minute to visit the following link

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

PLEASE HELP! Urgent post!

Last Friday night Jennifer, the 1 and a half year old daughter of two members of the Dagda became ill. The first real indication that something was wrong was that Jennifer was being s...ick and developed a small 50p sized dark blister over one eye.

Chris and Lucy called the emergency services and the ambulance responded within 10 minutes and took her straight to Stafford District General Hospital. This is a journey of about 20 minutes. By the time she arrived at hospital she had progressed to having dark blood blisters over approximately 40 % of her body. Jennifer was immediately diagnosed with meningitis. Initially it was thought to be Viral which is bad enough in a child of Jennifer's size and age and is pretty serious and involves high doses of antibiotics and a long stay in hospital. After some more tests she was re-diagnosed with BACTERIAL meningitis.

During this time she suffered 2 cardiac arrests and went down hill rapidly. Her body started shutting down and the doctors did all they could to stabilise her. It was soon discovered that Stafford didn't have enough equipment to fully support Jennifer as the doctors were now trying to cope with 2 cardiac arrests , kidney failure septicaemia, lung failure and other complications in a small child. It was decided then that they needed to transfer her to the specialist paediatric intensive care unit at stoke university hospital which was 30 miles away.

The doctors couldn't get a drain into her lungs and therefore a very young and dedicated nurse had to “bag” Jennifer all the way in the ambulance. This involves him pushing air into her lungs using a “bag”... complicated by the fact that she was so small , and her lungs were full of fluid and all of this done by hand just feeling the back pressure from her lungs.... too much and she would drown … too little and she would suffocate ALL IN THE BACK OF A SPEEDING AMBULANCE.

The dedication of this man was second to none. By the time she arrived at Stoke , she had blisters over 80 – 90% of her body and looked black and blue all over. REMEMBER this was just a few hours since the ambulance was called. By the time the doctors had attended to her she was receiving EIGHT different drugs fed by 8 machines into her poorly body. There were also 6 drips and one kidney dialysis machine.

She was suffering from heart, lung & kidney failure an her body was just shutting down. The doctors said that Jennifer was then receiving ALL the help that they could and there was literally nothing else the doctors could do and that she was the most poorly child in the UK. No other child was receiving as much treatment as Jennifer and there was nothing else they could do. Chris and Lucy were sat down and basically told to expect the worst. A post was put up on face-book asking for healing energies to be sent her way. Initially it was aimed at the Dagda (our pagan group) but soon spread through our friends lists to many friends.


On Thursday Evening starting a 19: 00 We and many of our friends around the world are taking time out to sending healing prayers and thoughts for Baby Jennifer.

I know many of my friends and readers of this blog are involved in healing, healing circles and other matters spiritual. Could I please ask that you light a candle and send out some healing too? Whatever your faith, please help us generate all the energy we can muster. Together, I believe that miracles happen! She has had many set backs between Friday and now, but our Dagda Princess is a tough cookie and there are hundreds of people around the world rooting for her :o)

Can I also ask, that you click the share button and pass this blog post far and wide please.... and share on any healing groups you are connected with too.... and please join our Facebook page DAGDA Jennifer

With thanks and brightest blessings xxx


has gone viral.... and currently stands

at over 3 million people!!!!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Velentine's Day You Beautiful Person!

If you didn't receive a card this's mine to you,

Everyone deserves to be loved,

here's one from me to you....

whoever you are and wherever you are!

Severing relationships are often difficult especially if one person is more emotionally invested than the other. However, in ALMOST all cases those who hurt the most will probably end-up happier because in hindsight when the healing begins ...and they learn the lessons of being taken for granted, they discover their true worth and hopefully, they will no longer settle for crumbs.

So if you are currently in this situation where you are hurting because someone broke your heart, please believe me when I tell you... your heart is really unbreakable. You might think it is because your thoughts are preoccupied with hurt at the moment, but once the dust clouds of anger and pain dissipate, your heart will still be there to tell you, "Hey kiddo, we can only hurt as much as we allow ourselves too and we can be happy the same way." - by Dodinsky

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

I'm so dizzy! My head is a whirlwind it never ends....

well, actually, that's not entirely true....

it does calm down eventually,

and nothing lasts forever...

A week ago today, we left the hospital, a little dazed and in shock. Steve's been diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and after a two and a half hour consultation....we left the hospital CPAP Machine in hand.

We were shocked, because after monitoring we really thought they would say that everyone stops breathing every once in a while and his results were nothing out of the ordinary. How wrong we were.... he actually manages to stop breathing 51 times and hour! The result of this is oxygen levels drop and your heart rate goes up and POW! you gasp for breath and all is well, until the next time. You can imagine what he feels like been woken up 51 times an hour.

We are reassured and have proved that after 1 week, Steve feels fully awake and alert all day long....something most of us take for granted.Not to waste the day and in his usual, lets make the best of this manner....he decided to take me to Whitby and treat me to fish and chips at my favourite restaurant.... we have both been vegetarian for 28 years.....but I do like to eat fish now and again..... mainly because I believe that women need their calcium and other good things not found in the main veggie diet.Whitby was a little sharp, but the sun shone and we gradually came to terms with what we had been told. I was looking forward to seeing him feel 'eyes open, wide awake', not only in the mornings but during the day and evenings too. So often, sleep apnea can be mistaken for laziness, which he very much isn't.

4 days later, his new kiln had arrived (he's like a dog with 2 tails!) and we went to the studio to try it out and then came the snow! It was lovely and toasty in the studio....but I couldn't resist some snow writing....

Smile for no reason!

Can I just add, that this photo was taken just before I almost fell flat on my asse (which will give you cause to laugh FOR a reason!)..... my balance these days isn't what it used to be lol. I bought some banner blanks. I was quite taken with them and decided to sod the expense, as there was no way I could cut those fluted edges myself, for the price I had to pay for someone else to have done it before me....anyway....I wanted to have fun! I'm offering these banners to order.... perhaps with Mr & Mrs for Weddings or Beccy's 18th for birthdays or whatever....

Yesterday, I created a new design for my Wedding Stationery collection.

I've a few more ideas in the pipeline. Although I love to work with the bride and groom and create something just for them, it's nice to have a jumping off point,,,,These are in silver foil, but there are lots of colours to choose from....

While I was making the banner, I decided to create a wall plaque out of A4 sized MDF and personalised it with the names and the date, to be used as a commemorative gift for the newly married couple. Perhaps they will sell, perhaps not....but it's another idea for visitors to the shop.

All in all, quite and eventful week. Steve's got used to the CPAP, so have I and I now have a bright eyed and bushy tailed man, who in my opinion is amazing for getting to grips with having air pumped up his nose at great pressure all night and STILL managing to sleep! I feel quite emotional, that at last he's getting the sleep he should and now feels like the rest of us have been feeling for years. Perhaps now, he won't think I'm such a live wire, always rushing around and on the go.....In fact, I may find it hard to keep up!

All is well with the world! :o)

Monday, February 06, 2012

Sunflower Healing

I have quite a few friends at the moment, who are going through a really hard time. I wish there was something I could do....but I can't and this affects me greatly! Sometimes there seems to be no let up in peoples struggles. All 'we' the ones close by, can do is hope, pray and keep them in our thoughts.

Is the human spirit indestructible?

Healing is always possible

but not inevitable.

All living beings & systems

attempt to re-establish stability after trauma.

when we have dealt with hardship & pain

we do not return to being who we were before the struggle.

Hemingway wrote:

some will be stronger in the broken places.

it is a surprise to realize I am both stronger & more fragile

than I imagine or remember.

Sending sunflowers,

to brighten your day

and lift your spirits high,

to all those who need them.


Wednesday, February 01, 2012

5 Most Inspirational Creative Spirits I know.....

I've been meaning to do this post forever.....well for at least the last few months! I'm often asked where do I get my inspiration from. I'm inspired by nature, positive thinking, motivational quotes, philosophy, colours, oh and many, many other things. Most importantly I am inspired by other creative spirits and I'd like to share with you my top 5. I couldn't decide what order to put them in as they are all equally important to I decided to put them in alphabetical order to avoid favouritism.

First off, I offer you the wonderful Joanne Sharpe of Whimspirations. Wild and free lettering, bright optimistic colours and a flair for mad doodling. Pop over and see her blog here....

Then comes Joanne Fink and her wonderful Zenspirations. I first got to know about Joanne's work, when during my beginner years as a calligrapher and bought Calligraphy and Lettering Art Books from America. If you haven't managed to Doodle and don't know where to start, Joanne's Zenspirations will open up a world of simple, clean lined and funky drawings, which will amuse and encourage even the beginner in this art form. Joanne can be found here.

Then there's the beautiful Lori Vliegen from Elvie Studio. I love her blog and look forward to her 3 times a week posts which act as a quick fix for me. I love her lettering style and more subtle colours as she uses watercolour crayons and a simple waterbrush with a fine micro pen to create her magical little works of art. Lori's blog is here

Ahhhh, the wonderful work of Martha Lever and her blog at Art Du Jour. Her work has developed and changed over the years and I love the enthusiasm that comes over in her art and blog posts.
Martha can be found on the following link at

Finally we have Violette Clark from Violette’s Creative Juice. I've known of Violette for some 5 years now....ever since I started blogging. We share the same madness for colour, creativity and we seem to have not only read a lot of the same books, but go through similar events together. Sort of spiritual sisters across the pond. Her work is vibrant and there's not an ounce of self-consciousness to be seen. Her art is what it is. Every woman is a Goddess and every woman seems to go through the same rites of passage. Her work is optimistic and motivational and I would advise you to take a look at her amazing blog

Hopefully, you will see these artists work influence but not copied in my work. My Power Doodles were spurred on by these amazing women. In many ways they are all similar, working with positivity, but in other ways they are so different. I guess what I am looking for here is the common denominator that sparks something within my psyche and gets my Creative Spirit flying. Whatever it is, these 5 women do it for me and really float my boat.

I thank each and every one of them for their generosity in sharing their creativity in Cyberspace so that others can be motivated and inspired.

Blessings to you all xxx


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