Friday, December 31, 2010


As the Wheel of the Year turns slowly at this time of the year and we say once again goodbye and farewell to yet another year....It's time to reflect and look back on what has gone, what has been gained and what lies before us.
Above - Roundel of the Seasons by Sheila Waters
This year has been a busy one and two particular events have changed my life. The first was the birth of my first Grandchild, Daisy... A bringer of much joy and laughter and a real treasure. Why did no-one tell me what a wonderful feeling a Grandchild would bring? Born premature, she certainly came into the world as a big surprise and I'm so proud of my son and daughter-in-law for being such wonderful parents.

Then in May, at Beltane, a man entered my life. The Goddess sent me someone who at last I can really connect with. No ego, no bullying, no put downs, no emotional blackmail....quite different to what I had experienced before. Someone who can share my love of Art and Creativity (He's an Artist too) and someone who supports and encourages the Pixie when she needs it most. He's the kindest, most loving and generous partner that has ever entered my life and I feel blessed that he shares his life with me. He also makes a fantastic Granddad for Daisy Doodles :o)
Together we have journeyed. Glastonbury (my spiritual home) has been shared alone and with friends. Art Galleries and Exhibitions have been visited all over the country. At last I have found my soul mate.
The business has had some much needed sorting out....and there is more yet to do. But 2011 is looked forward to with much optimism and hope and many plans and changes are afoot. I am excited, and can't wait to share my year ahead.
Usually at this time of the year I do not make resolutions, I make Wish Lists.....this year I may share them or keep them to myself. Whatever happens, I raise a glass, to all my friends and followers on my blog....both this one and Inspired by Scrip.t And my wish for you is primarily health, closely followed by peace and happiness to face the joys and challenges that 2011 will bring. May the Gods and Goddesses be kind to you all.
Blessed be,
Sue x

Monday, November 22, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy.....and Christmas fast a comein'....

Steve and I have been busy, busy, busy. Why is it after Halloween, the days seem to fly past? My beautiful Granddaughter is growing and developing fast, the nights draw in ever faster and before you know's 'THAT' time of year again.

If you want to see what we've been up to.... pop over and see my blog at and Steve's Blog at

At the moment we are very much concentrating on the business, with lots of making and lots of planning and marketing. We have 3 Craft Fairs booked before Christmas and into the New Year there are plans afoot for BIG changes at the Studio and within the business. It's all go, go, go and we are having a ball :o)

I expect blogging here will be thin on the ground for a little while longer, so please bear with us and make sure you check out my Inspired By Script Blog and Website to keep up to date.
Obviously those of my friends who also join me on FaceBook will be more up to date than ever lol. Oh what fun we have!

Meanwhile, keep creating you lovely, wonderful people.... For Creating washes away from the soul, the dust of everyday life. Blessings xxx

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

And, if we only scratch a living from it, At least it's a living worth scratching,

"If I only scrape a living at it,

at least its a living worth scraping, there's no firture in it,

but it's a life worth remembering"

Mikey Smith - Surf Photographer
To see the Video of this remarkable man

I never grew up wanting to be an artist. I was encouraged as a child to create, and creating was play, and people didn't make money from playing.... People earned money from working...hard graft, drafting your fingers to the bone, working yourself to death....all to pay the bills and put money on the table. This preconditioned belief was reinforced so much so, that a career in Art was never an option. Even at school the subconscious messages slowly drip fed into my brain. I could imagine the Careers Teacher shaking her head in dismay if I had ever answered the question: 'So Susan (that's my Sunday name.....generally reserved for when my mother was really angry) what would you like to be when you leave school?', 'Well I was thinking of being an artist'.... you see I have an issue cannot BE an Artist....or become one for that you either are one or you aren't. You either feel comfortable referring to yourself as an artist or not. However I believe that EVERYONE is creative.

I have often had it said to me that people would LOVE to be Artistic.... and we all are, but to what degree is only a matter of opinion. But being Artistic is a very different title that actually labelling yourself as one. I Am.....try it....I Am An comfortable are you with that?

For most people, they can only say 'I Am An Artist' once they truly believe in themselves and in what the produce. It all becomes easier once you start to make Art your only source of income. Of course there are exceptions to the rule and I am generalising and my observations are directed at the majority of creative not the minority.

'I Am An Artist' I am fortunate to have taken some crazy risks in my life and ended up making my Art my full time career. I fought against it and tried, without success to be many other things before....But I am inside me a Creative Spirit, and working in any other job would drive me stir crazy. You see, I just can't help the way I am. I get great delight from making a blank piece of paper come to life. I work with words....positive thinking, motivational, inspirational, emotional words that resonate inside me and actually make me 'Feel' that emotion to my very core. My spiritual beliefs and practices give me food for my soul which in turn translates to creativity on a page. You see....we artists 'FEEL'....we have to be moved to create. Our souls need to be fed like a hungry child. Sadness, pain and trauma, somehow stifles our creative souls. We need to take time to look, to think, to meditate, to be still.....and then the magic happens.

When we follow our true calling, our life's purpose, all is well with the world. Artists who choose to make art their living are courageous, risk takers and above all warriors, who dare to go against convention. We are not afraid of feelings, emotions, risk taking....for we do that every time we put pen to paper. We have our innermost thoughts and feelings transparently superimposed on paper. We have nothing to hide. We are who we are and what you see is what you get. We are open to criticism and are ready to take the harsh blows life has to throw at us. Being an artist is not a soft option. Those who think we need to stop messing and get a real job, should change places for a few weeks.....for being an artist is both a blessing and a curse. We have a great deal of self motivation and we learn to ride out the storms. We love to share our knowledge and encourage others to create, for our creativity is part of our soul and we find it hard to distinguish where one starts and the other ends. We work long hours for little return and certainly do not do it for the money.....for if we did, most of us would be doing something else.

No, we do it for the love of it. For the sheer pleasure of sharing our passion with others. We do it to change the world, bring some light into0 the darkness and let the world for some people just stop for one brief minute. Oh and we don't retire...because we are what we are. A concert pianist doesn't stop playing music just because he has reached 65.

We are born to create and will create all our lifetime, it's not something we can switch matter how hard we try. We need to be understood and ask that people go gentle on us....for at the end of the day....through art we gain inner peace and calm and only want to spread a little around.

And, if we only scratch a living from it,

At least it's a living worth scratching,

and a life lived following our bliss.
Sue Simpson

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sometimes, other things take priority....

It would be easy to think I have done absolutely nothing for the past 5-8 weeks, but the truth is, my feet don't seem to have touched the floor.

The Wedding Fair preparations took up a huge amount of time planning wise and this had to be intermingled with a Wedding Order and other commissions....however, it went well. We had a great day and I met and networked with a lot of local businesses also involved with the Wedding Industry.

We've also had a busy Summer with Steve's exhibitions and also visiting Arty places of interest. As artists we need to charge our creative batteries now and again. Art is to Artists like food is to a chef.....we may make it ourselves but its always good and inspiring to see other peoples work too.

Along side this we have had time to plan both in our work lives and personal lives....things are definitely on the up.

Autumn Equinox has come around fast, the Summer far too short, but as the leaves start to fall and the nights draw in, it's time to take see what has worked, what needs to go and what plans need to be started for the coming year.

I had the most wonderful birthday in Glastonbury and Steve and I spent a precious week together. Lots of talking and much laughter.
There's been time to work, time to play and a little time to rest.....anyone that knows me, knows I find this one difficult ....but I am learning to slow down a little and realise that going at everything at a 100 miles an hour does not get things done any's just taken me longer to realise that!
Oh....and did I mention having a new bathroom fitted....that took more than 2 weeks instead of the predicted 5 days??? However, it does look wonderful and I've finally cracked my shower phobia....yes that's idea where in the hell that one came from....but it's been with me a long time.
We've spent time visiting family and spending time with my little Grand-daughter.....but not as much time as I would like to,
The garden is sorted at last....the house is getting there a a work in progress.

I've also bought a new camera, it takes the most fantastic pictures and hoped to show you some on here.....but Blogger is playing up and won't have any of I will add them later. I just wanted to pop quickly in.....explain my absence and warn everyone I will be back very soon.

Brightest blessings

Sue xxx

Monday, August 09, 2010

Doesn't time fly when you're having fun?

Before I blog about anything else, and just in case people think I may have died, I thought I play catch up and let everyone know where I have been and more important what I have been up to and who with.
Well after professing to never have another man ever again enter my so special and suited to me he was hard to refuse. Just shows you how wrong you can be sometimes....especially when you least expect it. And I am happy to say.... he feels just the same and we spend as much time together as we can.....So almost everything below has been done either with him or as a result of being with him.

Steve's also an artist, so he feeds me on an inspirational level as well as a creative level, both mentally and spiritually. Oh yes, and he's got his own blog, so go and take a look, say hi and follow him at Steve Smiths Art

Finally we got the garden finished and it more than I could have wished for. I have 3 gardens, but the back one is an awkward shape and I wanted a peace almost a year to the day after I started's finally finished. Just a Japanese Acer to buy when I find the right one......

We have made a couple of trips down to the South West to see his family, for birthdays and special occasions.....

We went to a long standing friends 30th Wedding Anniversary. Good friends of mine and my late husbands, and they got a Peruvian Pan Pipe Group called Apu to play. Great fun because it's about 20 years since we last saw them play.

Then we've been to the 60's weekend in Pickering (Great fun!) And wonderfully the whole town seems to come out and support it

Ah yes, and then there have been the exhibitions. Steve enters exhibitions on a constant basis, he's much better at marketing himself than I am, and he sells more too ;o)

Then we spent a day at Yorkshire Sculpture Park.... where I had the chance to sit on the knee of the Bronze Cast naked man.....I covered his bits for dignity!

We could have spend a weekend here, we both love Henry Moore, and we both left full of inspiration and ideas. It's so lovely being able to talk shop with someone who understands.

I did however have to stop him using this one as a slide......VERY TACTILE!

And of course there have been the commissions.... A guest book....

A concertina Card......

And I've made a couple of books, codex bound. One for me with plain pages in for quotations.....

And a plain covered one for Steve, hoping he will paint the front himself. It's a mixture of plain pages for note making and watercolour pages for little paintings. Both are about 6" square

And I've been planning for my first Wedding Fair to be held locally in September.

We that just about covers it. Except I'm sure I will have forgotten something. Regular readers of My Facebook will know there has been a lot more going on and when time is so precious it's far easier to post on there than write reams and reams on my Blog.

So, thats it for the time being. We're having a lot of fun, we're both loved up and things just couldn't be better. Hopefully, those who are not on Facebook will have a brief overview of the last 6 weeks and at least you know that I'm still breathing.

Bright Lammas Blessings to my Pagan Friends. Autumn Equinox will be upon us before we know it ;o)

Oh yes..... and did I mention that my kitchen has been transformed and on Wednesday I get a new bathroom and shower......

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Calling All Letter-Lovers NEW BLOG!

Well, I've been busy, sorting out a new Blog, designed for Letter-Lovers of all kinds. It will feature Calligraphers, Lettering Artists, Sign Writers and Makers, Graphic Artists, Font Designers, Typographers, Stone Carvers, Glass Etchers.....In fact it will appeal to ALL who have a passion and love of Letters.

I will also use it as a useful resource for UK Calligraphers and Lettering Artists to promote groups and exhibitions, and hope you will link to this blog and let's get Lettering (and particularly Hand Lettering) back on the map.
Come over and have a look:
Don't forget to Follow and/or Subscribe

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Spinning, Twirling and Dizzy Spells

Well I seem to be on some sort of roundabout at the moment, spinning and twirling and making myself dizzy.....Fellow creatives will know this feeling....and when the energy is flowing madly you just have to run with it.
This dizziness doesn't happen forever, we have spells of being blocked, stuck and downright unmotivated.... perhaps its all a question of balance. The Yin Yang, Fast, slow, active, calm, hot, cold, angry, calm..... for without one we certainly can't appreciate the other. People who say they are well 'Balanced' make me cringe.... I see them as emotionally dead people, who have no feelings at all. Without hate we cannot experience love.....or if we do it's on a sliding scale of how deep.

Since Beltane (Feb 2nd) the created juices have been flowing, yes of course I've had my down days and one of these was just last week. I had some certificates to do and my eyes were particularly bad, so much so I feared the worse and thought I had had fresh bleeds... I almost gave up my business for good! But I have now decided that if work comes to me of this kind again, I will find a calligrapher to job it out to for commission or turn it down....either way, it's not worth the low self worth I felt when having to acknowledge my lack of sight.
Thankful (because I don't know where I would be without him!) the love of my life (we'll call him Pan shall we?) came to my rescue and talked some sense into me. A big hug and a swift kick up the asse always works with the Pixie.

Pan is also an artist and so fully understands the ups and downs of living a creative life. Sometimes you win, sometimes you loose, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. What we need to do is never stop experimenting, growing and loosing sight of why we do what we do....We do it for the Love of it. It's something inside us, it's not something we can stop or ask to go away. I have created since I was a child and I believe that Creators have one thing in common, we are all child spirits.
We know and recognise our strengths and weaknesses.... and it's no big deal. At the end of the day, we feel passion, a passion that comes from deep within and one that cannot be explained or experienced by non-creators.

I do know a lot of Creatives and we all chat about the fact that there's so much creativity around at the moment. To me I believe you are either a creator or a destroyer. Asleep or awake, a giver or a taker....Giving is a creative act, taking is destructive. Peace against War. Do something for the love of it, not for the money it will bring. For if you love it, the money will follow. If you are on the wrong track, be open and awake and your path will surely be shown to you.

So, at the moment I'm twirling..... ideas are flowing.... my business is going to change pretty radically over the next few months and the fantastic thing is, I have the most wonderful man right there beside me, supporting me every step of the way. Now there's something I've never had before!

First I have to plan for a Wedding Fair to be held in September, then we are looking towards Art Shows and a Joint Exhibition. Interest has been shown in my new ideas and ventures, which I will keep under wraps for the time being. But getting out and about (at last) networking and meeting, and being among fellow artists and creatives lately has certainly being motivating.

So excuse me while my postings are a little on the irregular side... It's just I'm Spinning, Twirling and having Dizzy Spells.....With Pan .... Looks like the Pixies in lurrrrve ;o)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Magic in Glastonbury - The Dream Coat

If Glastonbury does nothing else, it makes people smile....lots! Perhaps their ability not to take life too seriously helps. There's a more relaxed attitude to life and that probably what draws me there the most. People have time, no rushing, no deadlines, no panic.....flowing, gentle energy and lots of love and kindness going on. Regular readers of my blog will know my affinity with positive, motivational and inspirational quotations....and it's pretty much a coincidence that on our last day we met Nicola, a beautiful Pixie Spirit with her Dream Coat of many colours....well actually I never met her.....Steve picked her up first, telling me that he had met a girl in the Cafe that wanted to swap one of her dreams for his....Hmmmm....helped along by the fact that she was beautiful I expect ;o)

My first reaction was...Oh yes and what medication is she on....but then she glided out with her coat of many colours and I called her over....And no she was not on medication, nor did she want paying.....and the story of her coat brought smiles all round.

So, the idea is that each pocket holds someones dream.... And you are asked to put your dream in any pocket of your choice, but first you have to take one out......

Here's what we picked........The picture should enlarge if you click on it.....

Nicola intended to walk from Glastonbury to Pilton where the festival was being held. So if you see her on your travels, stop her and swap a Dream or Two.
Interestingly while we were chatting we found we both have a lot of similar ideas regarding the increase in Creativity that is around at the moment, we both want to teach Creativity Classes and while her idea is a Dream Coat, I want to do a similar thing with Words For Peace in the UK....An exhibition made up from donated Art, hung in a collection and exhibited in perhaps more than one venue.....At the moment, it's just an idea....gestating away and seeing how I can make my dream a reality.
What Dream would you add to the pocket???
Do you still dare to dream????

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Royal Visit

I live pretty close to Catterick, a well known Army Base in north Yorkshire. Often I get work to do which among other things involves the inscriptions and pages in their Visitors book. This time it was for Princess Alexandra and the time before that Her Royal Highness, The Queen.

Sadly, the book has been started in and continues to be written in Gothic...not my favourite or best hand these day and definitely one that is seldom used due to it's unreadability factor.

Roll on the new book, where I will insist it is written in Italic.

In these circumstances and unfortunately, the Calligrapher or Scribe get very little or know recognition, which, looking at these letters is probably a blessing.

Hand Made Seating Plan with Calligraphy for Weddings

Very often I get asked to do a seating plan as the grand finale to a Wedding Order. This is a last minute thing as many of the guests literally leave it till just a few days before the Wedding to confirm or cancel. It really is the last thing on the Wedding Stationery List.

This Wedding Theme was very simple and Deep Rose Red and Ivory was the only request made.

However, I felt and with consultation with the Bride that the Seating Plan would benefit from a few strategically placed Butterflies would complete the look. I left it until the arrival of the Bride before a final decision was made. The header in beautiful, matching calligraphy makes this Seating Plan ideal as a lasting reminder of a very special day.

The wings stand proud of the board itself, giving the illusion that they are taking flight. I think you'll agree that they were the finishing touches the Seating Plan needed.

You can see other seating plan ideas at my Wedding Website: North Yorkshire Weddings

or for further information or consultation Tel: 01609 776 866

Friday, June 04, 2010

Personalised Baby Birth Certificates

It's been a long time...I mean a real long time....but all I seem to have been doing for the last year is Baby Boy Certificates. Now at last a welcome relief....
a baby girl was born.......
I mean I was starting to worry that they had put something in the water round her, although even the mail order certificates were for boys too!

This one is for Alisia Marshall
Born 18th April 2010
8Lb 6 oz

These prints are personalised with the baby's name, date of birth and weight and finished with hand painted decorated squares.

Size: A3 - 29.7cm x 42cm
All available by mail order, price is £10 including P&P
and comes delivered in a board backed envelope
or £15.00 if you would like a mount adding
which makes the print fit into a standard sized, easily available frame.

I accept Paypal or Cheques
Email me at:
For further details

If you have a new born child to celebrate this makes a unique and personal gift.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

What's Been Going On...

Well.....lots and lots and lots and lots actually....and as most followers and readers of my blog are also friends with me on Face Book....I won't re-hash the more personal news here. However, first off, new direction and with the rethinking of my business and the need to actually not only pay my bills but also at some point in my life make a living out of it, I've started with the repainting of the Gallery...
Many paint swatches and much dilemma as well as being terrified of picking a neutral, neutral that would go with just about anything....All the shelves were painted too, so at last I feel like the whole place comes together.....much like my old place in Darlington.
The pale shelves set off the Concertina Books wonderfully.
And are just as suited to the Paler pieces of work....
As they are to the brighter pieces.....
All in all, I'm happy with the result. I have taken down old, worn out and jaded pieces of my work that no longer reflect my work now and the services available. Now, in between working I need to rehash the store room, which was originally a store room come office. I feel creatively stifled sometimes and I need to reopen my space. A good weekend and a skip seems like a good idea lol. More blogging and more photos will follow, until then, keep your Creative Spirits flowing,
Meanwhile if you want to follow me on FaceBook CLICK HERE
Brightest Blessings,
Sue xxx

Monday, March 29, 2010

Life.... and how to live it!

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave
with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive
and well-preserved body,
but rather to skid in sideways -
Chardonnay in one hand -
chocolate in the other -
body thoroughly used up,
totally worn out and screaming
"WOO-HOO, what a ride!!"

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm back....

Well what a journey…and finally The Creative Spirit is back. Back in that warm, fuzzy, comforting space that seems like a home from home.

I did try…so hard to amalgamate The Creative Spirit into my business blog and make them one and the same, but the minute I saw the ‘Inspired by Script’ banner I was filled with dread. Although my beliefs about my spiritual path, my philosophy on life, the positive thinking, self awareness, self improvement and all things connected to nature and spirit form a large part of my business, I seemed to clam up when writing on that blog under the ‘business’ brand. Somehow business head me and the crazy, fun loving but sometimes serious Pixie just didn’t mix…. No matter how hard I tried.

And the friends, the many friends and support system of fellow Warrior Women and Goddesses were missed beyond belief. The times when out lives and synchronicity, no matter where we lived and what our lifestyles were, went by without acknowledgement, because following without a blogroll became impossible.

So, now I (or the many aspects of me….which I should call WE) are back…. And It feels good. I found wordpress almost an impossible blog to use and although I'll still use it for my website, this blog and my Inspired by Script Blog will stay with blogger. PHEW!
I'm always preaching to people to be true to the other space I felt I wasn't and that goes so much against the grain I felt I was being hidden and dishonest. And for the main part, loosing the contacts and keeping up with the friends (some of which I have known for over 15 years) was like a mini grieving process, and I've done enough grieving for one lifetime ;o)

Business is business and pleasure is pleasure and I’m back to enjoy the ride in my usual, honest blogger way, back in my world and I love it!….So.....Hello Friends and Hell World! I'm giving you all a great big Pixie wave.
With love and brightest blessings,
Sue xxx
Aka - Granny Weatherwax now!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Shoot For The Moon - Les Brown - Birthday Card

After designing and making THIS CARD I've decided to use the design as a template for further cards. This week I've made a blue card as a belated card for a good friend of mine.

Shoot For the Moon.psd

The inside reads: Shoot for the Moon,

Even if you miss,

you will land among the stars

The quotation by Les Brown is a particular favourite of mine and is suitable for any occasion.

Then it's my Dad's birthday on th

Shoot for the moon inside.psde 30th and his favourite colour is red

Dad Birthday Card.psd


These cards can be made to order, just email me at  for further details.

Monday, March 22, 2010

NEW - Baby Birth Announcement Cards

After a few days on monitoring, mainly because my daughter-in-laws blood pressure was high and the baby’s heart kept going dangerously low, baby Daisy Simpson decided to make her grand entrance almost 5 weeks early. It was not only a shock to us but also the doctors and midwife monitoring Sarahs progress as  she had just checked on her and had to be shouted back. Chaos reigned and she was whisked off to the labour ward almost giving birth in the corridor!  Baby Daisy  was born last Tuesday weighing 5lb 4oz and has been in the Special Care Baby Unit since then. All seems to be well….her first picture shows her black eyes caused by the doctor wielding his set of forceps. Daisy has a habit of pulling in ropes. First in the womb, causing the heart stoppages (apparently it’s common!) and now constantly pulling her feeding tube out and removing the plaster too…now she looks like a red Indian with striped either side of her cheeks

Camera Download 220

Sadly, nowadays, so many family members live a fair distance away and our families are no exception. After designing the new Wedding Cards with the fold over flap, I thought it would be a good idea to also offer these in my shop, so families far and wide could at least meet the new arrival. The design is simple but effective and ordering is made easy. Send us the details of the parents, the name, weight, date and time of birth and a .jpg picture attachment to email….we’ll do the rest. Then is all you need do is peel off the cover of the self adhesive double sided tape, stick down, address, add a stamp and send through the post. A card and an envelope all in one. Sent with a book of stamps, this would make a fuss free gift that will be appreciated by new busy mums and dads. They are already for sale in the shop CLICK HERE TO BUY

Baby Announcment.psd

And this is my beautiful Granddaughter now…. A few days on and looking more like she’s ready for the world. Still a sleepy head and despite prodding and poking from Grandma refuses to walk up… the picture was taken by her dad… Grandma can’t wait to tell her about Grandmas Magic Tepee and all the adventures we are going to have!

Baby Daisy 4 days old 2

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Special Mothers Day Card

Mothers Day Card.psd

A Mothers Day Card. A 3-fold card with a formal italic cover, complimented with a more contemporary inside. Pink gouache for the lettering. The overall size is 445mm x 105mm, so it fits into a standard C6 envelope. Simple, pretty and just right for mothers day.

Bespoke, Hand Made Birthday Card with Calligraphy

Brother Cover.psd

Getting commissioned for special occasions cards is one of the most pleasurable of items we can do as calligraphers. This particular card has been made using white Dr. Martins Bleedproof white on Navy Blue cover paper. Dr. Martins is particularly good for it opaque qualities especially on dark colours. I much prefer this to using white gouache.

Brother Outside

The above picture shows the front of the card....sadly the photos don't do the colours justice and it really is the most gorgeous Navy Blue. Other colours are available including Red, Green, Yellow, Tan....and others.

Brothers Birthday.psd

The above picture shows the 3-fold card in its entirety. The inside italic lettering sets the card of wonderfully.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

North Yorkshire Calligraphers - Exhibition at Preston Park, Museum

As president of North Yorkshire Calligraphers I'm always pleased when I'm kept up to date with the groups achievements by way of their newsletter. This morning wa not exception and I see once again they have an exhibition.

North Yorkshire Calligraphers Exhibition

The exhibition is called:


The exhibition runs from the 1st April - 30th April 2010

At the Preston Park Museum, Eaglecliffe.

And will be held alongside a permanent exhibition

'Made In Stockton' Go along and see it if you can! It's bound to be a huge success.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Hand Made Wedding Stationery - New Designs

Baroque Black

Well as I said in my last post, I’ve been busy working on a new collection on Wedding Stationery. This new Baroque Style Invitation is designed to be both the Invitation and the envelope.

Folded into 3, the top third folds down to form the flap on the back and the address can be written on the front. 

Baroque Border

Above is a close up of the detailed border and the design is also continued on the flap.

Baroque 3 cards

Both the filigree design work and the Bride and Grooms name can be Colour Co-Co-ordinated to match the theme of the Wedding. A more complete range including Order of Service, Place Cards, Evening Invitations, Menus and Thank You Cards will ba available in the shop section very soon.

Inspired by Script - In the Top Blogs for Calligraphy!

YAY! Just a ruthless attempt at some self promotion here, The-Creative-Spirit, now Inspired by Script is ranked 17th of the top Calligraphy Networked Blogs!

And once I get the hang of Blogging in this new programme and have a little less commission work... I'll be posting more frequently too.

Lots of interesting things to report. Waiting for Spring to come along and the weather to warm up. My first Grandchild's arrival in April.... or sooner if my predictive dreams are working right. Oh yes, this is going to be one busy year!

Just wanted to pop in, tell everyone I'm still breathing and share my good news with you all.

Well done Kelly, Cari and Bill for being the top 3!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hand Made Wedding Stationery & Calligraphy Service

Nichola Close up

It’s that time of the year again, when Christmas is over and the New Year has begun and Brides start planning their Weddings. Almost always, the Invitations are first on their list.

My first Wedding Order has been completed and safely delivered to the awaiting bride.

daytime Invites

TThis Invitation is a simple design, clearly understated and printed in soft Grey on a hammered background.

Above is the Wedding Invitation and below is the Evening Invitation

Evening Invites

You can see more about previous Wedding Commissions, including Cards, Albums and Seating Plans by clicking on the link to Weddings on the left or BY CLICKING HERE

To order Wedding Stationery or discuss your requirements please ring us on 01609 776 866 or 07816 537 275 Mon-Fri 10am – 4pm or alternatively email me at:  

You can see many more examples of our Wedding Stationery on our sister site North Yorkshire Weddings


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