Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Denis Brown New Video

Denis Brown New Video.... well worth a watch!

At last we seem to have sorted out the comments section to the blog.....phew relief!

Anything new is always a challenge, and especially so at this time of the year. I've also added a new header for your questions and answers, eventually I hope to convert this to a message board/forum, which will give greater interaction with my friends, other creatives and my big happy family!  And in the meantime if you want to join me on FaceBook, I've added my link in the side bar. It's all go, go, go!

Enjoy the video!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Hand Made Greeting Cards added to website

Camera Download 238The GREETING CARDS section has been added to my shop!

Yule is fast a coming....What Is Love?

The studio has been busy. Building and designing the new website is a task unto itself. So many decisions to make and the overall look and end result have to be decided upon before you even start. There’s still a lot to add in the shop section and each item listed and categorised correctly to avoid confusion. It’s a steep learning curve.

I have made and finished my Yule Cards…….

 Yule Cards 2009

But the snow has fallen thick and fast; making walking on the icy paths treacherous and nigh on impossible, so whether they will actually reach the post box is another matter.

 Camera Download 234

Here is one of a number of canvas commissions I undertook…..

 Love Canvas.psd

The background is Acrylic Paint textured with cling film and the writing is done simply but effectively with silver pen. There is some multi coloured iridescent power on the top for added impact, this is subtle and only shows when it catches the light in a certain way. …ok back to the Website building. 


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