Wednesday, November 22, 2006


What price can we put on
the magic and beauty of nature?

It's November....the mornings are dark and the night draws in early. It's getting colder and winter is getting closer. Dragging myself out of a nice cosy, warm bed at 6.30 and getting in the studio for 7.30 has its benefits. This morning after putting the kettle on at the studio to try and encourage my body into wide-awake mode, I caught a glance of this! The photo hasn't captured the fantastic pinks and violets as the sun started to rise. I watched in wonder as the sky turned all shades before my eyes and the whole event was over and done with in 15 minutes flat. I realise how important vibrant colours are now that my sight is not good. This amazing sight is priceless and makes any trouble in the world and bad news that the TV and Radio seems to take great delight in reporting, pale into insignificance!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Monday, November 06, 2006

RUNRIG Lyrics piece SOLD!

I'm so pleased that my Runrig piece has sold on ebay and seems to have gone to a good home. I got £50 for it....not the price I wanted but every little helps towards my website fund and there is no price on the pleasure I hope it gives the winning bidder.


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