Thursday, August 18, 2011

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North Yorkshire Weddings - Blog: Wedding Fayre in Northallerton, North Yorkshire

Posted to my Wedding Blog.....North Yorkshire Weddings - Blog: Wedding Fayre in Northallerton, North Yorkshire: we are please to announce that we will be attending (Click link above to read more)

The Grand Wedding Fayre,
t o be held on Sunday, September 4th 2011,

At th...

Monday, August 08, 2011

Lammas - It's time to reap what you sow!

It's been 2 years.....2 very long years.....since I last went to the annual Lammas Camp at Lime Tree Farm. It was my decision to not go to any camps at all last year and also planned a relationship free year, after seeming to have a knack of picking up mentally dysfunctional suitors, who came with serious mental health issues. I needed a year out, to take stock and gather my thoughts and focus on my business a bit more. The break brought it's rewards in more ways than one.
I met my wonderful soul mate Steve at
Beltane last year and wanted to spend a year with him, getting to know him and simply enjoying each others company. This time it was slow and steady away....and I will blog more about this at a later date.
It was time for the Bell Tent to come out of her hiding place, get all glammed up and Grandma's Magic Tepee (as known by Daisy my Granddaughter) was ready to rock and roll once again. It was Steve's first camp, although he had met a few of my Pagan friends over the last year.

This time, we set up the bed directly opposite the door, giving extra space at either side. I don't know why this had never occurred to me before, but the Feng Shui really worked well and the tent had a more comfortable feel....perhaps it helped that for the first time I set up camp with no head banging off the steering wheel, no angst'y shouting and absolutely no stress....what a relief that was! and a true breath of fresh air.

A single burner is never enough on camp and we made the decision to buy a wood burning stove, which also doubled as a cooker, after reading about them on a blog post by The Hermitage. The wonderful thing about these stoves is that with a fixing kit they can be used inside a bell tent. It somehow just felt more apt and natural that the tent and the stove worked hand in hand and seemed altogether more aesthetically pleasing. For this camp we opted to use it outside to see how it performed.

However.....keeping Steve away from it was a different matter! What is it with men and fire....or men and axes, or drills, power tools and chainsaws for that matter??? Must be that hunter gatherer kinda thing :o)

The stove did kept us fed and watered all weekend and was a blessing at night when we sat huddled round to keep warm, whiled away the hours chatting and laughing and watch the moonlit sky.

The stall looked good. There is nothing so powerful as 2 artistic brains together. The broomstick took up her place by the side of the door, bringing the magic right inside.

Steve the ever relaxed one, enjoyed his morning coffee and really looked at home.....

And there was plenty of space for my stock too, thanks to the wonderful innovation of some trellis work to hang things on. This made a huge difference to my stall as normally the tables are full to bursting.

The weather was perfect, the company of friends was even better and everyone at the camp this year had a wonderful time and said they have never experienced a camp like it. There have been times when the tension was felt by everyone who was capable of feeling. Even 2 of my 3 ex's turning up did nothing to dampen the spirit, well I only needed one more and a had a hat I even managed to be civil to them both!

And we had a little visitor to our shoppe. I love Lammas Camp as it always brings out the Crickets, that seem to serenade us all day long and we were not disappointed.....this little fellow was set free after trapping himself in the netting during the night. It was a major operation not to break his leg, but he left happily and without injury after Steve set him free.

And there was a handfasting....of 2 of the most beautiful people. They have been through a lot in the past few years and have stuck together through hell and high water. They are both very special and really hold the standard for hope and love triumphs over adversity. No not these two....that's me and Steve......

These two.....and they must hold the record for the most people attending a handfasting. It goes to show how much they are truly loved.

And of course we had Damh the Bard to play at their Wedding... only the best will do sometimes :o)

Something major happened that camp. The ritual for the handfasting was to release and let go of past hurts. I never really thought I was holding on to any...I really didn't, but something definitely shifted in me (and others) that weekend!

It really was the best camp ever.The nutters seem to have gone. The weather was good to us and the people were all happy, smiley, relaxed and calm. It was over too soon.

We returned home to see the corn was being harvested off the field. The sun has done it's job and the harvest has started to be gathered in.

What a perfect year it has been. Many seeds sown and harvested and many more to sew. It's definitely a lesson in reaping what you sew this year. I feel blessed. Blessed that the business is finally working for me, blessed that I have a beautiful and treasured Granddaughter who is growing oh so fast, blessed with friends that are still strong friends no matter how little we see each other and blessed that I have truly met my soul mate, who can receive love as well as give it. Yes, blessed I am.


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