If you want to see what we've been up to.... pop over and see my blog at http://inspiredbyscript.blogspot.com and Steve's Blog at http://stevesmithsjewellery.blogspot.com
At the moment we are very much concentrating on the business, with lots of making and lots of planning and marketing. We have 3 Craft Fairs booked before Christmas and into the New Year there are plans afoot for BIG changes at the Studio and within the business. It's all go, go, go and we are having a ball :o)
I expect blogging here will be thin on the ground for a little while longer, so please bear with us and make sure you check out my Inspired By Script Blog and Website to keep up to date.
Obviously those of my friends who also join me on FaceBook will be more up to date than ever lol. Oh what fun we have!
Meanwhile, keep creating you lovely, wonderful people.... For Creating washes away from the soul, the dust of everyday life. Blessings xxx