I know it seems like my blogging has been a little bit more than hit and moss at the moment…but I AM working hard behind the scenes, trying to master the art of Wordpress as opposed to that wonderful friendly place Blogspot.
The quotation:
“Change is inevitable, struggle is an option” holds no comfort at present and if anyone tried to say this to me I would probably strangle them at the moment J
I have added things, taken them away, moved things and deleted them…almost without knowing why, if and how it happened. My poor long suffering business advisor rings me at night and in his own time to try and sort it out. When I had to email him today to tell him I had somehow deleted (or misplaced) the WHOLE list of shop Categories that took me forever to list…his reply was What the $%&”£*& have you done! I meekly whimpered… and the Warrior woman sprung to life and I told him that Wordpress could send me over the edge… Why do people laugh when I tell them I’m loosing the will to live? Does no one take me seriously any more?
OK… My hair is purple, my socks are stripy and don’t match, I blow bubbles, order LED Poi (despite almost making myself brain dead with the ones I already have!) I wear bright clothes and twirly skirts, dance when I am alone….dance in public sometimes! And today even demonstrated Yoga in the snow… I was helping someone with a bad back, right? I didn’t do it for laughs….why can’t people take me seriously.
My friends are constantly asked if I’ve lost the plot…the smile (or is it a smirk) and reassure me I’m sane….but would I know? That is the question. People are so kind J
Tonight I fell on the ice, got up, fell again, got up…. And stayed up, with nothing more than a crushed box of cat biscuits. Far from being the graceful ice skater and Dancing on Ice…to be fair I felt a bit of a prat….but sadly I laughed… no that’s not true… the comment should be HAPPILY I laughed!
All this fooling aside… I have blogs to share, wisdom to write and inspiration to give….all in the pipeline. Thankfully my followers from The Creative Spirit are now being redirected… and in time I WILL find out how to put in my Blog Roll and add you once again… I miss you guys….Wordpress is so sterile compared to Blogger, but I need to change for the sake of my business.
I am however Adam Ant that the blog will continue to be an eclectic mixture of fun, wild spirits and seriousness and be the Honest Blog on which I based my award.
By the way, I see Haley at
Iridescent Dark has been awarded the Honest Blogger… well done sweetie you so deserve it! And your maturity and Wise Woman ways are far in advance of your age! Brightest Blessings, to you xxx
To be honest... it's been hard leaving Blogger behind, even though all my posts were transferred over to Wordpress, there's a sense of mourning and a feeling like I've left and old comfortable blanket behind.... as with the sun, the warmth and light returns....it's just hard at the moment when I see my business name up there on the banner instead of the Pixie Spirited - Creative Spirit one... 'One feels one has to be far more formal and serious, and behave in a more Professional manner somewhat;.... Hmmmm not really me is it? You can change your clothes and dress how you want....but your soul speaks from the inside... you true authentic self.
And added later: There are things missing! Like where's the
bl@@dy spellcheck? And how do I make my text larger? And how can I change the Font to Ariel instead of that awful (should be banned!) Times new Roman??? So many questions, so little time....rambling now to will press the Publish button!... oh yes AFTER I have selected the 25.000 options that I do and don't want to have on this post... ARRRGGHHH wheres the bridge I'm gonna throw myself off!