Latest update on things in general..... Well Tony is working really hard at developing and launching my website. Hopefully it will be up and running very soon. The month is only half way through but already the orders for books are starting to come in. So today I've spent a fortune on more velvet, paper and ribbon for these books. Tomorrow I must remember to order the pendants for the front. I've also been asked to run a workshop for Eden Valley Scribes in the Lake District sometime in February. Since loosing my sight and appearing to disappear off the face of the earth I get very few workshop bookings now....but I LOVE TO TEACH! and miss the contact with students immensely. I offered to do a workshop on Experimental Calligraphy. Perhaps I should have called it Expressive Calligraphy......Whatever. I am sooo looking forward to it and I know they will be. I'll post more on my blog as soon as I've worked out my lesson plan. Too many ideas and only 6 hours to experiment...it will be more of a case of what to leave out rather than what to put in! The picture shows a few ideas of the type of lettering I'm going to have the students create. Click on the picture to enlarge the image.